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Algeria's celebration of November first and the uninvited guest

Secret Difa3: the mysterious bombing of Tripoli would be Algerian

For Secret Difa3, Algeria has good reason to carry the raid against the weapon depots controlled by Libyan Islamists.

After the State Department retraction of the Egyptian-Emirati responsibility in the mysterious air bombing of a stockpile of weapons in Tripoli, the Algerian track resurfaced.

For Akram Kharief, journalist and editor of the blog Secret Difa3 specializing in defense issues and geostrategy in North Africa, many indicators suggest that the Algerian air force carried the raid with the acquiescence of the western powers, even if he carefully worded his assumption. The Algerian expert on defense believes that Algeria is the only country - next to the West , involved in the Libyan chaos, is equipped and experienced to carry out a surgical attack of this type, at night and at a distance of nearly 600 km from its air bases in the east. Algiers had received informations on the taking control of an important weapon depot by the Libyan Islamist militia, which is a danger to her national security,." Akram Kharief told Maghreb Emergent, the Western powers would support Algeria's actions, because they share the same concerns as Algiers, on the dangers of taking control of a strategic stockpile of weapons by an extremist groups. American diplomacy eventually pulled back the statement, where initially attributed the raids to the Emirats, which would have taken off from a base Egyptian located near the borders with Libya.

The Monday of August 18 airstrike, at 2 am, destroyed targets south and east of the capital Tripoli, who had not experienced such air intrusions since the fall of Muammar el Gueddafi's regime. The mystery , soon amplified, since, neither the West or the Libyan authorities could identify the aircrafts. The United States, France and Britain, had immediately denied any involvement in the attack. Algeria had followed suit in their footsteps, highlighting its military doctrine of non-intervention outside its borders. A doctrine undermined by insistent information on "preventive" military operations that were conducted by the ANP in Libyan territory against jihadists.

Daesh planning to establish bases at the Algerian and Tunisian borders.
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Little Algeria in Israel. A community of Algerian jews established In Southern Israel close the Egyptian border in the 60's. For english click on cc..
You can open a thread about eritrea. i will be happy to answer all your questions there. but i hope you are prepared to return the favour when i open threads about algeria and it's hidden secrets as well. i am open for open dialogue mate i am not afriad of it. Bring it on.
You need to calm down. This is an Algerian thread so why go off topic by mocking their country bro?

Crash of an Antonov 12 to Tamanrasset

An Antonov 12 cargo plane registered in Ukraine crashed in the early hours, fifteen minutes after takeoff from Tamanrasset airport. It was 2:40 am when the aircraft disappeared from the traffic control radar screens. The crash zone was located about fifteen miles south of Tamanrasset.

The cargo plane of the Ukrain Air Alliance whose registration number was not yet known was en route to Santa Isabel, Equatorial Guinea.
We ignore for the moment the nature of the cargo and airport of origin, knowing that Tamanrasset is frequently used as a transit airport for the long haul to Africa.
Antonov 12 is a transport aircraft dating from the Soviet era, it was used by many armies in the world. Since gradual withdrawal in favor of newer craft, it has become the darling of the small airlines of the former Communist bloc and arms dealers of all kinds.
Tamanrasset Airport is challenging due to its altitude and the distance separates it from other areas airports which does involves taking off with a full load of fuel. The terrain surrounding the airfield, sometimes over 3000m, create aerodynamic turbulences, leaving little chance for pilots to maneuver.
Three charred bodies were located and no survivors were found. The search is ongoing for the reminder of the crew of seven.
secret-difa3 at 11:04
The dismissal of Belkhadem, viewed by the Algerian public and dramatized by the cartoonist Dilem.

Gonzales met with Sellal, the Algerian Prime minister and the Army Chief of Staff



The American artist Asad Faulwell revisits portraits of Algerian heroines of the war of independance.

At first glance, you will not surely recognize Bouhired Djamila, Zohra Drif and Hassiba Ben Bouali. Surrounded by a multitude of floral and geometric pictograms thousand colors, the famous "moudjahidate" of the War of Independence against France are barely recognizable.


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While Ebosse was buried in Douala, Cameroon, JSK's fan gave the last goodbye to a soccer player they cherished so much.
The last two Algerian hostages freed in Gao


The consul Boualem Sayes, who died from chronic disease, according to official sources. Rida / New Press

The last two Algerian hostages kidnapped on April 6, 2012 in Gao (northern Mali) were released Saturday.
Pictures of the cashed the Ukrainian Antonov soth Tamenrasset.

A Ghardaian given two years jail time for video taping two policemans pilfering and putting it in youtube. Reaction of the public thru Dilem....
in the bubble, the judge: today 2 policemans thief, tomorrow a corrupt judge! 2 years jail without parole!

