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Nov 28, 2012
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United States
It is the first time, since 1962 that Algerian has crossed her borders. Two regiments,a paratrooper and a mechanized crossed into Libya a week ago . Their goal is to clean an area from Sabha , all way up to Zentan of djihadists and re-establish order. American and french troops are conducting the same in different sectors...


LIBYAThe Algerian army intervened in western Libya
Since the independence of Algeria in 1962, it would be the largest outdoor operation by Algerian forces. Launched on May 29, this offensive is backed by U.S. forces, Chadian and French

Benghazi, on June 2, forces allied to General Khalifa Hafter -AFP/STR
No official has spoken yet the National Popular Army (ANP) would be from May 29, at war against terrorist groups in western Libya. The day of start of the offensive, the British newspaper The Times gave the information, citing the British think tank The Henry Jackson Society, a senior official announced that a shipment of American, French and Algerian special forces in Libya with South main objective the elimination of terrorists from Al-Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb (AQIM), the destruction of their weapons infrastructure, communication and training in the region.

The alliance of convenience between Algeria, the United States and France which adjoin Chad, probably Libya, but also the forces of General Khalifa Hafter that pounded the region of Benghazi [since May 16] confirms the encirclement of jihadist terrorists in the Libyan South.Mokhtar Belmokhtar was located by the Algerian authorities in Tripoli a few weeks before the attack Tiguentourine [January 16, 2013, Mokhtar Belmokhtar men stormed the gas site Tiguentourine In Amenas] is the priority target for Algerian commandos in their operations.

Flexibility and speed

According to our information, a military source, paras 3500, a full regiment, and a support group and logistical support of 1,500 men are being made on the other side of the border. Another source, diplomatic this time, that in addition to 5,000 soldiers on the ground, there would be a significant mobilization of air power, transport aircraft, fighters, bombers, transport helicopters and attack, reconnaissance aircraft and UAVs operating in Libyan skies.

It would be the same Parachute Regiment who supported the Scorpion Quick operation, stormed and successfully released in January 2013, the gas complex Tiguentourine In Amenas. According to a senior, the preparation of the mission and the regrouping of forces was made last week of May. Emphasizing flexibility and speed, the troops sent to the area are equipped with small arms and armed 4x4 vehicles 12.7 mm machine guns, probably backed by armored wheeled BTR.

Actual power fire from the air, with cover heavy MI24 helicopters. If the article of Times confirms the high degree of coordination between the three services, the role of Algerian paratroopers would specifically to secure the border, fill the supply points and cut off the retreat groups who try to flee the fighting in eastern Libya. To deter those who wish to join the Sahel, the Chadian army is responsible for securing the band Aouzou and Tibesti [in northern Chad border region with South Libya], leaving little leeway for jihadists . The French army had also appealed to members of the Special Operations Command that a detachment was stationed in Niger: they have means of monitoring based in Chad and Niger as well as attack helicopters Tiger and Caracal for transport .

Secure oil sites

The U.S. military, including deployable force is only 5 to 800 men, based in Spain, with the rest of impressive logistics including Hercules and V-22 Osprey. These traqueraient right now jihadist groups in the South and would secure Libyan oil sites. The goal for the ANP, "clean" cities and Nallout Zentan, near the Tunisian border, jihadist training camps and true platform for sending arms to Algeria. They then push the Sebha oasis, real logistics node of the Libyan desert.

According to a military source, this whole operation was "clumsily camouflaged" by the staff who hastily organized a combined exercise in the Sahara, on May 28. On this occasion, a TV show, where intermingle archive to more current sequences, was cobbled together at breakneck speed. The day before, the general Boualem Madi, head of the central management of the information and guidance within the ANP, said on the air Alger Chaîne III that "the situation was worrying border."


