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Alleged 'Batman shooter' worked at Jewish camp



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Jun 16, 2012
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How come we're not hearing about it?

just saying.

Alleged 'Batman shooter' worked at Jewish camp
07/22/2012 17:33

James Holmes, who allegedly murdered 12 people in Colorado movie theater on Friday, worked at Jewish summer camp.
Security outside Denver theater Photo: Screenshot
The alleged shooter who killed 12 in a crowded Colorado movie theater worked at a Jewish summer camp for underprivileged children.

James Holmes spent a summer working as a counselor for Camp Max Straus in Glendale, Calif., which is run by Jewish Big Brothers and Big Sisters of Los Angeles, the Los Angeles Times reported on Saturday.

Holmes, 24, is suspected of setting off a smoke bomb late Thursday night in a midnight screening in Aurora, Colo. of the new Batman film "The Dark Knight Rises" and then opening fire on the crowd, killing 12 and injuring dozens. He was arrested early Friday morning

In a statement to The Los Angeles Times, Randy Schwab, chief executive of Jewish Big Brothers Big Sisters of Los Angeles and director of Camp Max Straus, said of Holmes: "His role was to ensure that these children had a wonderful camp experience by helping them learn confidence, self-esteem and how to work in small teams to effect positive outcomes," he said. In a later e-mail, he added: "That summer provided the kids a wonderful camp experience without incident."

Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu sent a letter to US President Obama on Saturday, expressing his condolences and those of the Israeli people to the families of the Americans who were murdered in the Aurora movie theater.

"All Israelis stand alongside the American people in mourning over this terrible tragedy which claimed the lives of so many. We well understand the pain and loss that you are experiencing," Netanyahu wrote.

Alleged 'Batman shooter... JPost - Jewish World - Jewish Features

He was a spree killer guys, its nothing to do with his religious affiliation. Look at the number of serial killers and spree killers in US of A.

Should I start mentioning these killers with their religious background?

These are degenerate people, psychopath, sociopath and what not...giving it a religious angle is not right. Did we receive any news about why he attacked these people on basis of religion.

Are we going to compare them with Jehadis who are prepared on the basis of religion?

The OP doesn't have any knowledge of these type of people. Spicing up things, posting his irrational analysis and POV. This is really a sad state of mind to play religious game on death of 12 unlucky people.
He was a spree killer guys, its nothing to do with his religious affiliation. Look at the number of serial killers and spree killers in US of A.

Should I start mentioning these killers with their religious background?

These are degenerate people, psychopath, sociopath and what not...giving it a religious angle is not right. Did we receive any news about why he attacked these people on basis of religion.

Are we going to compare them with Jehadis who are prepared on the basis of religion?

The OP doesn't have any knowledge of these type of people. Spicing up things, posting his irrational analysis and POV. This is really a sad state of mind to play religious game on death of 12 unlucky people.

True but if he was of Muslim background it would be all over the media and he would be declared a terrorist.
True but if he was of Muslim background it would be all over the media and he would be declared a terrorist.
We will call those media insane too. most of the news channels are no better than cartoon channels to have utter exhilaration.
True but if he was of Muslim background it would be all over the media and he would be declared a terrorist.

You have a point, if that guy would have worked in Iranian summer camp, Israel and US would see it as a definite proof Iran is behind it :disagree: They now blame Iran without even remote circumstantial evidence, and in case like this we would hear war drums :butcher:
True but if he was of Muslim background it would be all over the media and he would be declared a terrorist.
I already said, such type of killers are too common in US. Look at their film industry and books, those who glorify these types of killers. They accept them as part of their society. I have said repeatedly there are almost 50 serial killers active in US at any time in US.

These killers are part of American culture. That's why people are not looking at religius angle. For god's sake look at such teenage spree killers that killed students in their schools. There is a significant list. IF your country posted here is right, you won't look at religious background.

Got my point. Bringing Islam in every second thread has become attraction seeking behavior by OPs and posters. You are indirectly developing prejudice against Muslims which is a shame.
How come we're not hearing about it?

just saying.

:blink:Why if he would have been a Christian would his faith would have been high lighted by your media.

True but if he was of Muslim background it would be all over the media and he would be declared a terrorist.
Yeah i agree in western media if a person is Muslim his faith would be highlighted by the media. That's there bread and butter you know by bringing paranoia they want to sell the news.
How come we're not hearing about it?

just saying.


Unless he was screaming "Jahweh is great" while shooting, or murdered those people in the name of a Jewish cause, I don't see any relevance in mentioning 'his' religion as a motivation for the killing. Apart from the fact that working in a Jewish camp (kudos for the rich Jews who spent their money to underprivileged kids :agree:) does not actually make you a Jew.....

No, what we got here is a confused and ill resented young fella who has fallen from grace in society and was flipping burgers at a local McDonalds.....
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