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Featured All 3 FATF-Related Bills passed in Joint Session


May 15, 2014
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All 3 FATF-related bills passed in joint session marred by opposition protests

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The government on Wednesday managed to pass three crucial Financial Action Task Force (FATF) related laws in a joint session of the parliament that was marred by the opposition's protests.
Prime Minister Imran Khan also attended the joint session which was chaired by National Assembly Speaker Asad Qaiser. Leader of the Opposition in the National Assembly Shehbaz Sharif, PPP chief Bilawal Bhutto-Zardari, former premier Shahid Khaqan Abbasi, Jamaat-i-Islami senators Sirajul Haq and Mushtaq Ghani and PPP Senator Raza Rabbani among others were also in attendance.
As soon as the session began, Adviser to the Prime Minister on Parliamentary Affairs Dr Babar Awan tabled the Islamabad Capital Territory (ICT) Waqf Properties Bill which was initially passed through a voice vote.
However, the NA speaker asked for a vote count with members being asked to stand up from their seats after the opposition shouted in protest. The bill was passed with 200 members voting in favour and 190 voting against it.
A clause by clause reading was done with each clause being approved by the house. Amendments to certain clauses were proposed but rejected by the house through a voice vote. The ruckus continued as opposition members chanted slogans during the voting on amendments in the clauses of the bill.
JI Senator Mushtaq Ghani, who introduced amendments in several clauses, angrily accused the speaker of "passing legislations illegally". He also claimed that the speaker had not allowed him to speak on his turn.
Opposition members also insisted on speaking while amendments were being introduced but Qaiser insisted that only lawmakers who wanted to move amendments should address the parliament. When opposition lawmakers continued to make noise, the speaker asked Awan to read out the rules regarding addressing while voting was underway. According to Rule 130, Awan said, only lawmakers who wanted to move amendments were allowed to speak while voting was underway.
Amid the racket, PTI MNA Maleeka Bokhari introduced amendments in several clauses of Anti-Money Laundering (Second Amendment) Bill, all of which were passed.
While Bokhari was reading out proposed amendments, the opposition walked out. The Anti-Money Laundering (Second Amendment) Bill, which was then tabled by Awan, was also passed through voice voting without any opposition.
PTI MNA Faheem Khan tabled the Anti-Terrorism Act (Amendment) Bill, 2020 which was also passed without opposition.
According to the ATA (Amendment) Bill, 2020, the investigating officer, with the permission of the court, can conduct covert operations to detect terrorism funding, track communications and computer system by applying latest technologies in 60 days. The bill was rejected by the Senate earlier today.
After the parliament passed the bills, the prime minister thanked lawmakers who voted in favour of the legislations for "standing with their country".
During his address to the parliament, the prime minister said that the opposition's "attitude" in the session today and earlier negotiations on the bills showed that the "interests of [opposition parties] and their leaders were the opposite of Pakistan's interests".
"Going on the black list would mean sanctions, our economy crashing; we were hoping opposition would jointly pass legislation for FATF because it's for Pakistan, not [our] personal interest," PM Imran said.
The premier told the assembly that during the negotiations, the opposition had proposed 34 amendments in the NAB rules.
"They used FATF to protect their interests [...] when they saw we weren't being blackmailed, they got stuck on money laundering," he remarked. He criticised the opposition for suggesting that money laundering be excluded from NAB rules, saying that if they had nothing to hide, there should be no reason to oppose its inclusion.
He said it was "important to pass this legislation, not [just] because of FATF but money laundering". He recalled that he was asked to provide a money trail for an apartment he bought in London, even though he did not hold a public office at the time.
"If I, being a sportsman, can provide a money trail for the money that I brought into Pakistan, can't they (opposition) show a single document?" he asked.
"I want to tell the opposition that we are ready to compromise on everything for the [sake of] the country. But we will not compromise on corruption," he declared.
At the end of the prime minister's speech, NA speaker Qaiser also congratulated the house for the "historic legislation" and prorogued the session.
Earlier during the session, Awan had also tabled the Islamabad High Court (Amendment) Bill, 2019 in the house, which was passed without any opposition.
The house also passed a bill regarding the rights and inclusion of differently-abled persons in the society that was tabled by Human Rights Minister Shireen Mazari. The house was being chaired by Senate Speaker Sadiq Sanjrani at this point.
Earlier, PPP Senator Raza Rabbani had raised objections over Awan tabling the bill, saying that according to a court judgement, advisers do not have the power to move bills in the assembly. Law Minister Farogh Naseem, in response, said that the judgement quoted by Rabbani was regarding the special assistants of the prime minister.
Naseem said that there was no law against advisers tabling bills in the National Assembly, however, they cannot vote.
FATF-related bills blocked by Senate
President Arif Alvi called a joint sitting of both houses of Parliament today and the government is trying to get the three FATF-related bills passed, sources had said.
These bills include the Anti-Money Laundering (Second Amendment) Bill, the Islamabad Capital Territory Waqf Properties Bill and the Anti-Terrorism Act (Amendment) Bill, 2020, all of which were previously rejected by the Senate.
Last month, the 104-member Senate had rejected the Anti-Money Laundering (Second Amendment) Bill and the Islamabad Capital Territory Waqf Properties Bill, both of which are also FATF-related, objecting to some of the provisions and linking its cooperation to retraction of remarks made by Leader of the House Dr Shahzad Waseem about certain leaders.
Earlier, during today's Senate session, 31 members had voted in favour of passing the bill on terror financing while 34 voted against it. The Anti-Terrorism Act (Amendment) Bill, 2020 was rejected a day after it was passed by the National Assembly, making it the third FATF-related legislation to have been blocked by the opposition-dominated upper house.

