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Al-Sadr in Iran

Time has also caught up with Sadr. Back then during the hey day of the 2nd Iraq war, Mahdi army was the main proxy Iran could use in Iraq(probably only Badr was the alternative), not anymore. Iran has built up alternatives to Al-Sadr, so he doesnt have the leverage he used to have. if he plays around, he will get burned.

Things changed in the way that influence shifted from military units to government influence.

The Iraqi army/police answering the Iraqi gov that was forced to work with the US used to fight the Mahdi militia back in 2007-2008. Now that group has been incorporated in the security forces under the PMU. The chance of a force disobeying other PMU units to act independently is small, Iran and US influence remain on the political level.

It's not the same situation as Lebanon where Hezbollah and the Leb army are far less integrated with separate command that lacks trust.
Just think of this, almost a week ago, this meeting occurred, and after a couple days, Saudi's Aramco was hit, but no one knows from where, the houthis are claiming they did it, but then there are people who are saying it was iran, but it couldn't be done directly, and there are reports of people seeing drones flying over Kuwait going from iraq to saudi. And finally the fact that Al Sadr is sitting besides soleimani.

Connecting all these up might be an answer to the question that who performed the attack exactly, which there is a probability it was done from iraq, and if so, then it couldve been Al Sadr who did it.
Just my thoughts, what do you guys think.

US knows exactly where the attack came from from day 1. They won't say it publicly and only leak to media outlets unless and until Saudi Arabia is willing to conduct a military response. Because the attack came from Iran and that is a declaration of war against Saudi Arabia which is a very big deal.
It was a message to Iraqi nationalist who are anti Iran.
US knows exactly where the attack came from from day 1. They won't say it publicly and only leak to media outlets unless and until Saudi Arabia is willing to conduct a military response. Because the attack came from Iran and that is a declaration of war against Saudi Arabia which is a very big deal.
You promissed us to change your drug dealer,it's shame that you promise and go back on your word.....just like your master,donnald trump
Al-Sadr is an interesting character. Last year he met MBS as well. You guys should not underestimate his influence. The guy can really pull some strings if he wants to.
proxies proxies everywhere in ME .that is why its messed up
Arabs are warriors and they are doing what warriors do
Afghans are warriors and they are also fighting since 70s proxies are just excuses asal main to aadat sa majbor hain
Al-Sadr is an interesting character. Last year he met MBS as well. You guys should not underestimate his influence. The guy can really pull some strings if he wants to.

He's a radical animal, he just calmed down a few years ago and is doing good work now (policy wise at least).
Look at this clown who his followers claim that he is anti-Iran.
Look at this clown who his followers claim that he is anti-Iran.

Iraq needs to release all the ba'ath figures in prison and allocate 25 billion USD for the republican guard resurrection.

We have so many turban animals whom lack national loyalty
Iraq needs to release all the ba'ath figures in prison and allocate 25 billion USD for the republican guard resurrection.

We have so many turban animals whom lack national loyalty
I hope he will be next on the assassinations list the Americans had the chance to kill him in 2004 but Bush the coward didn’t maybe he feared that Iran will increase its support to the Shia militias but I hope someone can assassinate him and send him to fck his 72 virgins.
Iraq needs to release all the ba'ath figures in prison and allocate 25 billion USD for the republican guard resurrection.

We have so many turban animals whom lack national loyalty

there we have it... the saddamist trash are revealing themselves.

you might believe in sunni-supremacy. where "proper Iraqis" (sunnis) have a god given right to rule the "dirty shroogi"

your either a sunni supremacist, or a pathetic shroogi with inferiority complex.... in any event, Danish Iraqis who ran away like cowards are irrelevant to Iraqs future. the actual men who fought ISIS in the trenches will get to decide the future.

I remember when ISIS was mass slaughtering shia cadets over a river like cattle, and steamrolling Iraq while entire Iraqi "army" divisions just went poof in the middle of air. the generals literally threw their uniforms away, sold their shia cadets to isis for slaughter and disappeared.

it was in these circumstances that Qaasem Soleimani and his men personally slept in the golden mosque when it was under threat, Iraqi "men" like you were running away to Europe to have bread throw at you like animals. and your American, Saudi and Kurdish best friends were almost openly cheering isis on,laughing at Iraq, taking advantage of the situation, and blaming maliki and "sunni oppression" for ISIS..

it was only after Iranian backed militia started to steamroll those monkeys, that their tune changed to avoid having Iraq fall completely in Irans hands.

you are a pathetic disgrace, a coward, and a traitor to Iraq. Stay in Denmark

this is what a real Iraqi man looks like. this is what the warriors who actually fought on the ground look like. this is what "Iranian militia" look like. take a look Danish wannabe

Lol the Republican guard were cowards who ran away during 2003 invasion.

