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Alcohol should be as easy available as Pepsi/Coke: Sindh MPA

Neither am I religious and neither do I follow any Mullah. I am simly protecting them because they are religious scholars, and by definition that would categorise the Prophet as a "Mullah" aswell, even if the Prophet is incomparable.
Do make sure next time to make it clear who your bashing :tup:

i have never heard of our Prophet (PBUH) being categorized as a "Mullah". He was the embodiment of Islam and he was the messenger of Allah's teaching. The definition of Mullah is "a religious teacher". Anyone can teach their version of Islam and by definition be called a Mullah. According to 1 hadith didn't the Prophet infact warn us that there would come a time when these Mullahs "religious teachers" would be the worst of the rung of society...
so i guess i'm not the only 1 to bash them :wave:
i have never heard of our Prophet (PBUH) being categorized as a "Mullah". He was the embodiment of Islam and he was the messenger of Allah's teaching. The definition of Mullah is "a religious teacher". Anyone can teach their version of Islam and by definition be called a Mullah. According to 1 hadith didn't the Prophet infact warn us that there would come a time when these Mullahs "religious teachers" would be the worst of the rung of society...
so i guess i'm not the only 1 to bash them :wave:

Accha accha, maaf kijiye, looks like mene wrong person ke saath phadda dal liya :undecided:
Link please.....:lazy:

Sindh Assembly: Saleem Khokar suggests selling liquor openly in the market
By Our Correspondent
Published: March 22, 2012

A minority MPA of Pakistan Peoples Party (PPP) advised the government to lift the ban on open sale of liquor and allow it to be sold like Coke or Pepsi.

During the Sindh Assembly session on Wednesday, MPA Saleem Khursheed Khokhar said that reinforcing the ban on the basis that only non-Muslims should consume liquor created more discrimination. He asked the house not to allow it just for the minorities since it was consumed by everyone.

Khokhar, who is also the chairman of Sindh Assembly’s standing committee on minority affairs, went on to say that if alcohol was not allowed in any religion and non-Muslims were not the only consumers then why liquor shops were opened in the name of non-Muslims only?

“I suggest removing the ban and selling liquor in the open market.”

When Khokhar was asked by excise and taxation minister, Mukesh Kumar Chawla, whether he [Khokhar] owned a liquor shop, he denied it saying, “If anyone can prove it [that he owned a liquor shop], I am ready to face the consequences.”

Earlier Chawla had said that the competent authority to grant the permission for opening a liquor shop was the chief minister. He was replying to a question asked by an MPA of Pakistan Muslim League- F (PML-F), Nusrat Seher Abbasi. Chawla said, “Liquor permit is granted to non-Muslim adult residents of Pakistan under the 1979 Act.”

He informed the house that the government charged Rs5 million for granting a licence to open a liquor shop.

Chawla also said that the government was contemplating launching a campaign to make the towns and cities free of drugs. He said that the campaign will begin from Larkana to make it a “drug free city.” “We will start the campaign in a couple of months,” said the excise minister. “All the stakeholders and related departments will work on it.”

While responding to queries about the steps being taken against the drug mafia, Chawla said that from July 2011 to January 2012 around 197 cases had been registered and 215 people arrested by the excise police. He expressed concerns over the shortage of staff, lack of resources and lack of technology to crack down on the mafia.

Any way, he was atleast talking truth, 90% of our powerfull elite ,does drink alcohole its a open truth, why don't we put a vote on it, inthis thread??
holy fcuk i never expected so many Pakistanis favouring alcohol. You know what? if you believe in god that is, "GOD BLESS YOU!" Looks like you guys will be expecting rivers of Beer in heaven... :hitwall::angry:
Would you like to compare the social and cultural problems existing in your country and mine? Your country never banned alcohol like the States. How are your surroundings treating you?

Western countries spend a lot of money educating people about responsible drinking. Without constant education and policing, alcohol consumption can quickly get out of hand. Do you honestly trust the Pakistan government to do anything responsibly?

As for the logic (by others) that, since people drink anyways, let's legalize it, that's illogical. By that logic, since **** is freely available on the internet, we might as well allow **** shops at every corner. Since schoolkids get cigarettes anyway, might as well start selling them in school canteens. Since people get hashish and heroin, let's start selling it in supermarkets.
I was browsing through internet, and i found a forum discussing alcohol in Pakistan. Here is what one guy says:

"The other day I was sitting with a senior CBR guy who disclosed some mind boggling figure to me. These are some of FBR's own internal figures.