So all 3 bills have finally passed. Pressure on opposition paid off and some from opposition did not vote against the last Bill.

Hopefully this will now make it easier to get out of the grey list.
FATF is a political tool to use against us to put us into our place. Regardless of what we do they are not going to let us get out that easily there is always going to be something else. Sort out the loans and economy and then fears on our economical pressures will be much much less. I think IK should have made conditional with Trump meeting even bringing Taliban to the table never mind the negotiations success US will get us off the hook. Now US is off the hook but we are still nailed to the floor.
Good news. Pakistan needs to modernize its financial sector to levels in other parts of the world. Low domestic investment is holding our economic growth back. Efficient allocation of capital is critical for Pakistan to get out of the cyclical BOP crisis that we have witnessed in the past.
I've said this before

FATF can be entirely positive for PAKISTAN

We need these laws for our own sake forget the world
The FATF pressure could end up being like the Pressler amendment. Pressler forced Pakistan to develop JF-17 and PAC's manufacturing capacity. FATF pressure has only made Pakistani security apparatus begin to focus on sustainable economic growth and will force needed changes to make our financial sector more efficient. Good for us in the long term and something that would not have changed without pressure.
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Passing of all these bills without any NRO type concessions (such as opposition's demand to change NAB law) has severely damaged the opposition. Hard to escape the accountability that will come after these bills.
Prime Minister Imran Khan addressing the join session of parliament, on September 16, 2020. — Geo News
ISLAMABAD: A joint sitting of parliament on Wednesday passed amendments in three bills crucial to the fulfillment of the Financial Action Task Force (FATF) requirements.

Prime Minister Imran Khan also attended the session summoned by President Arif Alvi and chaired by National Assembly Speaker Asad Qaiser.

The opposition staged a walk out in protest after most of their proposed amendments to the bills were rejected and they were not allowed to speak.

Members of the opposition walking out in protest. — Geo News
The three bills that were passed with amendments were the Islamabad Capital Territory Waqf Properties Bill, 2020, Anti-Money Laundering (Second Amendment) Bill and the Anti-Terrorism Act (amendment) Bill, 2020.

According to Radio Pakistan, the Islamabad Capital Territory Waqf Properties Bill is aimed at proper management, supervision, and administration of Waqf properties in the territorial limits of Islamabad Capital Territory.

The Anti-Money Laundering (Second Amendment) Bill, 2020 is "aimed at streamlining the existing anti money laundering law in line with international standards prescribed by FATF", said the publication.

