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Aliens to come to Earth to enslave and eat humans

i have braught disturbing news.... Just 3 weeks ago few more Reptilian Motherships seen on Sun recharging its Battleships or weapons by solar energy.... Look at the size of it.... i think it must be bigger then Earth.... Sadly Our ATHENA starship was near mercury and not over Sun.... Please if u cant view the youtube video then cut and paste the youtube video headline in youtube search box.... Must watch....
YouTube - Massive UFO Surfing Next To Sun 2012 HD
YouTube - Massive UFO By the Sun before NASA SOHO Goes Offline
@isro2222 kya hindi malum he apko?

NC ko pakda gaya...:cheesy::mod:
@holmes Yes mujhe hindi aati hai...
@everyone later i will show u runway on mars with beautiful base which was build million years ago.... You can even view it Live on Google sattelite....
@carlos i just brings the proof.... Nothing else....
Proof? Quoting weekly world news, showing known fake videos on youtube and quoting "humans representatives of the Andromeda Council" is proof? A real ufologist like Bill Barnes or A.G Gevaerd would not take this seriously.
@carlos there are many Ufologist who proved Aliens are real and so did Military and goverment around world.... You prove aliens are fake instead of keep repeating same stuff.... This was my last reply to you. i don't like talking to people who are stuck in 3rd dimension and refuse to move ahead of it..... Am here because i have been told to spread love and peace message of Galactic command and Arcturians.... You don't want to believe then let it be.... Am here to guide people how to help themself by helping Starship Athena....
@carlos there are many Ufologist who proved Aliens are real and so did Military and goverment around world.... You prove aliens are fake instead of keep repeating same stuff....
I believe in aliens and such (My country's airforce had many records of operations against OVNI's such as Op.Prato), but i just think that what you're saying is almost crazyness, a Starship is at our orbit but no one can see and protect us from reptilians that control our governments sounds kinda weird to me
Non sense. Life is specific to the planet that it evolves on. Even if Aliens come here, they will bring message of peace, friendship and wisdom. I highly doubt they would even want to come here. Spaceships are man's toys, the mind is gods spaceship and it is faster than thought.
@icewolf i wish you had read my all previous posts.... Anyway am always ready to help. Going into 5th dimension is not difficult.... Its all in believing in. Meditation, focusing is the most important thing to achieve 5th dimension. i will tell you how i reaching 4th dimension and can feel 5th dimension but before i tell you how i did it i want you to visit this all links.... But first download the youtube video and then read the other links.... Then i tell u the secret how i did it. Please take a look at the Links.... Arcturians Bless you....
YouTube - Arcturian Key Codes,Crystals and Multidimentional DNA Activation
Fifth Dimension Exercise by Dr. Bruce Goldberg
5th Dimension & Ascension - Awakening Minds
Being Encoded into the Arcturian Stargate
Lesson One: Arcturian Mind Control THE POWER TO THE 5TH DIMENSION – Ashtar Command - Spiritual Community Network
Living in the 5th Dimension and Releasing the Illusions of the 3rd Dimension

Hi.. if i practice and somehow manage to contact arcutarians.. like u did.. would they give me any super power or something like tht..
Im not kidding, im serious. plz reply. can they give me any super power or something ?
@metro they will heal you. They will make u more calm and you will have power to heal sick person.... You will glow and you will live healthy life. When its our time to leave our body then we go in bright light (Athena starship) and there we get permanant stay. Do you know that Ashtar is a commander and he is energy which can take human shape? Ashtar stays in Athena.... Many souls (brain energy and Aura) works with 5th to 6th dimension arcturians.... They even send us in new body on earth with better life.... But if u think u want power to rule your city then it wont happened.... America wanted that but that made humanoids sad and upset.... If you want power than reptilians will help you. George bush prays to evil (reptilians).... Do you know every american president comes to meet reptilian before taking post? Only they can help you. If you want spiritual power and better life then activate arcturian code with meditation and chakra cleansing....
@avatar would you like to prove it why Earth is the only planet that has life? Like why you think we humans so lucky even when there are 2 billion earth like planets and 1 billion planet sun?....
The Milky Way Has Two Billion Earthlike Planets: How Many Will Prove to be Twin Earths?
Yup according to modern archaeological studies- The ruins of the ancient cities of Mohenjo-Daro and Harappa are extremely radioactive-
Some thing exploded killing the whole civilizations- but keeping most of the infrastructure intact-

The Brahmastras, The Chakrams, The Vimanas-
Looks like the ancient Pakistanis lost to Indian Gods big time-

Mohenjadaro and Harappa
Scientists Davneport and Vincenti put forward a theory saying the ruins were of a nuclear blast as they found big stratums of clay and green glass. High temperature melted clay and sand and they hardened immediately afterwards. Similar stratums of green glass can also found in Nevada deserts after every nuclear explosion.

Interesting account from Mahabharata-

The Mahabharata clearly describes a catastrophic blast that rocked the continent. "A single projectile charged with all the power in the Universe...An incandescent column of smoke and flame as bright as 10,000 suns, rose in all its splendor...it was an unknown weapon, an iron thunderbolt, a gigantic messenger of death which reduced to ashes an entire race.

"The corpses were so burned as to be unrecognizable. Their hair and nails fell out, pottery broke without any apparent cause, and the birds turned white.

"After a few hours, all foodstuffs were infected. To escape from this fire, the soldiers threw themselves into the river."

In my personal opinion- i believe the cause of destruction was some ancient meteoroid fireball-
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