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Amanpour hits a nerve: Bajwa terms question on army's capability an 'insult'

Annnd a discussion on Hafiz Saeed brings an automatic warning of 'posts of no value' :disagree:
The issue at hand is Pakistan being labeled and judged inherently putting the civilian and military leadership culpable and answerable to the outsider looking in call him the arbiter. Question is whose bidding is Pakistan doing on its own soil serving maybe somebody else's foreign or domestic policy issues. So Bajwa being on back foot and offendid seems understandable(If one puts it in this context). However if it was a domestic issue Bajwa could have been forthright without taking offense to it as he is not answerable to the outsider.
The proof of the pudding is in its eating. Actions speak louder than words.
That pudding is not for ya my friend..
wrong. You do not understand what an atheist is then. Probably confusing that with the anarchist?

ATheist actually has a better sense of and for human justice in human terms because their terms of reference is devoid of a inexplicable rules of religion. For example they have no qualms making laws that are appropriate to changing circumstances of people due globalization, industrialisation, internet etc.

A religious extremist otoh is stuck with the idea that his/her God made the rules and therefore he cannot change them even when such law makes no sense whatsoever - example sacrificing animals, prohobiting women from driving, asking a rape victim for 4 witnesses!....even muslims who admit these are patently wrong and unjust have no way of changing these rules in an islamic country !

have you counted how many acts of terrorism have occurred in the name of religion in the past 20 years vs all other?

PS. I am not atheist btw. But I am making the point that an extremist religious fanatic is far worse than an atheist.
No where in Islam it's mentioned anywhere that women can't drive...some societies follow this self created rule yes i agree, but you can't blame Islam for it. Plus i can go on an on with you on the other two matters which doesn't make perfect sense to you...but this isn't the right thread for it, don't wanna waste bandwidth here....!
Which nerve did she hit?

CNN is the veritable arm of the US state Dept. It has no opinions of its own when it comes to foreign affairs. They toe the US line at all times.
Terrorists which are threat to Pakistan and Afghanistan stability. Pray tell us Is Hafiz Saeed a threat to AFPAK ?
Terrorists killing Indian civilians - Good terrorists - Masoood Azhar, Mushtak Ahmed zargar, etc.

Terrorists Killing pakistanis - Bad terrorists

Terrorists killing Indian civilians - Good terrorists - Masoood Azhar, Mushtak Ahmed zargar, etc.

Terrorists Killing pakistanis - Bad terrorists


If Masood Azhar and Zargar found in FATA, we will not spare him. Like Bajwa Saab said, we are going after all of them. It can't get more clearer than that. I don't why indians are trying to beat the bush again and again since the topic is about WoT in AF/PAK region where our 99 percent resources are tied.
If Masood Azhar and Zargar found in FATA, we will not spare him.
On Jan 26, 2014, Masood Azhar reappeared after a seclusion of six years. He addressed a rally in Muzaffarabad, calling for the resumption of jihad in Kashmir and Lives in Bhawalpur... Quite clever, if was in FATA, he wouldn't have been spared... but if he is in Bhawalpur, then it's ok.

Like Bajwa Saab said, we are going after all of them. It can't get more clearer than that. I don't why indians are trying to beat the bush again and again since the topic is about WoT in AF/PAK region where our 99 percent resources are tied.
It's AF/Pak, as in afghanistan and Pakistan, not just FATA and NWFP. If pakistan cracks down on all terror groups, like Bajwa Saab Said, it would be a welcome move.
That pudding is not for ya my friend..

No where in Islam it's mentioned anywhere that women can't drive...some societies follow this self created rule yes i agree, but you can't blame Islam for it. Plus i can go on an on with you on the other two matters which doesn't make perfect sense to you...but this isn't the right thread for it, don't wanna waste bandwidth here....!

You say that and obviously Quran will not say women cannot drive because there were no cars then. But the point I'm making is different. Most Muslims I've discussed with, even reasonably well educated ones feel comfortable to accept the concept of making Islamic rulings appropriate to modern society.

