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All Pakistani F-16s are accounted for: US Govt buries Indian propaganda.

Although the news likely won’t sway Indian voters, Vipin Narang, an associate professor of political science at MIT, said the way the events have unfolded may affect India’s efforts to deter Pakistan in the future.

“As details come out, it looks worse and worse for the Indians,” Narang said. “It looks increasingly like India failed to impose significant costs on Pakistan, but lost a plane and a helicopter of its own in the process.”

embarrassing enough? or not yet?
You are continuously trolling these guys, looks like you are having a field day.

Lol okay just try to imagine this.
IAF. Abhinandan shot down Pakistani F-16.
Me. Who told you?
IAF. Abhinandan
Me. How he was under arrest in Pakistan.
IAF. Modi can talk to anyone in dream.
Me. You win.
Indian government mostly contains of stubborn liars and most of Indians have blind faith in them because of deficiency of grey matter in their skulls.
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