The Anti-Terrorism (Third Amendment) Bill, 2020 aims to curb terror financing.

The session also passed The Surveying and Mapping (Amendment) Bill, 2020 and The Islamabad High Court (Amendment) Bill, 2019.

The Surveying and Mapping (Amendment) Bill, 2020 is targeted at preventing the printing, displaying, dissemination of or use of an incorrect and unofficial map of Pakistan.

The Islamabad High Court (Amendment) Bill, 2019 seeks to increase the number of judges in the court from seven to ten, including the chief justice, for the early disposal of long pending cases.

Other bills passed include Pakistan Medical Commission Bill, 2019, The Medical Tribunal Bill, 2019 and The ICT Rights of Persons with Disability Bill, 2020.

Upcoming legislation for rapists
PM Imran addressed the session soon after the passing of the bills.

He said that the day marked an important one and parliamentarians present in the House had demonstrated they stand with Pakistan.

"Before moving on to the FATF bills, I will speak of the motorway incident," said the premier.

"We are thinking of passing legislation that not only protects our women but also our children whose lives are ruined.

"Rape should be viewed in this way that it is something that destroys lives. In our culture, families suffer also, and the children, especially, have life-long trauma."

The prime minister said the government will have a three-tiered approach.

"Firstly, we will have registration. Sex offenders everywhere are registered. They are usually repeat offenders," he said.

"Just like Abid. He was involved in a gang-rape in the past and he was able to get away with it," PM Imran said.

He said that far too many incidences go unreported. "We always find out that a small number is reported."

The premier said that a bill to address the issue of rape will be presented in the parliament soon.

"It will not only focus on exemplary punishment, but also conviction, to begin with, which is not easy. The kind of evidence required is very difficult to put forward."

He said that for the victim to stand in the witness box and provide a statement is also a very difficult task and so, the a "comprehensive legislation" will be introduced also keeping these aspects in mind.

'Opposition's interests opposed to Pakistan's'
"On FATF, we should all know that it wasn't during our government we fell under FATF's scrutiny and were put in the grey list. We inherited this problem [from past governments]," the premier said.

He said that blacklisting would mean sanctions and being cut off from other countries.

"A country already facing a depletion in foreign exchange reserves will see pressure on its currency.

"The fallen rupee will see a rise in prices on imports, including oil and then power, input costs such as petrol, diesel and then transport — this all leads to a rise in poverty," PM Imran said.

Citing the government's "success in emerging from the COVID crisis", he said even World Health Organisation is asking others to "learn from us".

"I was hoping the opposition will thank us for bringing the country out of the difficult time [...] in a democracy, the opposition has a great role, because they represent the public and safeguard their interests," PM Imran said.

"But when I saw the opposition's attitude [...] whatever my views had always been regarding the opposition proved true, the way they approached the FATF legislation," said the premier.

He said he thought the opposition will work together with the government because it is in Pakistan's interest. "Not only did they not thank us, but I was likened to Modi and his lockdown[...] all there has been in parliament is criticism. They should have praised us a little at least."

The prime minister said that during negotiations with the opposition, their behaviour "made it evident that their interests and Pakistan's interests are opposed".

He said that they only sought to protect their own interests and "attempted to blackmail us in every way possible".

PM Imran said that of 38 proposed amendments to the accountability law, they put forth their own amendments to 34 clauses. "They simply wanted to bury the NAB legislation."

"They used FATF legislation to save their own selves from corruption charges [...] when they saw we weren't being blackmailed, a snag occurred while discussing anti-money laundering legislation."

Discussing the menace of money laundering, he said illegally obtained funds are always kept abroad and invested in properties.

"The developing world is getting poorer because each year around $1,000bn go to developed countries this way."

He said this money, it it were used in the country, would go towards human development.

"These dollars that are sent abroad, it ultimately puts a pressure on the rupee [...] and then they ask us to exclude money laundering from [National Accountability Bureau] legislation," remarked the prime minister.