Elwatan: Algerian secret war in Libya
قوات خاصة جزائرية تخوض معارك ضد الجماعات المتشددة داخل ليبي


© أرشيف
نص طاهر هاني

آخر تحديث : 06/06/2014

كشفت جريدة "الوطن" الجزائرية أن قوات عسكرية جزائرية، وأمريكية، وفرنسية تخوض معارك داخل الأراشي الليبية، من أجل القضاء على الجماعات الإرهابية في عملية عسكرية، هي الأولى من نوعها منذ استقلال الجزائر في 1962.
كشفت جريدة "الوطن" الجزائرية الناطقة بالفرنسية اليوم الجمعة أن فرقة "كومندوس" جزائرية تنشط داخل الأراضي الليبية للقضاء على الإرهاب. وأضافت أن عملية دحر الإرهابيين هذه تتم بمشاركة قوات خاصة أمريكية وفرنسية، فضلا عن جنود من تشاد وآخرين تابعين للجنرال الليبي خليفة حفتر.

وتهدف هذه العملية المحددة في الزمن حسب" الوطن" إلى القضاء على مقاتلي "تنظيم القاعدة في المغرب الإسلامي" وتدمير إمكانياتهم اللوجستية وتلك المتعلقة بتقنيات الاتصال.
وأعلنت الجريدة أن نحو 3500 جندي تابع للقوات الخاصة الجزائرية " العقرب السريع" مدعومة ب1500 مختص في المجال اللوجستي والتقني يخوضون معارك داخل التراب الليبي، فيما أشار مصدر دبلوماسي جزائري أن طائرات حربية ومقاتلات جوية تساند هذه العملية جوا.

تأمين الحدود الجزائرية

وتسعى القوات الخاصة الجزائرية إلى تأمين حدود الجزائر وقطع الطريق أمام الإرهابيين، في حال حاولوا الفرار عبر شرق ليبيا إلى الجزائر، إضافة إلى القضاء على الإمدادات العسكرية واللوجستية للجماعات الإرهابية.
بدوره، يعمل الجيش التشادي على تأمين منطقتي " أنزو" و" تبستي" ومنع الإرهابيين من الوصول إلى منطقة الساحل. أما القوات العسكرية الفرنسية المتواجدة في النيجر، فمهتما هي مراقبة تنقل الإرهابيين عبر الصحراء وقصفهم بمروحيات حربية من طراز " تيغر".

وأضافت جريدة" الوطن" الجزائرية أن دور القوات الخاصة الأمريكية يكمن في تأمين المنشآت النفطية الليبية ودحر
الجماعات الإرهابية التي تتنقل في عمق الصحراء الليبية.

تمشيط مدينتي نالوت والزنتان

هذا، وقد استهدفت القوات الخاصة الجزائرية الجماعات الإرهابية المتواجدة في مدينتي نالوت والزنتان الواقعتان قرب الحدود التونسية. هاتان المدينتان تحولتا إلى مناطق لتدريب الجهاديين، وإلى معبر لنقل الأسلحة إلى تونس ثم الجزائر.
وتأتي هذه العملية، وهي الأولى من نوعها منذ استقلال الجزائر في عام 1962، بعد أيام قليلة من تصريح أدلى به الجنرال مادي بوعلام، مسؤول الإعلام داخل الجيش الجزائري مفاده " أن الوضع على الحدود الجزائرية يبعث على القلق".
وجدير بالذكر أن القوانين الجزائرية تمنع تدخل القوات الجزائرية خارج أراضيها كونها قوات دفاعية قبل كل شيء.

طاهر هاني
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I don't get why the Western world and Arab counterparts think this is the solution to resolving the problems in the region. This will only increase sentiment against local governments. Some serious changes need to occur to counter the ever-increasing movement. This isn't a movement by now, it's a bunch of splinter groups who have no real objectives but do everything to oppose local regimes. They don't want to live under such administrations and want to see a regional change.

Launching military operations won't curtail this and will only increase it. I can't believe the stupidity of the West. Hope the 'terrorists' inflict casualties on them.

Is it an invasion?