Only the most hardcore elements stood and fought. The rest went into hiding thinking the US would use them in a future government lmao. Guessed wrong.
there we have it... the saddamist trash are revealing themselves.

you might believe in sunni-supremacy. where "proper Iraqis" (sunnis) have a god given right to rule the "dirty shroogi"

your either a sunni supremacist, or a pathetic shroogi with inferiority complex.... in any event, Danish Iraqis who ran away like cowards are irrelevant to Iraqs future. the actual men who fought ISIS in the trenches will get to decide the future.

I remember when ISIS was mass slaughtering shia cadets over a river like cattle, and steamrolling Iraq while entire Iraqi "army" divisions just went poof in the middle of air. the generals literally threw their uniforms away, sold their shia cadets to isis for slaughter and disappeared.

it was in these circumstances that Qaasem Soleimani and his men personally slept in the golden mosque when it was under threat, Iraqi "men" like you were running away to Europe to have bread throw at you like animals. and your American, Saudi and Kurdish best friends were almost openly cheering isis on,laughing at Iraq, taking advantage of the situation, and blaming maliki and "sunni oppression" for ISIS..

it was only after Iranian backed militia started to steamroll those monkeys, that their tune changed to avoid having Iraq fall completely in Irans hands.

you are a pathetic disgrace, a coward, and a traitor to Iraq. Stay in Denmark

this is what a real Iraqi man looks like. this is what the warriors who actually fought on the ground look like. this is what "Iranian militia" look like. take a look Danish wannabe

My father's side of the family (Shi'a) were all in the Iran-Iraq war, they didn't sold themselves out to fight on the enemy's behalf.

Unlike some others like Amiri and the list continues. That is all that matters. Qasem Soleimani and his efforts helped destroy Iraqi governance and install the retards we have today to start with, which all led to the army collapse. I need to do nothing, the public has lost interest in you and they're the masses. Soleimani was an enemy too.

As for Kurds, our government which is so friendly to you have been giving them billions of dollars. The only solution is Al Anfal 2.0.
there we have it... the saddamist trash are revealing themselves.

you might believe in sunni-supremacy. where "proper Iraqis" (sunnis) have a god given right to rule the "dirty shroogi"

your either a sunni supremacist, or a pathetic shroogi with inferiority complex.... in any event, Danish Iraqis who ran away like cowards are irrelevant to Iraqs future. the actual men who fought ISIS in the trenches will get to decide the future.

I remember when ISIS was mass slaughtering shia cadets over a river like cattle, and steamrolling Iraq while entire Iraqi "army" divisions just went poof in the middle of air. the generals literally threw their uniforms away, sold their shia cadets to isis for slaughter and disappeared.

it was in these circumstances that Qaasem Soleimani and his men personally slept in the golden mosque when it was under threat, Iraqi "men" like you were running away to Europe to have bread throw at you like animals. and your American, Saudi and Kurdish best friends were almost openly cheering isis on,laughing at Iraq, taking advantage of the situation, and blaming maliki and "sunni oppression" for ISIS..

it was only after Iranian backed militia started to steamroll those monkeys, that their tune changed to avoid having Iraq fall completely in Irans hands.

you are a pathetic disgrace, a coward, and a traitor to Iraq. Stay in Denmark

this is what a real Iraqi man looks like. this is what the warriors who actually fought on the ground look like. this is what "Iranian militia" look like. take a look Danish wannabe

He is not Sunni he is atheist I think.

Lol the Republican guard were cowards who ran away during 2003 invasion.

Only the most hardcore elements stood and fought. The rest went into hiding thinking the US would use them in a future government lmao. Guessed wrong.
Actually they and the fedayeen were the only ones who stood against Americans also they gave the American marines hell in Fallujah since they were the backbone of the insurgencey.
He is not Sunni he is atheist I think.

Actually they and the fedayeen were the only ones who stood against Americans also they gave the American marines hell in Fallujah since they were the backbone of the insurgencey.

Dude most of the Republican guard fled the war. Stop revising history. Go look at how fast Basra and Baghdad fell. The only elements of Republican guard that stood were the hardcore loyalists. Most were drugged up and on short supply because Iraqi military was in poor shape.

Fallujah was “hell” because it was in Sunni heartland and it attracted Jihadists from all over the world and some elements still loyal to Saddam. So there was more “terrorists” in that battle then ex Republican guard.

So congrats out of entire Iraq they defended ONE city with some intensity.
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