The annual alcohol consumption in Pakistan exceeds Rs. 300 billion. All this Alcohol is smuggled illegally in the country and there is a corruption of at least 100/150 billion rupees which is being pocketed presently by corrupt government officials, bureaucrats, army men, police officials, custom officials at airports and ports.

If this trade is legalized, this money can be collected by the government as legal taxes. Moreover due to ban on alcoholic beverages we have not developed any local industry in this sector. If the trade is legalized we can produce at least 80% of the demand locally and save at least 2/3 billion dollars of foreign exchange. The same CBR official disclosed the 2 major usages of hundi money are overseas travels by pakistanis and payments for smuggled alcoholic beverages. Hundi is another nuisance which has created a parallel banking system with 10 billion dollars being channeled in this illegal trade. i will try to explain this phenomena some other time in another thread..

There are many people who will argue that how can we legalize Alcohol consumption in an muslim country. For these people I would like them to consider these facts before casting your votes:

1) Decades of ban has failed to reduce alcohol consumption in Pakistan. It has just helped corruption, smuggling, counterfeiting.

2) Our government does not earn a single rupee as tax from this trade which is largely in illegal sector.

3) In spite ban on alcohol consumption we have failed to curb the illegality/criminality related with it. For instances in all these decades no one in Pakistan has been prosecuted for killing anyone after drunk driving. If you say the problem does not exist in Pakistan than you are really naive. In UK there were 430 prosecution in one year for serious crimes related to drunk driving.
[ARCHIVED CONTENT] Home | The north review of drink and drug driving law

4) This ban had an adverse effect on our civil aviation and tourism industry."
Alcohol should be as easily available as Pepsi or Coke: Sindh MPA

By Saba Imtiaz
Published: March 21, 2012

Pakistan Peoples Party (PPP) MPA Saleem Khursheed Khokhar has suggested that alcohol should be as easily available as Pepsi or Coke. :yahoo:

KARACHI: Pakistan Peoples Party (PPP) MPA Saleem Khursheed Khokhar has suggested that alcohol should be as easily available as Pepsi or Coke, in order to stop reinforcing that it is only for minority faith members to consume.

Khokhar, who is also the chairman of the Standing Committee on Minority Affairs, brought up the idea as the Excise and Taxation Minister Mukesh Chawla was answering questions in the Sindh Assembly on Wednesday.

While another MPA, Anwar Khan Mahar, had clarified that alcohol was not allowed in minority faiths either, the minster told the assembly that according to the 1979 Act regarding the sale of alcohol, only non-Muslims were allowed to sell or consume alcohol. :confused:

Khokhar’s point was that reinforcing that non-Muslims drink alcohol created further divisions and it should just be made open for all.
We should not expect anything else from these corrupt politicians these guys don't know anything about Islam in and Islamic State only Non Muslims can drink Alcohal if a Muslim is caught he would be punished severely by lashes and those lashes could lead him or her to death because surviving those lashes is really difficult the son of Second Caliph HAZRAT UMAR RA died because of those lashes even though he was really physically very strong man

i have never heard of our Prophet (PBUH) being categorized as a "Mullah". He was the embodiment of Islam and he was the messenger of Allah's teaching. The definition of Mullah is "a religious teacher". Anyone can teach their version of Islam and by definition be called a Mullah. According to 1 hadith didn't the Prophet infact warn us that there would come a time when these Mullahs "religious teachers" would be the worst of the rung of society...
so i guess i'm not the only 1 to bash them :wave:
Sir how do you this is the time are you GOD and how do you know ever Mullah is a worse thing
We should not expect anything else from these corrupt politicians these guys don't know anything about Islam in and Islamic State only Non Muslims can drink Alcohal if a Muslim is caught he would be punished severely by lashes and those lashes could lead him or her to death because surviving those lashes is really difficult the son of Second Caliph HAZRAT UMAR RA died because of those lashes even though he was really physically very strong man

Son of Hazrat Umar (R.A) was punished with 100 lashes, 100 is a lot of lashes. He did not survive them and the punishment was awarded by none other but the Khalefa-e-waqt (Ruler of Muslim ummah) and one of the 4 Khulfa-e-Rashideen Hazrat Umar (R.A). The punishment was awarded for zina and not for drinking, punishment for drinking would be different.
im sure jobs can be created through other means other than selling sharaab......it is said "the provider and drinker of alcohol will both go to hell" ....but afcourse aaj kal ka pakistan sadly is a very different pakistan.....
Here is a chart some might relevant to this thread:

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