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Allah has punished me

I was once a proud man who loved women. I loved them so much that I spent most of my life savings on them for the past 12-15 years.

What happened to me last year changed everything up. I became mentally ill and now my once most prized trophies don't phase me anymore. My desire has run out as my willy has given up on me for the time being.

I don't know about you guys buy if this ain't the wrath of Allah, I don't know what is.

Nah, nothing wrong! you probably hit your mid-thirties - it happens to most men.
The upside is you can now finally start thinking with you're head and not the di.k.

Good luck, you'll be fine!
I was once a proud man who loved women. I loved them so much that I spent most of my life savings on them for the past 12-15 years.

What happened to me last year changed everything up. I became mentally ill and now my once most prized trophies don't phase me anymore. My desire has run out as my willy has given up on me for the time being.

I don't know about you guys buy if this ain't the wrath of Allah, I don't know what is.

You should heed the signs.
Get married and live a happy life. Say Istaqfar regularly.
Don't worry your willy would become operational when you marry. :-)
Watching **** excessively can also induce a condition known as PIED (**** Induced Erectile Dysfunction) in which your Willy don't erect any more because your brain is conditioned to **** instead of natural stimulus i.e woman. So bro avoid **** and masturbation & orgasm and after a few months your willy will be fine and will be able to perform on cue.
I was once a proud man who loved women. I loved them so much that I spent most of my life savings on them for the past 12-15 years.

What happened to me last year changed everything up. I became mentally ill and now my once most prized trophies don't phase me anymore. My desire has run out as my willy has given up on me for the time being.

I don't know about you guys buy if this ain't the wrath of Allah, I don't know what is.

In life, we are tested at every turn with everything. Be it poverty, be it a beautiful woman, be it family, be it school, be it work, be it fame or be it your health. The test is to see whether you love Allah Subhanahu Wata'aalah or you love yourself or your things.

Punishment is due to your own doing. Reward is because Allah Subhanahu Wata'aalah is most Gracious and most Merciful.
Keep asking mercy, he is the most merciful !
I was once a proud man who loved women. I loved them so much that I spent most of my life savings on them for the past 12-15 years.

What happened to me last year changed everything up. I became mentally ill and now my once most prized trophies don't phase me anymore. My desire has run out as my willy has given up on me for the time being.

I don't know about you guys buy if this ain't the wrath of Allah, I don't know what is.
I was once a proud man who loved women. I loved them so much that I spent most of my life savings on them for the past 12-15 years.

What happened to me last year changed everything up. I became mentally ill and now my once most prized trophies don't phase me anymore. My desire has run out as my willy has given up on me for the time being.

I don't know about you guys buy if this ain't the wrath of Allah, I don't know what is.

The moment you feel the need to spend lots of money on a woman is the moment you should have cut them off.
Women are an addiction, they're alluring, smell great, are visually stunning and feel so good to touch. There's a reason why the Prophet(saws) called them the greatest test for a man. How many great men fell or lost their way because of a woman or women? So many you'd lose count.
What's happened has gone past, look to the future. Start to engross yourself in a hobby or your work. Build something tangible, and all erase any traces of your links to this woman or women.
Finally take strength from your faith. Allah accepts the repenter always.
I was once a proud man who loved women. I loved them so much that I spent most of my life savings on them for the past 12-15 years.

What happened to me last year changed everything up. I became mentally ill and now my once most prized trophies don't phase me anymore. My desire has run out as my willy has given up on me for the time being.

I don't know about you guys buy if this ain't the wrath of Allah, I don't know what is.

mate , you used the morris to the last kilometer-------- the crank shaft is dead,

just replace it, and u will be again O, zero meter.
The hardest thing we can do is to face ourselves. You've taken the first step in acknowledging your mistakes. Won't lie, the path ahead will be tough but going down that road is not possible without step one.

If you need an anonymous stranger to rant to, I'm more than happy to lend a virtual ear. I was in a very similar situation and talking to a psychiatrist helped immensely (love life has grown leaps and bounds since then with my partner), although I may never take the final step on my path.
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