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Alert ! After IAF, Indian Commandos Preparing For Assasult

I was seriously expecting the sand bag to come to life and beat the living $hit out of them. Seriously my head hurts after watching this video.
even you guys are our brothers no matter how much we fight
All Muslims are our brothers irrespective of nationality, colour and cast. However, Indian Hindus are our enemies and all their supporters will be treated as such.
All Muslims are our brothers irrespective of nationality, colour and cast. However, Indian Hindus are our enemies and all their supporters will be treated as such.
well for me... indian hindu extremist and muslim extremist are two side of the same coin... extremist....and none of them are my brothers or sisters
nope... what they do is not endorsed by islam
An extremist is a extremist, he just happened to have a different religious background.
So you have assumed the powers of God by deciding about Eman of Muslims?

Muslims do many wrong deeds and acts all across the globe. Some Muslim are good some are bad, some are doing small mistakes while other are involved in horrendous acts. Killing innocent civilians and other terrorist activities are the worst kind of crimes and terrorist will suffer their consequences in this life and the afterlife. However, if a person believes in one God, finality of Prophet and is not openly rejecting pillars of Islam then he is a Muslim. And no one has the authority to declare him Non Muslim. If someone has committed Gunah e Kabira then this act doesn't make him a non Muslim. Doors of repentance are always open on a Muslim. On the one hand you criticise "Takfiris" while one the other hand you people are supporting their stance by declaring that all extremist are "Kafir". This is the belief of Khwarij"that committers of "Gunah e Kabira" are kafirs.

"Takfirism" should be rejected in all its forms and manifestations and we should always adopt a middle path.
So you have assumed the powers of God by deciding about Eman of Muslims?

Muslims do many wrong deeds and acts all across the globe. Some Muslim are good some are bad, some are doing small mistakes while other are involved in horrendous acts. Killing innocent civilians and other terrorist activities are the worst kind of crimes and terrorist will suffer their consequences in this life and the afterlife. However, if a person believes in one God, finality of Prophet and is not openly rejecting pillars of Islam then he is a Muslim. And no one has the authority to declare him Non Muslim. If someone has committed Gunah e Kabira then this act doesn't make him a non Muslim. Doors of repentance are always open on a Muslim. On the one hand you criticise "Takfiris" while one the other hand you people are supporting their stance by declaring that all extremist are "Kafir". This is the belief of Khwarij"that committers of "Gunah e Kabira" are kafirs.

"Takfirism" should be rejected in all its forms and manifestations and we should always adopt a middle path.

You have certainly put another prespective into this for me.

However, personally.
I am still declaring them to have strayed from the path of peace without judging their belief.
You have certainly put another prespective into this for me.

However, personally.
I am still declaring them to have strayed from the path of peace without judging their belief.
Definitely, they have strayed from the right path.
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