Otoh we see fatwas coming out left right and center for all and sundry but they cannot demand a fatwa for cultural integration with country of residence, fatwa for letting women drive anywhere in the world, fatwa for monogamy, fatwa for throwing out inappropriate blasphemy laws, fatwa against religious jihad, fatwa against using loudspeakers at high decibels.....just to name a few.
wrong. You do not understand what an atheist is then. Probably confusing that with the anarchist?

ATheist actually has a better sense of and for human justice in human terms because their terms of reference is devoid of a inexplicable rules of religion. For example they have no qualms making laws that are appropriate to changing circumstances of people due globalization, industrialisation, internet etc.

A religious extremist otoh is stuck with the idea that his/her God made the rules and therefore he cannot change them even when such law makes no sense whatsoever - example sacrificing animals, prohobiting women from driving, asking a rape victim for 4 witnesses!....even muslims who admit these are patently wrong and unjust have no way of changing these rules in an islamic country !

have you counted how many acts of terrorism have occurred in the name of religion in the past 20 years vs all other?

PS. I am not atheist btw. But I am making the point that an extremist religious fanatic is far worse than an atheist.

You are not atheist but you only know about it? !!
I have worked and debated with atheists, so don´t teach me different.
All crimes in this world are because of atheist mentality, they can lie on your face any time, because they do not believe in any one watching and counting their sins.
Atheists, have no rules and why should they have? They do not discriminate eating beef or human meat, they do not have luxury of morals, just behind the wall they can do any thing.
On the contrary, concept of God and belief in it don´t allow any person to even have bad ideas in his mind.
According to Quran, on judgment day, Allah will show all humans, their worldly life like movie and therefore even the mind of believers is clean.
Neither extremism is allowed in Islam nor it was displayed by the believers of Quran/Bible/Torah as heavenly scripture. Which only talk about justice for all and in every act. Which tells all humans have equal rights, Which differentiate between good money and bad money. Which demand from rich people to share with poor... as if its their right.
Where do you see terrorism and potential to change?
you look at those few who kill in the name of Islam but cannot see the remaining billions who are educated and have been delivering good to this world from centuries?
According to Quran, those who claims to be Muslims but don´t behave like one, are called hypocrites ´Munafiq´ those who go opposite to the teachings of Quran or appoint some other god are non believers ´Mushrikin´.
Muslims have rejected those few killers and termed them as Mushrik... i.e. one of the non believers and we are at war with them.
It is funny to see the likes of atheist, keep insisting those as Muslims... which is contrary to the heavenly scriptures, which atheists do not like to read, listen or follow.
Please, tell us who are better... those who believe in rules defined by God or those who openly defy them and act 180° in opposition?

US media knows only how spread lies & propaganda specially against Pakistan. This stupid question was meant to only demoralize Gen. Bajwa but he was ready to fight & defend PA from any crap from US media. Great job General.
He did fine as expected.... and exposed the racist media, run by the so called civilized atheists.

Terrorists killing Indian civilians - Good terrorists - Masoood Azhar, Mushtak Ahmed zargar, etc.

Terrorists Killing pakistanis - Bad terrorists


It is hindu army, which is killing its own citizens.
Your own prime minister is welknown terrorists... and for which murder you associate with the man from Bahalpur?
Your so called mass murderer and Terrorist does have enough credibility to bring US President as chief guest on India's republic day.. and other nations give red carpet to him.. Naive aren't they!!!!!

Business dude, business. West would do business with anyone who can be of any use to them. And as long as he is useful, you would expect the red carpet.

Don't we know about how the top terrorist OBL was treated in the 80s? Or how the red carpet was rolled for all those "Mujahideen"? :-D

The extremist mass murderer Modi was banned to enter any western country not very long time ago :big_boss:
That pudding is not for ya my friend..

No where in Islam it's mentioned anywhere that women can't drive...some societies follow this self created rule yes i agree, but you can't blame Islam for it. Plus i can go on an on with you on the other two matters which doesn't make perfect sense to you...but this isn't the right thread for it, don't wanna waste bandwidth here....!

