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Algeria military plane crashes, 'killing 100'

How do they fit that many people?

It was a C-130 hercules , i think it can fit. Also its noted that C-130J can have 92 passenger capacity +crews (in news its told 99+4 were on board )

So sad to hear there were many kids as well
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إِنَّا لِلّهِ وَإِنَّـا إِلَيْهِ رَاجِعونَ :'(
Rest in peace for all of the victims

Innalilahi wa inna ilayhi ra ji 'uun
CNN is reporting 77 casualties though. May the Soldiers and pilots rest in peace.
CNN is reporting 77 casualties though. May the Soldiers and pilots rest in peace.

That was algerian military announced 78 were on board,not 103 as rumoured by local media
And 1 survivor , still too many casualities ..RIP
Thanks guys, for the expression of support you've shown, and your prayer were well received.
Rest in Peace and May ALLAH bless you guys

Rest in Peace and May ALLAH bless you guys
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