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Algeria's celebration of November first and the uninvited guest

They are not violent. Now. I know these people, I know them more than anyone here. They are dangerous and they must be taken care of swiftly and forcefully.
The security forces collapsed their windpipe and they are grasping for air, added to the shunning by the society.

Secretary of State John Kerry

And Algerian Foreign Minister Ramtane Lamamra

Before Their Meeting

September 18, 2014

Treaty Room

Washington, D.C.

SECRETARY KERRY: Good evening, everybody. Thank you very much. I'm sorry to keep you waiting. I apologize for running a little late. But it's a great pleasure for me to be able to welcome the foreign minister of Algeria here to Washington. Foreign Minister Lamamra and I are getting to be old friends, if not a little older, and I'm enormously appreciative of the wonderful visit that I had to Algeria where we talked about a great many of the regional issues.

Today I want to particularly thank the Government of Algeria for their very prompt and strong support for the coalition to deal with the problem of ISIL. We're appreciative of their efforts in counterterrorism particularly.

And also in the course of the next days in New York I will be hosting a small meeting of key nations that have an interest in Libya. We all know that Libya is challenged right now. A near neighbor, Algeria has critical relationships, and together with Egypt the region is working very hard to help deal with this issue. We want to be supportive and we want to work cooperatively, and I look forward to not just the discussion we have today but to furthering our efforts in this small group meeting that takes place in New York.

So these are important days; there's a lot happening. All of us need to rely on each other and work together cooperatively, and I'm glad we have a friend and a partner in Algeria. Thank you.

FOREIGN MINISTER LAMAMRA: Thank you very much. Well, back in the month of April President Bouteflika and I were very much pleased to receive John Kerry. It was his first official visit to Algeria, building on the solid foundations that our predecessors did put for our strategic partnership. I believe that the meeting was fruitful; it has opened very, very numerous avenues for us to work closely together. Our bilateral partnership is promising; it encompasses so many areas of business. It is not anymore limited to energy; it covers so many areas, and it is really a good terrain and good ground for American companies to come and to contribute in the development of Algeria.

In the political area, I believe that we have been developing the strategic partnership which covers so many areas. We work closely together. We share values and interests, and I believe that our consultations have always the impact of moving forward issues in a way that contributes to ensuring the blessings of a normal life to our people in our region and beyond our region.

Algeria and the U.S. have been developing a very effective and action-oriented counterterrorism partnership. I think it has proven to be very serious. Algeria, as you know, can be counted among the few countries that have effectively defeated terrorism. We have paid the very high price for that, but we enjoy today security, a very reasonable level of security and a quietness in our country. And we do contribute; as I say, we are a security and stability exporting countries. We work with our neighbors, we develop very good relations and partnership, and as the Secretary said, Libya as well as Mali, immediate neighboring countries to Algeria, where as you know, terrorism and instability prevail. They are the focus of our immediate diplomatic action, while of course contributing our share to resolving other issues beyond our borders.

SECRETARY KERRY: Thank you, my friend. Very important.


SECRETARY KERRY: Thank you all.
For those who master the French language or understand algerian spoken language
2000 years of algeria's history in 10 min...

Western Sahara Conflict - UN Decolonization Doctrine Must Be Upheld, Says Lamamra

New York — Foreign Minister Ramtane Lamamra on Saturday in New York called the United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-Moon to uphold UN doctrine regarding the decolonization of Western Sahara.

The assessment report Ban Ki-Moon will present in 2015 about Western Sahara conflict between the Kingdom of Morocco and the Polisario Front "should uphold UN doctrine on decolonization and evaluate the effectiveness of the resolutions of the Security Council and the General assembly," Algerian Foreign Minister stressed during the general debate of the 69th ordinary session of the UN General Assembly.

"Algeria, whose undeniable support to Western Sahara people's self-determination is well established, encourages the UN secretary general and his personal envoy, Christopher Ross, to intensify their efforts to restore peace" in the region, Lamamra said.

"In its capacity as a coordinator of the Non-Aligned Movement (NAM)'s work team on the revitalization of the General Assembly, Algeria will continue its efforts for the UN body, which is the most representative of the international system, to recover its prerogatives."

in the bubble: well we looked everywhere...at Tikjda...
Algerian police march to Algiers to vent its grievances.

In the absence of the Director General of National Security (DGSN) and Interior Minister Tayeb Belaiz, both in Ghardaia, hundreds of police stormed the streets today, October 14 in Algiers.

Directorate of republican security units (HARD) El Hamiz downtown, more than a hundred police officers made, in the pouring rain, a silent and very disciplined march.

"It's almost a walk in close order as they were made during military service" a colleague observed with humor.

Arrived at the Government House, police shouted "long live Algeria", "Glory to the martyrs" and sang the national anthem.

The rally was held peacefully without special security arrangements and without any slippage.

Very disciplined Protesters refused, however, to make any statement. As if their presence in front of the Government Palace was sufficient and compelling message that did not need words.

Tension in the Algerian-Moroccan border
Morocco accuse the Algerian soldiers to have fired toward Morocco and gravely wounded one her citizen. Algeria refute the claim, and accuse the makhzen of news manipulation.
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Boots noise at the Border?

Algiers SUMMONS the charge of Moroccan Affairs

The Algerian Foreign Ministry summoned Sunday Moroccan charge of Affairs in Algiers, where he was received by the General Secretary, Abdelhamid Senouci Bereksi, following the accusations made by Moroccan officials about the firing charge by the Algerian army against Moroccan citizens.

