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All Aboard ! Let's tour the JS Izumo , folks !

Good carrier dude. I like the photos and japan too.
What a beautiful country.
i like their anime.
Hey just a favor can anyone give me details of final fantasy movie series wise not randomly. I would really appreciate.
Different countries have different answers.
It is US that does not want Japan to be a normal country.
US limit all attacking force for Japan and only leave defense force to Japan..

This is simply not true.

Article 9 and the U.S.-Japan Security Treaty | Asia for Educators | Columbia University

"The American vision of an unarmed Japan living in peace under the supervision of a world government was short-lived, however, because the international scene changed rapidly in the late 1940s. Chiang Kai-shek, America's wartime ally in China, was defeated by the communists and fled to Taiwan in 1949. Another one of America's wartime allies, the Soviet Union, quickly came to be seen as the greatest postwar threat to democracy. And in 1950 the Korean War pitted communist forces in the Far East against a United Nations force made up largely of Americans. Thus, by 1950 when John Foster Dulles was appointed to begin negotiating a peace treaty with Japan to conclude the American occupation, he and most other American policy makers had come to see Japan as very important to the defense of American interests and democracy in the Far East.

In negotiating the peace treaty that would end the occupation and return political control to the Japanese government, Dulles also sought to pressure the Japanese to rearm and to conduct a military alliance with the United States. Although most of the allied countries signed the treaty, which was presented at San Francisco in 1951, several Asian states did not, including the new People's Republic of China (whose representatives were not invited to the conference) and the Soviet Union.


Ironically, by the end of the occupation it was the Americans who were pressing for Japanese rearmament while the Japanese government resisted rearmament in the name of the American-inspired constitution. Dulles encouraged Japan to rearm itself in order to become an effective military ally of the United States, but the Japanese were very reluctant, as many remained shocked by the devastation of the war. The Japanese finally agreed, however, to the minimum compromise that the Americans would accept, which was the creation of a "National Police Reserve," a paramilitary force of 75,000 to defend the Japanese islands."


If Japan repeals Article 9 tomorrow the US isn't going to be complaining
All this stuff you have in your head about the US "keeping Japan down" militarily is FALSE.
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Hope to see this in India ocean
wonderful ship. how about joint hunting game in the SC Sea?
What a beautiful ship. I mean really, it's as if those guys hired a haute couture designer to draw it. Looks so clean and futuristic. Aside from that nonsense, I shudder when I think the world's three biggest shipbuilding nations (you guess who) would become allied one day. Would be awesome!
Thanks buddies, the most important thing about these classes of ships in the fleet is that it enables the fleet to get its "feet" wet , lol, on how to operate such platforms again. Perhaps after the next carrier platform is designed, it can carry VSTOL, and fixed wing aircraft. So many opportunities. lol.
If Japan repeals Article 9 tomorrow the US isn't going to be complaining
All this stuff you have in your head about the US "keeping Japan down" militarily is FALSE.

It is not false.

Anyone with eyes can see that the current JSDF (all branches) are virtually devoid of offensive land attack capability.

Ships lack Tomahawk.

Helicopter carriers lack AH-1Z, AV-8B, and F-35B.

JASDF aircraft lack SDB, JSOW, SLAM-ER, and JASSM.

The only offensive capability they have is the very small inventory of JDAM and the recent purchase of Harpoon Block II.

But compared to the UAE's recent purchase of 4,900 JDAM and 5,000 SDB and what does Japan really have? Nothing but a small pittance, and certainly not commensurate to the size of Japan's economy.
Let me be the first Indian to welcome this beaut in Indian Ocean... Annual IN-JN Naval exercise ala Malabar is must with Carriers,SSNs/SSKs , Destroyers and Frigates from both Friendly navies... :)

Come to think of it, We are also looking for four LHD/LPDs.. Maybe if Abe permits, IN can have a look at this..
It is not false.

Anyone with eyes can see that the current JSDF (all branches) are virtually devoid of offensive land attack capability.

Ships lack Tomahawk.

Helicopter carriers lack AH-1Z, AV-8B, and F-35B.

JASDF aircraft lack SDB, JSOW, SLAM-ER, and JASSM.

The only offensive capability they have is the very small inventory of JDAM and the recent purchase of Harpoon Block II.

But compared to the UAE's recent purchase of 4,900 JDAM and 5,000 SDB and what does Japan really have? Nothing but a small pittance, and certainly not commensurate to the size of Japan's economy.

Because we were , relatively, defensive based. That will change now with recent changes in articulations regarding our defense roles. The future shall open doors that will enable the Japanese Armed Forces to be proportional to our economic size. :)

Its all a good thing. Rest assured you don't have to worry.
Because we were , relatively, defensive based. That will change now with recent changes in articulations regarding our defense roles. The future shall open doors that will enable the Japanese Armed Forces to be proportional to our economic size. :)

Its all a good thing. Rest assured you don't have to worry.

Welcome to the next (and more perilous :angel:) level of the Game of Thrones, Nihon-koku. We will keep a close eye on all of your moves. :)

Concerning the Izumo, I guess it's not a bad idea to see her in a multinational naval exercise with the Liaoning. This shall ensure security and, at least, *partially* remediate misunderstandings between Japan's neighbours in East Asia. Let's hope Washington wouldn't mind it, since the PLAN already has taken part in last year's RIMPAC exercise. :-)
It is not false.

Anyone with eyes can see that the current JSDF (all branches) are virtually devoid of offensive land attack capability.

Ships lack Tomahawk.

Helicopter carriers lack AH-1Z, AV-8B, and F-35B.

JASDF aircraft lack SDB, JSOW, SLAM-ER, and JASSM.

The only offensive capability they have is the very small inventory of JDAM and the recent purchase of Harpoon Block II.

But compared to the UAE's recent purchase of 4,900 JDAM and 5,000 SDB and what does Japan really have? Nothing but a small pittance, and certainly not commensurate to the size of Japan's economy.

Where does it say in some headline "US blocks Country X weapon system sales to Japan"?
Where does it say in some headline "US blocks Country X weapon system sales to Japan"?

He will respond by stating that Japan lacks strategic depth and then post a picture of China's nuclear firing range. As per his post history and habits. lol.

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