Yes it is, although probably consented to by the Libyan 'government'. Meaning the base which is trying to take control of Libya and avoid equal representation.

Joint adventure with US and French forces will only hurt their image as well.


No, isn't related to Hezbollah.
I don't get why the Western world and Arab counterparts think this is the solution to resolving the problems in the region. This will only increase sentiment against local governments. Some serious changes need to occur to counter the ever-increasing movement. This isn't a movement by now, it's a bunch of splinter groups who have no real objectives but do everything to oppose local regimes. They don't want to live under such administrations and want to see a regional change.

Launching military operations won't curtail this and will only increase it. I can't believe the stupidity of the West. Hope the 'terrorists' inflict casualties on them.

it was the west who helped these groups in the first place now they are a threat to Egypt and algria all the weapons who entered Egypt came from libya not to mention reports about escaped brotherhood members in libya forming armed militias the same can be said about Algria so it is only normal to see this
it was the west who helped these groups in the first place now they are a threat to Egypt and algria all the weapons who entered Egypt came from libya not to mention reports about escaped brotherhood members in libya forming armed militias the same can be said about Algria so it is only normal to see this

The West 'helped' these groups yet is active in operations against them. What's wrong with you man? Who or what feeds you these lies?

The West is so afraid of the current Arab governments that support the will of the people and are less than a year away from destroying Israel...tell that joke to somebody else that's an complete idiot.

The people who you chose to represent you are the ones who side with the West and help Israel. It's not the other way around. As I've said, keep it up. So the struggle is only going to increase. It's not about one or two political parties.

Our leaders don't know how to solve problems the right away.
Is it an invasion?

it is just a search and destroy operation, to neutralize the militia, destroy their training camps, weapon depots and to secure oil and gas installations. The operation area extends from the Algerian eastern border all the way to Sabha and north to
zentan to secure the Tunisian/Libyan border.


no hizbollah, just el Qaida and some of her offshots..

i wish this is true
It is true...There is also a 500 Egyptians navy commandos in the Egyptian/Libyan border that are waiting for reinforcement to take part of the deratisation of the bearded takfiri.
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@Ceylal l You can't mount a successful S&D operation against insurgents without having long term boots on the ground to maintain the gains made. Your country is getting into a bigger, longer fight which will drag chaos to your own streets.
The West 'helped' these groups yet is active in operations against them. What's wrong with you man? Who or what feeds you these lies?

The West is so afraid of the current Arab governments that support the will of the people and are less than a year away from destroying Israel...tell that joke to somebody else that's an complete idiot.

The people who you chose to represent you are the ones who side with the West and help Israel. It's not the other way around. As I've said, keep it up. So the struggle is only going to increase. It's not about one or two political parties.

Our leaders don't know how to solve problems the right away.
the west helped overthrow qaddafi with jets and air support unless you deny this and what was the result armed militias fighting and extremists not only doing damage to libya but also Algria and Egypt or are you saying that the west was surprised to see brotherhood rule in Egypt tunis and libya every one knew that because it was them that were organized and well funded after regimes fall
I did not mention isreal this is about security in north africa isrealis are far away from all this

@Ceylal l You can't mount a successful S&D operation against insurgents without having long term boots on the ground to maintain the gains made. Your country is getting into a bigger, longer fight which will drag chaos to your own streets.
maybe after this some help to arm libyan army to do his job and we are done
I don't get why the Western world and Arab counterparts think this is the solution to resolving the problems in the region. This will only increase sentiment against local governments. Some serious changes need to occur to counter the ever-increasing movement. This isn't a movement by now, it's a bunch of splinter groups who have no real objectives but do everything to oppose local regimes. They don't want to live under such administrations and want to see a regional change.
We all know your position on the matter...We look at it differently since it in our backyard and we are dealing with it, in our way...There is no place to such individuals in modern times and we will not let them destabilize Tunisia or roots within her borders...

Launching military operations won't curtail this and will only increase it.
We shall see..

