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Alleged Indian Mujahideen terrorist deported, arrested from UAE


Apr 9, 2013
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Indian intelligence marked another success story as they managed to bring home alleged Indian Mujahideen terrorist Abdul Sattar from the UAE.

Sattar, who has escaped from India in 2007 with the help of the Pakistani intelligence services, ISI, travelled to the UAE via Karachi. According to Indian intelligence sources, Sattar was being tracked for several year and a recent check on visa violations led them to him in the middle eastern country.

According to sources he had settled down in the UAE and started working there. He set up several IM cells there with plans to conduct terrorist attacks in India.

His name first surfaced as an IM operative when he attended a terrorist training camp in Vagamon in Kerala's Kottayam district. While he was not involved in any known terrorist attacks in India, those who trained with him orchestrated the serial bomb attacks in Gujarat.

He was in touch with other alleged terrorists using Skype and other communication methods that are difficult to track. He was also believed to have helped transfer hawala funds to other IM members since 2007.

"We are in the process of interrogating him and we are keen to find out about the other terrorist cells he has helped set up in the UAE," a senior intelligence official told dna. He is likely to be produced in a local court in Kerala and the case will be handed over to the NIA.

His elder brother is also a suspected IM member and is currently on the run. Sattar was declared a proclaimed offender by a local court a few years ago.

A few months ago India's external agency RAW was alerted about his presence in the UAE through its liaison branch. They immediately started working with their counterparts there after he was caught violating his visa conditions.

Last year, RAW managed to get Abu Jundal, also known as Zabiuddin Ansari, another IM member originally hailing from Maharashtra, who was residing in Saudi Arabia. It is understood that American intelligence officials also helped in getting custody of these suspected terrorists.

Alleged Indian Mujahideen terrorist deported, arrested from UAE - India - DNA
now lets have some fun in India too!! I am sure he won't like it here but what to do? Afterall it's a cruel world!
There is a saying, "天网恢恢, 疏而不漏"。。。The net of Heaven is wide and sparse, but nothing can escape its justice.

I don't know how much I'd bring Heaven into this.
But there is also a saying in India which loosely translates as: Do your doings here; and suffer all the consequences here itself.
So that does not even wait for any "hereafter or thereafter".
Maybe the Buddha would've approved of it. I certainly do.
I don't know how much I'd bring Heaven into this.
But there is also a saying in India which loosely translates as: Do your doings here; and suffer all the consequences here itself.
So that does not even wait for any "hereafter or thereafter".
Maybe the Buddha would've approved of it. I certainly do.

Heaven is just a saying, like how the Westerners say God out of habit even if they are atheists. Plus this quote came from Lao Tzu who lived in 600 BC.
Heaven is just a saying, like how the Westerners say God out of habit even if they are atheists. Plus this quote came from Lao Tzu who lived in 600 BC.

No please do'nt misunderstand me. I have no problem with either the concept of Heaven or even more so with God.
I just like to adhere more closely to the philosophical idea of 'here and now'; rather than depending on or putting off things to a "hereafter".
Lao Tsu has been one of the Greatest Thinkers in the History of Mankind. That is what I respect greatly; apart from the fact that he was 'human', not some thing emanating out of nowhere.
Sattar, who has escaped from India in 2007 with the help of the Pakistani intelligence services, ISI, travelled to the UAE via Karachi.
The modus operandi sounds familiar! The exact same as that other prick called Zabiuddin Ansari, who was deported to India from Saudi Arabia last year. :devil:

:sick: now enjoy the desi 3rd degree.
I hope Diggy boy doesn't give him mutton biryani instead. Vote bank politics, you know! :D
The modus operandi sounds familiar! The exact same as that other prick called Zabiuddin Ansari, who was deported to India from Saudi Arabia last year. :devil:

I hope Diggy boy doesn't give him mutton biryani instead. Vote bank politics, you know! :D

:cry: I m more worried about '' nitish or his paltu kutte calling him Bihar ka beta'' .:disagree: one terrorist sister was bad enough , how I m suppose to handle the news of getting a new terrorist brother .
The modus operandi sounds familiar! The exact same as that other prick called Zabiuddin Ansari, who was deported to India from Saudi Arabia last year. :devil:

Naturally; the MO will be like that. Abdul Sattar and Abu Jundal sitting holed up in some ISI safe-house in Karachi would have been totally useless. Just eating some sarkari biryani and living on a stipend, but doing nothing.
Their utility was to go out and find new recruits and set up new sleeper cells, hence they were 're-exported' to what was considered to be 'safe-territory'. But that Jannat (Paradise) seems to be fast turning into "Paradise Lost".
They do'nt have the clout of Dawood who is still a "Sarkari Samdhi" and "Sarkari Jamaai" to get treated to banquets/iftars in high places.
No please do'nt misunderstand me. I have no problem with either the concept of Heaven or even more so with God.
I just like to adhere more closely to the philosophical idea of 'here and now'; rather than depending on or putting off things to a "hereafter".
Lao Tsu has been one of the Greatest Thinkers in the History of Mankind. That is what I respect greatly; apart from the fact that he was 'human', not some thing emanating out of nowhere.

Then I guess you would like Confucius more than Lao Tzu. :D Interestingly, they both lived around the same time, around 2500 years ago.

Confucius always focused on the here and now, and focused on this life rather than the next.
Well Sathar kaka on his way to one of the most interesting place in india..... Well done RAW and GOI.... Waiting for similar news on Bhatkal Brothers
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