Neither is it for anyone else it seems since no one buys into your story and nobody is tasting the pudding good!

Q&A With PJ Mir - 20th January 2015

Within 6 mins or so when Aus Ambassador asked about Pak's sincerity he expresses doubt since GOP/ARMY/ISI seems to want to have a foot in both camps. Need I elaborate any further?

If Masood Azhar and Zargar found in FATA, we will not spare him. Like Bajwa Saab said, we are going after all of them. It can't get more clearer than that. I don't why indians are trying to beat the bush again and again since the topic is about WoT in AF/PAK region where our 99 percent resources are tied.

Haven't heard a more duplicitous explanation in some time. If you REALLY want to get rid of all of them everywhere, you will ask for India's help in rooting them out.

Your situation is like that of OJ Simpson who said he will find out who killed his wife but backed off when looked in the mirror:-)
You are not atheist but you only know about it? !!
I have worked and debated with atheists, so don´t teach me different.
Well the rest of your post itself validates of no room for learning.... so you are absolutely right
All crimes in this world are because of atheist mentality, they can lie on your face any time, because they do not believe in any one watching and counting their sins.

Morality is not a virtue based on evaluation by higher power for the sake of reprimand. If your understanding of right and wrong is base on reprimand. then what else can be said, but then again no one expects any better from you either.

Atheists, have no rules and why should they have? They do not discriminate eating beef or human meat, they do not have luxury of morals, just behind the wall they can do any thing.
Your understanding of atheism is exactly as of any other topic you have tried your hands on... At-least you are consistent.

On the contrary, concept of God and belief in it don´t allow any person to even have bad ideas in his mind.
According to Quran, on judgment day, Allah will show all humans, their worldly life like movie and therefore even the mind of believers is clean.
And how is that working out for you... especially you!

Neither extremism is allowed in Islam nor it was displayed by the believers of Quran/Bible/Torah as heavenly scripture. Which only talk about justice for all and in every act. Which tells all humans have equal rights, Which differentiate between good money and bad money. Which demand from rich people to share with poor... as if its their right.
Where do you see terrorism and potential to change?
And how unhinged is that from the reality?

you look at those few who kill in the name of Islam but cannot see the remaining billions who are educated and have been delivering good to this world from centuries?
And by your own words they have been doing this not out of their free will, or intellect, or maral standing but just purely due t fear of judgement day!!! Wow!

According to Quran, those who claims to be Muslims but don´t behave like one, are called hypocrites ´Munafiq´ those who go opposite to the teachings of Quran or appoint some other god are non believers ´Mushrikin´.
Who are you or your type to judge others. Human rights governs ones right to choose thier way of life. Atleast athiest's dont make such silly discriminatory judgements based on beliefs (how ever irrational it might be)

Muslims have rejected those few killers and termed them as Mushrik... i.e. one of the non believers and we are at war with them.
It is funny to see the likes of atheist, keep insisting those as Muslims... which is contrary to the heavenly scriptures, which atheists do not like to read, listen or follow.
Please, tell us who are better... those who believe in rules defined by God or those who openly defy them and act 180° in opposition?
Humans are Humans, Instead of relying on a 2 century old book, Atheists rely on the contextual understanding of moralities. Killing an innocent is a crime, not because t was written in some book, because you can deduce that from logical application of social conscience and moral values.

It is hindu army, which is killing its own citizens.
Your own prime minister is welknown terrorists... and for which murder you associate with the man from Bahalpur?

Might be better if your resist from commenting of topics completely oblivious to you. A little background on topic at hand might help you not looking like dimwit all the time.- Free advice.
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Neither is it for anyone else it seems since no one buys into your story and nobody is tasting the pudding good!

Q&A With PJ Mir - 20th January 2015

Within 6 mins or so when Aus Ambassador asked about Pak's sincerity he expresses doubt since GOP/ARMY/ISI seems to want to have a foot in both camps. Need I elaborate any further?
I simply don't wanna get indulged some sort of elucidations....neither i think that your Mr "No Body" is that much important to us......but for your eyes read this...!!

