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ALL Xinjiang related issues e.g. uyghur people, development, videos etc, In here please.

An Independent East Turkestan will be bad for Pakistan

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In Chinese social media, there is a popular catchphrase : ' The heaven is so far away while Xinjiang is very close' (天堂很远,新疆很近), It shows how beautiful this far western region in China is. in the past decade, incredibly fast development took place in cities and towns in Xinjiang and each city and town had been upgraded or rebuilt based on their individually unique local culture and style, let's check them out.

Urumqi City

Swan and Pear blossom city Korla in Xinjiang, paradise oasis in the desert

Small border town Fuyun County in N.Xinjiang full of Baroque style architecture
Fuyun County as the official romanized name, also transliterated from Uyghur as Koktokay County

Small border town Burqin, where China meets both Russia and Mongolia
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Xinjiang desert town Aksu
Billions of dollars worth Xinjiang water diversion project makes this desert city have more than enough water now

Xinjiang small town Wenquan county (Arixang County) and its wetland park

Small border town Khorgas in N.Xinjiang sitting next to Kazakhstan
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Xinjiang small city Changji in N. Xiniang
Changji is a county-level city in N.Xinjiang

Xinjiang Hami town, old quarter, perserved area after renovation
China tries the best to protect the old traditional local architecture on the basis that safety must be guaranteed. These old mud houses all had been rebuilt with steel and concrete to make sure they are earthquake resistant.

Bole as the official romanized name, also transliterated from Mongolian as Bortala, is a county-level town in Xinjiang, China. Bortala means "brown grasslands/steppe" in Mongolian
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Want to know what a safe and peacefully beautiful life is and how people enjoy it, take a night walk in today's Kashgar old town. How many American cities which people can safely leisurely take a late night walk in old quarters alleys?

LOL! Why do people think black Americans are doing poorly in the US as this video shows they obviously live wealthy happy lives better than Uighurs.

Or does relying on a few select videos about Uighurs or black Americans not tell the entire story? :unsure:
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I think he went to Guantanamo prison.
These penalties have a strong American style.

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Thats not coincidence. Its their script to rationalize their criminal regime and offer an opportunity to their population to virtue signal as a means to cope with their own crimes and endorsment of U.S. crimes.

You are supposed to think about Guantanamo and other selected U.S. crimes against humanity and U.S. terrorist activities

U.S. regime and media control dissent, selectively hype up highly withewashed and encapsulated "incidents" where U.S. institutions obiously never fundamentally question nevermind reject their regime or incriminate and actually hold the the U.S. responsible as a whole, rolls over it with a few endorsed vigils, political platidutes and fake concern from U.S. experts in their U.S. ivory towers, while the criminals just continue and suffering of the victims is defacto not just completely ignored, but turned into some selfpity and selfmasturbation festival for U.S. Americans.

Then the subject is declared "case closed" and "come to terms with". Its "history". Its now a dirty spot on a whitewashed vest you want to forget about. At no point is the U.S. recognized as the criminal mafia and genocidal terrorist organization that massmurders, tortures and oppresses people on a daily basis that it is. At best it comes to a "remember Mai Lai yeah that happend", "remember Guantanamo yeah that happend", "remember Abu Ghraib yeah that happend", "remember when that Kuwaiti girl lied" even though all of them always had the full backup of the U.S. regime behind it who instigated them in first place and the consent or at least endorsement of their population.
The general U.S. population does not even actually percieve the U.S. regime as colossal and notoric liars that can never be trusted and Americans in Syria, Lybia, Afghanistan and Iraq as simply criminal massmurdering terrorist, but as liberators who sometimes are reminded about these "uncomfortable incidents". They continue waving their flag and toss consent for these criminals and their crimes into a ballot box.

At the same time the U.S. regime methodically starts projecting, simply put to relativize and distract from their own real crimes, that part is I know more than obvious to everyone, fabricating disinformation that hits close home to crimes and abuses U.S. Americans almost forgot because the majority never really cared about it, nevermind took personal responsibility for, but still knows about. Its just like a Holocaust, its just like Guantanamo, its just like slavery, its just like racial repression in the USA. And since that happend and the genocidal U.S. terror regime and its supportive U.S. population have "come to terms" with those, then the U.S. can, no it certainly must, judge and hold others responsible too even when the U.S. is the only one comitting the crimes.
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LOL! Why do people think black Americans are doing poorly in the US as this video shows they obviously live wealthy happy lives better than Uighurs.

Or does relying on a few select videos about Uighurs or black Americans not tell the entire story? :unsure:
Does China claim US put millions of blacks into concentration camps and commit genocide against them 24/7?
Karamay, a man made oasis city in the desert in Xinjiang via water diversion, Water from The Irtysh river was partly diverted here in the middle of the desert for this new city

Small Kazakh border town Tacheng in N. Xinjiang
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Does China claim US put millions of blacks into concentration camps and commit genocide against them 24/7?

How does a video with an obvious shortage of Uighur young men in it make us think everything is fine?? Women/children to left, women/children to right. It's obvious something is seriously wrong.

2014 Kashgar nightlife

Notice the difference?? Your video shows a ghostown..people were obviously hauled away.
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