I can't believe the stupidity of the West. Hope the 'terrorists' inflict casualties on them.
I think the stupidity lies with these new Muslims that became the West stooges. I didn't see Americans killing Syrians, they were muslims, armed by muslims and financed by muslims that are destroying Syria...It wasn't Americans that killed Algerians in the 90's, it was muslims trained and armed by muslim arabs.

[quoted]Yes it is, although probably consented to by the Libyan 'government'. Meaning the base which is trying to take control of Libya and avoid equal representation.[/quote]
If Libya had a government, we won't be here...

Joint adventure with US and French forces will only hurt their image as well.
How does it hurt our image? Americans and French are not holding our hands. They are not all together...Each force has a sector and act independently from the other, save communication and coordination...
the west helped overthrow qaddafi with jets and air support unless you deny this and what was the result armed militias fighting and extremists not only doing damage to libya but also Algria and Egypt or are you saying that the west was surprised to see brotherhood rule in Egypt tunis and libya every one knew that because it was them that were organized and well funded after regimes fall
I did not mention isreal this is about security in north africa isrealis are far away from all this

The West wanted to secure their oil deals, they didn't expect militias to be so influential and thought they'd get a government. Although to them it isn't that relevant what happens in Libya but rather the regional trend. The West works ahead, they knew the MB would win and probably wanted it. Now they brought them back fifty years. Don't tell me that was the independent decision of Egypt to persecute anybody with ties to the movement as if they're evil monsters. I'm not saying they wanted that either, I'm just saying the narrative you present isn't entirely accurate.

Israel actually invests it's intelligence resources in north Africa. Much more than before.

maybe after this some help to arm libyan army to do his job and we are done

There's no official Libyan army, it's one political movement which dominates the army. We need equal representation. Why do you think it's okay to kill anybody who want's to influence the government? Every government must be a secular typical Arab government which doesn't support peoples will? Why do you want us to be that way?
@Ceylal l You can't mount a successful S&D operation against insurgents without having long term boots on the ground to maintain the gains made. Your country is getting into a bigger, longer fight which will drag chaos to your own streets.
The goal is not to occupy Libya. To occupy Libya is going to require as you said , boots in the grounds and all the kitchen ware and spices that goes with it..The main objective is to disrupt , neutralize, and destroy the djihadi groups that are making Libya ungovernable, and to keep them from destabilizing Tunisia..
Hopefully, this military operation will end before, as planned, before the beginning of the month of Ramadhan..
For our street to be affected, Algerian from all walk of life, have welcomed this intervention...If , it goes beyond the month of Ramadhan, it will be a different story...
We all know your position on the matter...We look at it differently since it in our backyard and we are dealing with it, in our way...There is no place to such individuals in modern times and we will not let them destabilize Tunisia or roots within her borders...

I'm not looking at from of a perspective of one state;Algeria. I'm looking at from a regional perspective. My regional views are well known. I want the other side to have some sort of influence in the government. If not lead the government, but also have a real impact. Not a government which is all talk but works against everything on the ground.

We shall see..

We've been seeing it in the past decade.

I think the stupidity lies with these new Muslims that became the West stooges. I didn't see Americans killing Syrians, they were muslims, armed by muslims and financed by muslims that are destroying Syria...It wasn't Americans that killed Algerians in the 90's, it was muslims trained and armed by muslim arabs.

What? You're bringing several other issues. Which are factual, but so is the Western colonization of Algeria.

Yes it is, although probably consented to by the Libyan 'government'. Meaning the base which is trying to take control of Libya and avoid equal representation.
If Libya had a government, we won't be here...

I don't want to see another corrupt useless government which sells its oil for cheap and behaves as monarch only to secure the interests of the leaders. Islamists wouldn't sell us out or be so dependent on foreign sources. They pursue their goals against the West's will.

How does it hurt our image? Americans and French are not holding our hands. They are not all together...Each force has a sector and act independently from the other, save communication and coordination...

This is how it is in the Arab world, people will make it bigger than it is.
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