Pakistan military operation disrupted Haqqani network: US commander
PTINov 6, 2014, 10.24AM IST

WASHINGTON: The Pakistani army's operation in North Waziristan this year has disrupted the Haqqani network but the terrorist group continues to effect Afghanistan, a top American commander has said.

"They are fractured. They are fractured like the Taliban is. That's based pretty much on the Pakistan ops and North Waziristan this entire summer-fall. That has very much disrupted their efforts here and has caused them to be less effective in terms of their ability to pull off an attack here in Kabul," Lieutenant General Joseph Anderson, Joint Commander of International Security Assistance Force said.
"The Haqqani Network is one of the many threat streams that continue to affect us here in Afghanistan. Haqqani Network is focused more on the high profile attack like the large vehicle borne explosives, those types of attacks," he said.

Pakistan military operation disrupted Haqqani network: US commander - Economic Times

You are not atheist but you only know about it? !!
I have worked and debated with atheists, so don´t teach me different.
All crimes in this world are because of atheist mentality, they can lie on your face any time, because they do not believe in any one watching and counting their sins.
Atheists, have no rules and why should they have? They do not discriminate eating beef or human meat, they do not have luxury of morals, just behind the wall they can do any thing.
On the contrary, concept of God and belief in it don´t allow any person to even have bad ideas in his mind.
According to Quran, on judgment day, Allah will show all humans, their worldly life like movie and therefore even the mind of believers is clean.
Neither extremism is allowed in Islam nor it was displayed by the believers of Quran/Bible/Torah as heavenly scripture. Which only talk about justice for all and in every act. Which tells all humans have equal rights, Which differentiate between good money and bad money. Which demand from rich people to share with poor... as if its their right.
Where do you see terrorism and potential to change?
you look at those few who kill in the name of Islam but cannot see the remaining billions who are educated and have been delivering good to this world from centuries?
According to Quran, those who claims to be Muslims but don´t behave like one, are called hypocrites ´Munafiq´ those who go opposite to the teachings of Quran or appoint some other god are non believers ´Mushrikin´.
Muslims have rejected those few killers and termed them as Mushrik... i.e. one of the non believers and we are at war with them.
It is funny to see the likes of atheist, keep insisting those as Muslims... which is contrary to the heavenly scriptures, which atheists do not like to read, listen or follow.
Please, tell us who are better... those who believe in rules defined by God or those who openly defy them and act 180° in opposition?
He did fine as expected.... and exposed the racist media, run by the so called civilized atheists.
It is hindu army, which is killing its own citizens.
Your own prime minister is welknown terrorists... and for which murder you associate with the man from Bahalpur?

@Sandy_2136 has very ably rebutted you non-point by non-point but I do have some to add.

Why do you think atheist will commit sins just because they don't think anyone is watching and keeping count? Is that the only reason you don't commit sins? Doesn't the human being have a sense of justice and fairplay for its own sake ? You are completely degrading god if you bring his functions down to that of an accountant and punisher.

Secondly I have come across very few terrosist statements that say 'in the name of pizza'. They are almost all in the name of islam (90%+) or some other religions (10%).

There is no such thing as hindu army. you seem to be very ignorant of constitution of armies - whether Indian, American or anything else. Why don't you look up data?

What I find is that a majority of muslims do not care about quran as a list pf do's and don'ts' They just lead their normal life, adhering to local customs and traditions of wherever they live. But there is like a 10% idiots that quote quron for everything and blackmail the rest of the world with violence.
Islam matters to those who 1. Believe that this world is created and did not come into being on its own. 2. There is an afterlife and that you will be held accountable.
Hence the meaning of the word Muslim 'the one who submits'. Here and now is all your call. For Islam says when you got the message ... 'there is no obligation ' ... your call and you wouldn't get another chance so be your best or whatever ever really...
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