Bouteflika immortalized with a book.. Buddhaflika.
In the last 8 months Algeria made 18 oil and gas discoveries.

Bamako and armed groups of Northern Mali negotiating a peace settlement in Algiers.
Bamako and the Malian armed groups continue to negotiate
AFP SEPTEMBER 1ST, 2014 AT 22:23

A French convoy near Gao, Mali, in November 2013 (Philippe Desmazes. AFP)
The discussions take place in Algeria, which acts as the mediator.

The second round of negotiations between Bamako and Malian armed groups opened late Monday afternoon in Algiers with the goal of bringing peace in northern Mali, still unstable despite international military intervention launched in 2013 against the Islamists.

The first phase of the discussions had ended 24 July in Algiers by the signing of a "roadmap for negotiations." Algerian Foreign Minister Ramtane Lamamra whose country mediates said at the opening of this new meeting, it was a phase of negotiations "substantial". "We will spare no effort to make from a high point in the quest for a just and lasting peace in Mali "step of Algiers , has he added.

For its part, the Malian Foreign Minister Abdoulaye Diop assured that the Malian government was committed to "accept and comply fully and completely as soon as possible ', the agreements to be adopted at the conclusion of these negotiations.

The issue is critical for Mali, plunged into a deep political and military crisis since the offensive launched in January 2012 by the Tuareg rebellion of the National Liberation Movement of Azawad (MNLA) in the north. This crisis has been marked by the takeover of the north by jihadist groups allied with al-Qaeda, which ousted the MNLA there. If these groups were dislodged by the largely launched in January 2013 at the initiative of France -the former COLONIAL power and ongoing international military intervention, the North remains shaken by deadly actions.Before the meeting in Algiers, the "hawks" and "doves" of the armed Tuareg and Arab groups met in recent days in Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso, to sign a document.They thus sealed the apparent unity of most armed movements of northern Mali, except for jihadist groups, Bamako does not consider them partners.

In the group of "hawks" are men MNLA, the High Council for the unity of Azawad (HCUA, in which ex-jihadists are recycled) and a wing of the Arab Movement of Azawad (MAA), which had defeated last May the Malian army in Kidal (northeast), home of the Touareg, in a brief and violent resumption of hostilities. Including the "doves" have another wing of the Arab Movement of Azawad (MAA), the Coalition of the people of Azawad (CPA), which is a division of the MNLA, and a wing movements vigilante " sedentary "in northern Mali.

At the opening of the Algiers meeting, a representative of the group of "hawks" Ag Mohamed Gharib, has called for a "final solution" that would prevent any "resurgence" of the conflict. The chairman of the coalition of the people for Azawad (CPA), Ibrahim Mohamed Salah, the group of "doves" said he had to "have the courage to give the benefit of the doubt to those currently in power" in Bamako.



Rue d'Isly ( Rue Larbi ben M'Hidi, today) 1912


Birkhadem, became a county (commune) in Dec 31, 1856

Caroubier, a gas station...suburb named after the Caroub tree that towers over the railroad.(1961)

Cheraga, 1970

El Biar, 1970..Mouloud Feraoun was killed there March, 5th, 1962 by the OAS with five of his friends.

The Big Mosque, built by the Almoravides Amazigh dynasty in 1097,

Hussein day, was the hub of the tabacco stores. Attached administratively to Kouba in 1835, was made commune in 1870

Mosquee de Kouba.
La Place Mauritania en 40

Known as the main gate to the center of Algiers.The Place Mauretania overlokk the Gare D'Alger (train station) L'Agha, and take to the actual Hassiba Ben Bouali, Charras St and Maurice Audi St.


Placette Hydra

hydra, is a commune located 3.6 miles sw of Algiers at an altitude of 750ft.

the oldest structure of the commune is the Chateau d'Hydra, built in the 18th century. This Spanish-moorish structure is actually housing the French Embassy, gave its name to the area.

The Placette, is one of the most popular area of the Hydra, since with its original aspect, it remains unchanged since thhe colonial era.

La Rue Audin (actuelle Didouche Mourad ) en1973

Audin St, the actual didouche Mourad , 1973, was named to honor Maurice Audin, french mathematician, communist member and war of independence militant

Staouéli Main street, in 1918
located 12 miles west of Algiers, it is the theater of several historical episodes, from the French landing expedition at Sidi Fredj June the 14th 1830, and the Staoueli battle , the first battle of the French and the defenders of Algiers regency on June 19th, 1830.
Algeria guest of honor at the European Fair. Sept 2014


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