A statement from the Foreign Ministry says that because of the absence of the ambassador, the charge d'affaires of the Kingdom of Morocco which was called "following the verbal escalation orchestrated by Moroccan officials against Algeria, whose forces have been falsely accused of shooting a Moroccan civilian "

According to the statement, the Secretary General of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs "has rejected outright the Moroccan claims on gun fires attributed to the Algerian military." on October the 18th, in which a Moroccan citizen was wounded.

After the police march to Algiers, NO POLICE UNION AND HAMEL, POLICE CHIEF STAYS!


The Morocco brandishes the threat of a military confrontation with Algeria to impress the UN

ARTICLE | 19 OCTOBER 2014 - 1:57 P.M.

Mohammed VI. DR
On the eve of the examination of the question of Western Sahara by the Security Council, scheduled Monday, October 27, Morocco, as usual, is trying to create a diversion uphill hairpin incident altogether trivial, since This, according to available information, a defensive action on the Algerian territory against the intrusion of Moroccan traffickers. In Algiers, it is estimated that the staging and excessive dramatization of this incident to put our country at fault.It is the goal assigned to Moroccan officials to put pressure on members of the Security Council with the menace of a likelihood of military confrontation between the two countries.

Dely Ibrahim, the first colonial village
October 20, 2014BABZMANHistory , French colonization (1830-1962)0

In Algiers newspaper dated December 21, 1961, Charles wrote that Nupin Dely- Ibrahim was in 1830 on the site of the current Haouch village (farm). He added that Ibrahim was famous in the eighteenth century. He was born in Izmir (Turkey), and have lived in Algiers during the reign of Mohamed Baktash Pasha, commander of the fearsome Yoldaches, Turkish infantry troops. Its violence and impulsivity earned him the nickname Dely, the "crazy".

It is this character immortalized in history as the common Dely Ibrahim takes its name. Nupin continues: "Wanting dignity of Pachalik Ibrahim boos with some officers and assassinated the Pasha Mohamed Baktash, March 27, 1750."
He noted, in passing, that the pressure of Yoldaches rebellious forces the Divan (Diwan) in proclaim Pasha. Not for long, since four months after his inauguration, Divan, population and even the military wants to get rid of.
"In August of the same year, a new revolution in the palace explodes and Ibrahim Pasha in the following drops his predecessor and his victim at a time. "

Located 250 meters above sea level, Dely Ibrahim is raised by the engineer commander Vincent Yves Boutin who asked to Napoleon in 1808, observations around Algiers.
"Under the guise of a peaceful fisherman, the Boutin commander surveyed the seabed, to conclude that the best place for a military landing is Sidi Fredj, "says Jean-Pierre Busso.

The minaret with viewpoint perched on the heights of Dely Ibrahim is dedicated to his memory. It is the monument that symbolizes Boutin centenary of colonization. The strategic location of the site, on the road to Sidi Fredj, it is, in fact, been the scene of harsh fighting between French troops and soldiers of Hussein Dey, particularly in the "last five days of June 1830, "when the Duke of Cars has suffered heavy losses in their ranks.
"Le Bois des Cars we know, by the way, today is not only a utilitarian planting, but more of a commemorative work in the memory of the French soldiers, "said Jean-Pierre. "It sets up in 1912, a monument topped by a bust of Lieutenant General Duc des Cars. Le Bois des Cars is full of Aleppo pines, cedars and cypresses, "he continues.
However, Dely Ibrahim is undoubtedly the first colonial village founded after the meadows of Algiers, the fortified camp established on the location of the farm Ibrahim, 26 September 1831 The Royal Order signed September 21, 1832 is his birth certificate.

The local authority has two headquarters civilian and military. The Duke of Rovigo and Baron Pichon share it. Its scope ranges from Sidi Fredj Oued Beni Messous, near Guyotville (Ain Benian) and "Air France" (Bouzaréah) at Wadi Kerma.
in this quadrangle, born gradually El-Achour, Draria Saoula Ouled Fayet, and Staouéli Cheraga. Jean-Pierre Busso that paints a vivid picture of the village, said that Ibrahim Dely- with staggered hillside houses, align the only bakery in the country (Sampere), the Inn of the Good Duck (Aubis) deemed for a certain food, the monument to the dead, coffee France (Picot), City Hall and the grocery HUGOU.

In the upper part, post and its dependencies are dominant: "The breeze brings the smell of pine balsamic Hood of Cars. And any side, the view stretches into the distance. Everywhere around small villages, itchy red and white countless hills, westward slope gently down to the sea and the horizon, the profile Chenoua its magnificence. "
The land at departure is inhospitable to early arrivals (Bavarian and Württemberg), continues to feed, however, most of its inhabitants and even distant populations because the gates of the modern city, continues to annually produce a movement of seasonal farm.

When big jobs, says Jean-Pierre, it returns farms farm workers who will leave then. They always come from the same villages and the same families. Traditionally, this is the region of Dellys and Candle that provides this extra. In this regard, a resident of the city reveals that the first inhabitants of Dely Ibrahim are Bougiotes.
agricultural area by its rich lands so Dely Ibrahim is now a privileged area for outrageous urbanization . Moreover, housing is in two forms: subdivisions composed essentially of individual dwellings and the rest of colonial-style houses. The estates were built before independence in response to political and social concerns.

Writer historical researcher
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1954-1962 ALGERIAN HEROES....


Zighoud , Amirouche, Bentobal et Benaouada

from left to right : colonel Mohammedi Said, colonel Yazourene Mohand Ameziane aka "Said Vrirouche", colonel Si Abderrahmane Mira and the fourth unknown?.

Algerian plate....and challenges
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Sellal went Tamanrasset to re-assure the Touaregs ...

Slimane Azem, A poet and a singer got his street in Paris, France.
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