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All the wars have been started by Pakistan!!!


Apr 29, 2009
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......all the wars we have started with India, they've never started one, I am not one of those who think we face a threat from India.
Asghar Khan former Air Chief Marshal

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I did not start this thread to besmirch this gentleman. He has given his career in the service of Pakistan. He has ordered young men to to see the fires of hell. It maybe that only such men that know and value the true meaning of peace. He definitely has more inside knowledge of every war that Pakistan has fought than I will ever know.

Let us keep the discussion civil, and once again please do not besmirch this distinguished serviceman. Maybe we can all learn something from what he has to say.

report by Dawn
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wow that was one video.:what:............never see such statements much often.
I think the analyst says clearly - 3:29 on ward, that

"Contrary to the agreed rules of particians India occupied Kashmir"

UN even stated that same issue - Pakistan has all right in word to free its territories. :coffee:

Its a plain and simple territorial dispute

I am sure US would not allow Canada to take over Alaska or take over niagara falls or other regions of US

That is where the difference lies while US/Canada sorted out their issues and grew technologically together and into great allies , Pakistan and India were plagued with wars due to British going away present -

Also the leadership in Congress showed its controlling nature - instead of accepting particians , Indian politicians dragged the two members into a a hostile affair

Pakistan did not even had an airforce or an army in 47/48 , they just had people's support and we still have that support in Kashmir -

Its not matter or pride or sentimental value - its just matter of principle , Kashmir is a region that is populated with people who would like to be part of Pakistan and a simple UN based electoral process can determin the outcome - but India has refused and this is the cause of matter -

If India took Kashmir yesterday and later comes and takes away sindh province what are we to do wait on another resolution from UN ? When someone takes part of your country any free nation will try to recover its people and land and that is why Pakistan was at war over Kashmir -
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Amazing. The LUMS guy Rasul Bux Rais say that "because of the vulnerability of Pakistan, India invaded Kashmir".

In fact, the Kashmir conflict started with the Pakistan sponsored tribal invasion.

That is the pattern - Pakistan resorts to unprovoked agression, gets beaten, and then plays the victim.

The sheer bald-faced lying is really something that one can never get used to. Don't these people feel any shame?
I am not interested in the talking heads opinion. There are enough professors and politicians who will put a spin on any political situation. i am interested in the opinion of an accomplished fighter and leader. We can get into Kashmir and '71 war and skew this discussion out of context. How many Air Chief Marshal's have you had? I would give more weight for Sam Manekshaw's comments of any wars than that of any Indian politician. I would give more weight to General Niazi's comments about 1971 than any proffessor.

So I just want to deal with his comments.........
In fact, the Kashmir conflict started with the Pakistan sponsored tribal invasion.

Kashmir conflict has been half resolved thanks to that "tribal invasion". Please don't forget other invasions which India launched as well in other princely states or states with other colonial powers. Aggression has been committed by India in great number of instances too.
Amazing. The LUMS guy Rasul Bux Rais say that "because of the vulnerability of Pakistan, India invaded Kashmir".

In fact, the Kashmir conflict started with the Pakistan sponsored tribal invasion.

That is the pattern - Pakistan resorts to unprovoked agression, gets beaten, and then plays the victim.

The sheer bald-faced lying is really something that one can never get used to. Don't these people feel any shame?

You are absolutely right. However it derails the thread. I want this thread to be about Agshar Khan, a brilliant and moral individual.
Few other people beside Asghar Khan had the courage to put the record straight and admit that infact wars have been started by the Pakistani side in the past.

But then exact opposite impression has been constantly propagated by the pakistans ruling establishment, which for the most part of the history remainded under the military for who an hostile india is an essential requirement to justify its status as the overridding enetity in pakistan keeping it out of the Harm's Way from the imaginary dirty claws of evil india.
In fact, the Kashmir conflict started with the Pakistan sponsored tribal invasion.

Why not take it back one step further and tell us where the muslim dominated regions to be part of india or pakistan?

The fantasy spread by the indians that the tribals invaded for no reason while the indians where willing to have a vote on the issue is untrue.......you sent a military force in first thinking the pakistanis would not notice then pakistan sent in its people.
ACM Asghar Khan is more like the Imran Khan of today. Brutally Honest, Hardworking, Great Philanthropist, Well Respected in his field but at the same time a totally failed politician having null vision or any political sensibility to be someone to eventually make a difference.

His opinion, respected as it may be, just remains that.

Insofar the accuracy of his statement is concerned; it has more to do with his personal perception than the historical fact. To start a war, its not necessary to fire a bullet first. Wars are started to counter injustice. Kashmir (occupied by India), Bangladesh (fueled by India), Siachin (occupied by India), Nuclear Race (started by India), Indus Water (being blocked by India), Insurgency in Baluchistan and SWA (financed by India) so on and so forth.

I have great respect for the old man, but at the same time like many Air/ Army/ Navy out-of-service chiefs on both sides of the border he tends to twist, see and interpret more in a fact than what is there. I know an ex-Navy Chief who believes that the world is run by a 'Serpent' Organization with multiple Jewish Heads!! Enough said!
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Few other people beside Asghar Khan had the courage to put the record straight and admit that infact wars have been started by the Pakistani side in the past.

But then exact opposite impression has been constantly propagated by the pakistans ruling establishment, which for the most part of the history remainded under the military for who an hostile india is an essential requirement to justify its status as the overridding enetity in pakistan keeping it out of the Harm's Way from the imaginary dirty claws of evil india.

ACM Asghar Khan's words may be music to your ear's but the authenticity of his claim is not shared by majority of Pakistanis who know Bharat's real face in Kashmir & now in Baluchistan and SWA! And to get your so called 'record straight' it has been during all the military regimes that peace with India has prospered in Pakistan and during the civil regimes that all the wars have been fought! So do not try to preach if you do not have your facts straightened out! Jaswant Singh writes one book praising the great Jinnah and your entire Indian 'democracy' blows up!
Insofar the accuracy of his statement is concerned; it has more to do with his personal perception than the historical fact. To start a war, its not necessary to fire a bullet first. Wars are started to counter injustice. Kashmir (occupied by India), Bangladesh (fueled by India), Siachin (occupied by India), Nuclear Race (started by India), Indus Water (being blocked by India), Insurgency in Baluchistan and SWA (financed by India) so on and so forth.


Kashmir - The tribal invasion was initiated at your end. The rest is history.

Bangladesh - Fueled by Pakistan's misguided policies, not ours. If Pakistan can pull a '65, India can pull a '71. All's fair in love and war.

Nuclear race - started by China (Russia, US, France, UK....)

Indus water treaty: proof? acknowledged by the intl' community?

Balochistan: proof?

Pakistan is not the victim here.
ok there soo if we dont got no harm from thoes 700000 active soilders should de decreased to 300000 so we can save money and spend it on the people!!!
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We Pakistan will not allow India to dominate south asia

We pakistan have equalised india,s previous conventional superiority with nuke weapons.

Our Nuke Arsenal is INDIA SPECIFIC.
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