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Alarming Suicide Rate Amongst Indians

Thts called terrorism... Unfortunately your big brain cant comprehend the difference between war and weak soldiers of india taking their own lives.

they are not weak with fighting the enemy,no one can generalize suicides,people have different reasons for committing suicides like money problems,marital distress,etc
in respect of the security personnel who took their lives, had the Government of India acted rightfully and empathetically, these souls, who volunteered for their country, would have been saved.

But the politicians and bureaucrats couldn't care less. There is no debate in Parliament, no comment in media. Their own concern is mafia-style corruption and materialistic happiness for themselves.
I couldn't have said that better. These a$$hole$ should be made to serve in Siachen and Counter Insurgency ops for at least 6 months to get to know WTF it is like! Just look at those imbeciles like Lallu Prasad Yadav and his ilk! Their bl00dy bottoms are getting fatter by the day just sitting on their a$$e$ in their ivory towers and blowing hot air as though they were the kings of all they survey. Idiots! :tdown:
There are other types in Pakistan who commit regular suicides and take a bunch of Pakistani military people and farmhands with them.. Different strokes for different folks ... !!!

For that you have suicide bombers! :no:

And then, there are Suicide Trolls of a particular Nationality.
Thts called terrorism... Unfortunately your big brain cant comprehend the difference between war and weak soldiers of india taking their own lives.

Well when you Kill yourself + Others, that's technically Suicide + Terrorism. But, you're right bro...we are illiterate and can't comprehend simple logic. :chilli:
Low life scum always celebrates death... Your a true indian.

Post reported.

Funny these .... resort to trolling and bring in terrorism and celebrate deaths... its not like we killed those weak hearted indian soldiers.

no ones laughing,its only pakistanis who are insulting the dead
This perfectly good thread has gone down the drain like many others! Jeeez! :tdown:
If you must go down that lane.....there are the smart Maoists, who blow up your soldiers without even blowing a Fly off their own nose. :wave:

So Maoists are smart, then that means that suicide bombers are dumb.
Where you learnt this ...Madrassa Biology 101.

This is 21st century not 7th century. The modern weapons leveled the battlefield for all body types. A pygmy firing an AK 47 is just as effective as an AK47 fired by a 'taller more masculine' Pakistani.

Exactly, who cares? India is so diverse we find people with all types of physical characteristics and I'm proud of that. :cool:
Suicide rate in Army/Navy/Airforce is much lower than paramilitary forces(BSF/CRPF).
That is because lack of amenities/leaves/support structure compared to army.
The primary reason is staying away from home for long without any leave.

The reason could be that the profile of jobs performed by paramilitary like fighting maoists and manning the border is more stressful than fighting a conventional war or living in a barrack.Also an army personal is protected by AFSPA so he may be sure that if he has to fire upon someone,he won't be dragged to court.

Also an important thing could be the attitude of senior officers.I remember an instance from delhi.A delhi police PCR van was parked on the outer circle of CP.The constable posted saw a car speeding and chased that car and stopped it.The car belonged to renuka choudhary.She stepped down and slapped that constable.The police commissioner predictably apologised on behalf of constables. Now i dont think that even an MP would have guts to slap a Jawan in cantonment.
this is capitalism for you
couple it with nonstop media barrage of what is happening around the world, presenting opinions and allegations as proof and Western mentality of and live today with total selfishness and unrealistic expectations and wants due to advertisement…..!!!

What you get? Mental breakdowns and suicides Indians have just stepped into the capitalistic highway and its not for the faint hearted living like drones working extra hours and being thankful for not getting fired with constant financial worries….
“evil “ socialism is defeated hurray!!! Now buy a multinational drink, watch an international channel and then eat some stale and tasteless food mass produced from god knows what and sit half aware in front of a PC or a TV and then realise its time to go to bed and by the time you go in deep sleep the sharp alarm clock wakes you up………..

Already thinking about catching your train or bus or worrying about traffic (& cops) if you are driving yourself and then the stern face of your boss and emotionless faces of your colleagues, just another day at work..
My god. this thread is a troll fest.

no wonder even i got an infraction message.

keep away guys. this thread is an open invitation to get banned.
Further, more than 8,500 personnel opted for VRS (Voluntary Retirement Scheme) because they were unable to cope with the workplace environment, and persuaded themselves to opt for VRS rather than commit suicide

The author sense of judgment seems bizarre over here

That, I believe, is the job environment in the Indian security forces, or of the farmers' poor conditions, which lead to such high suicide rates. There is meanwhile no meaningful or sympathetic guidance from the Defence authorities, when defending the country overrides the security personnel's personal welfare. And in similar fashion, there is no direct or indirect social/family support to farmers.

These are my views. But in respect of the security personnel who took their lives, had the Government of India/Defence Department acted rightfully and empathetically, these souls, who volunteered for their country, would have been saved.

Politicians are out of scope here, i'm wondering how the military continues to ignore this.
Thought we were discussing suicides and their impact on armed forces.. Why is this a troll???

What, not even a slight comprehension for the poor Farmers.?? !!
More than merely discussing suicides amongst the armed forces, the subject touches the discontent amongst Indian society.
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