He said passing the legislation that had been approved today was most important for money laundering in particular. Citing a report by the US State Department, he said money laundering worth $10bn is carried out from Pakistan. "And the loan that we took from the IMF is $6bn [...] if we stop this money laundering we will no longer need these loans."

Addressing the opposition, he said that the government is ready to compromise on anything in favour of Pakistan "but we will never compromise on corruption".

The prime minister also lauded the passing of legislation pertaining to international best practices to be followed by the Pakistan Medical and Dental Council.

Parliamentary proceedings
At the outset of the session, Adviser to the Prime Minister on Parliamentary Affairs Dr Babar Awan tabled the bill pertaining to Qaqf properties. A voice vote was conducted and the motion to table the bill was passed.

Subsequently, the NA speaker proceeded to conduct a vote count, asking the parliamentarians in favour to stand up. On the motion to present the bill, 200 voted in favour and 190 opposed it.

The bill was read out clause by clause, with amendments to some clauses approved, while others were rejected, by a voice vote.

Opposition members loudly voiced their opposition to amendments in the bill.

Senator Raza Rabbani of the PPP also objected to the bill being tabled by Awan as advisers to the prime minister do not have the authority to do so.

As PPP chairman Bilawal Bhutto Zardari sought to address the session, foreign minister Shah Mahmood Qureshi said people who have proposed amendments should be allowed to speak instead.

"How can Bilawal speak if he hasn't proposed an amendment," he remarked.

His statement was echoed by Awan who read out the rules of the parliament and underlined the importance of the anti-money laundering bill, which he said was essential for Pakistan to exit the FATF grey list.

Former premier and PML-N stalwart Shahid Khaqan Abbasi, after standing up to move an amendment, said that the way the session is being conducted makes it impossible to know which amendment is being discussed.

"If you read Rule 126, [you will find] it is important to have held a general discussion before we move on to the amendments," he said.

Subsequently, Abbasi's proposed amendment was rejected by the House through a voice vote.

Amid noise by the opposition, PTI MNA Maleeka Bokhari introduced amendments to clauses in the Anti-Money Laundering (Second Amendment) Bill. As she continued to read these, the opposition staged a walk-out in protest.

Awan tabled the The Anti-Money Laundering (Second Amendment) Bill, which was also passed through voice voting without any resistance since the opposition were no longer in attendance.

The Anti-Terrorism Act (Amendment) Bill, 2020 was then tabled by PTI MNA Faheem Khan and it too was passed without any incident.

Read more: NA lawmakers pass amendment in bill to curb terror financing

Earlier today, in a session of the Senate, the Anti-Terrorism Act (Amendment) Bill, 2020, was rejected.

Adviser to the PM on Parliamentary Affairs Dr Babar Awan had moved a motion on Monday under Rules of Procedure and Conduct of Business of the House to refer the two bills to the joint sitting as provided by the Constitution. The motion was adopted by the House.

Meanwhile, Prime Minister Imran Khan convened a meeting of combined parliamentary parties of the ruling coalition to discuss the strategy for the important legislation.

According to sources, the prime minister directed the lawmakers to ensure their presence at the meeting to be held at 02:30pm at the Parliament House.

Bills rejected in Senate
On August 25, the opposition-ruled Senate had rejected the bills earlier adopted by the NA, as two major opposition parties – the PML-N and PPP – declined to support them.

The two parties insisted that the Leader of the House should withdraw his remarks against their leadership and the laid-down procedure concerning the bills be followed.

However, Dr Shahzad Waseem, who represents the prime minister in the House, maintained that he had not named anyone and made a general statement that Pakistan had not been put on the grey list during the PTI government.

The PPP legislators were adamant that Dr Waseem should clarify that no political leadership but the Foreign Office had issued a notification against other persons and outfits, including Hafiz Saeed, Lakhvi, and Lashkar-e-Taiba.

Awan had moved the bills for consideration and adoption. However, both were rejected through the voice vote.

Babar was of the view that the chair could use its discretionary power for consideration and passage of the bills, keeping in view the national security and interests, as members of all parties had already debated and considered the bills.

@The Eagle
Merge my mistake, saw it a bit late:

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