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Allied forces claim to kill 100 Taliban in Afghanistan

Not really The Taliban are skilled but they are fighting against some very good soldiers not Russian conscripts this time.

That's what the Russians thought before they invaded. The Russians were not afraid to fully wipe out villages (this even Russian made films have shown). I do not rate the allies any higher than the Russians since neither has been able to finish off the job (even with a bigger gap in firepower from the Soviets). If anything, the Russians had better control of the cities and major towns.
That's what the Russians thought before they invaded. The Russians were not afraid to fully wipe out villages (this even Russian made films have shown). I do not rate the allies any higher than the Russians since neither has been able to finish off the job (even with a bigger gap in firepower from the Soviets). If anything, the Russians had better control of the cities and major towns.

Its a valid point. Russians (VVS specifically) too wiped out villages upon villages and killed Mujahideen in scores, however the will to fight and persist will remain with the largest tribal group in the world (I.E. Pakhtuns). You cannot win militarily in Afghanistan and that too in the Pakhtun lands...you can carpet bomb them and kill a few, but they will outlast you.

I know of non-Pakhtun (I point this out to emphasize that it was not some Pakhtuns who were boasting about themselves) Pakistani SF officers who have served in these areas and they say, militarily alone, its not possible to take on and defeat these guys through and through. You will have successes and failures but you would need to sit there...the problem is that these guys will wait you out. Their tribal culture (Pakhtunkhwaa) automatically feeds recruitment as the kin of the dead pick up the rifle and carry on.

As frustrating as it is on the Pakistan side of the tribal areas to wean these guys off militancy, in Afghanistan simply due to the presence of foreign occupiers (ISAF, US), the task is next to impossible.
There is nothing good about this death or that of anyone else...

Ordinarily, I will agree with you. That is true for innocent civilians anywhere.

But when a bunch of people are going around murdering people, burning down girl schools and throwing acid on their faces for daring to attend school, have a proven history of supporting and indulging in terror, genocides of minority sects, attacks on market places to kill civilians etc., one has to differ.

There is no reason to believe the Taliban rule 2.0 will be different from Taliban 1.0, it could only be worse and may include some neighboring countries too.

You may hope that you can tame and use them, never gonna happen. If allowed a base in Afghanistan, they will engulf all surrounding states and become a menace to the people within and the world outside.
It is easy to kill people. It is very difficult to kill and ideology; more so when it is pandered as a mode sanctioned by religion.

The fact that Islam is a ''complete'' religion and there can be no addition or subtraction from the scripture, it becomes all the more a formidable ideology.

And when it is hijacked by mullahs claiming to be ''Islamic scholar", the whole ballpark becomes a dangerous and formidable entity.

This hijack by the so called ''scholars'' and their vociferous manipulation of the religion, that appears credible to the majority of the devout, who are illiterate, then the situation gets explosive!

Terrorists in the name of religion will continue to sprout as each one is mowed down and they will also multiply since religious zeal with be charged with the element of revenge for some near and dear one having been killed.

That is why wherever there are these terrorists working in the name of religion, it will be a long haul! Even Islamic countries find it difficult to bring them to heel. Pakistan has tried all angles and still is floundering.

Therefore, the issue will prolong itself till better sense prevails! Sadly, it is destroying the Islamic countries themselves!

Islam destroying Islam!

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