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Al-Qaeda warns India of new attacks

a Maj General from your country who was also the ex-head of your intelligence agency is quote in interviews saying sumthin like

SvttNPky37U[/media] - General Hamid Gul former ISI Head, Pakistan Army and Imran Khan's Godfather Threatens India

do listen carefully. he says "Humne chod diye"

and now Al-Qaeda comes out to acknowledge his statement. What is anybody to make of these statements
Hamid Gul is a loon, but your argument is just as absurd when you suggest that the ranting of a general retired for almost twenty years is supposed to be taken as some sort of state policy.

Secondly, the context of his comments was the hostility in the aftermath of the Mumbai attacks, especially with the Indian belligerence and warmongering - I read HG's comments as bluster in the face of that belligerence. 'Nani yaad a jayegi" :lol:

Only you guys could twist that into something sinister.
maybe that is why Army commanders in Afghanistan say this
Anonymous Army commanders? If that policy actually had a chance of working then it probably woudl have been tried by now.

Let me remind you that in the recent operation in Bajaur we had close to a thousand Afghan militants cross into Bajaur from Afghanistan, led by the Afghan Taliban commander Qari Rehman, to join up with the Pakistan Taliban fighting the PA.

We recently again had a force of about 600 militants cross the border from Afghanistan and attack various Pakistani check posts. The drug trade, weapons trade, resources - are primarily from and through Afghanistan.

A few 'anonymous Army commanders' do not change the reality of the situation, that Afghanistan has severe insurgency, crime and narcotics problems without Pakistan having to contribute. That reality is why such ludicrous suggestions have not been implemented yet. Afghanistan and FATA cannot be solved independent of each other.
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Further reinforces the world's belief that Pakistan's commitement to help end these Islamic terrorist oraginastion is an elaborate deception
No Mr. Troll, you mean belief of certain bigoted and racist individuals, many of whom are Indian.

Elaborate deception. LOL.
One moment you make fun of Pakistani commandos because they couldn't take "a mosque with a few extremists inside it," then you say it is all lies?
Like I said. A bigoted Indian spewing one-sided rubbish.
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Do the AQN speak for the Pakistani government or the Pakistani people? I don't think so. Our neighbours should really take no notice of this nonsensical reporting, it highligts poor editorial judgement. In fact it reminds of the recent bit of rather one sided lambasting of Pakistan by Sunil Khilnani in Newsweek titled: "The Revenge Of The Near".

Really now that is just provocation and i am surprised that an author such as Mr. Khilnani would have written such nonsense. Ahh well.
Pakistan seems to classify taliban/jihadis in two categories, good taliban & bad taliban - depending on whether they blow themselves up outside, or inside Pakistan.

The Indian perception is that it really doesn't matter whether tomorrows gunmen come from Al-Qaeda, ISI (allegedly), or Pakistani 'non state actors'. Two things are certain: they will continue to come, and GoP will always cover for them (I hope GoPs report proves me wrong!).
Pakistan seems to classify taliban/jihadis in two categories, good taliban & bad taliban - depending on whether they blow themselves up outside, or inside Pakistan.

The Indian perception is that it really doesn't matter whether tomorrows gunmen come from Al-Qaeda, ISI (allegedly), or Pakistani 'non state actors'. Two things are certain: they will continue to come, and GoP will always cover for them (I hope GoPs report proves me wrong!).
The delineation goes beyond that - India is occupying Kashmir in blatant violation of UNSC resolutions and the agreement between the British, Pakistan and India at independence under which contested accessions were to be resolved via plebiscite.

India agreed to both of the above, and is on record as having accepted the UNSC resolutions declaring Kashmir as disputed and a plebisicte the means to resolve it.

The Kashmiris have every right to struggle against Indian occupation, and while I do not support the idea of the GoP providing material support to the militant legitimate freedom movement, I do not support forcibly dismantling its presence in Pakistan either, since those people have a legitimate grievance, recognized by the international community (and India herself until she backtracked).

On the issue of 'good Taliban and bad Taliban', the issue is more complex than Pakistan merely wanting to keep the 'good taliban' along just becasue we like them or something. The contacts with the 'good taliban' exists primarily becasue of Pakistani skepticizm over US intentions to finish the job in Afghanistan, and once again leave behind a war ravaged country.

If this was to happen, as before, the Taliban provide the strongest option of controlling instability in Afghanistan, a huge threat to Pakistan, though I hope it never comes to that since we can see the price Pakistan is paying for that past support.

An additional reason for this 'good Taliban' delineation, one that is more immediate, is to drive a wedge between the TTP fighting against the GoP and the other groups, denying them territory and resources in FATA.

See this latest announcement by the TTP to understand how the 'good Taliban' delineation has worked to some extent for the GoP:

Taliban threaten attack on Islamabad

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

By Hamid Mir

ISLAMABAD: The local Taliban leadership has decided to send its fighters to Islamabad as a reaction to the operations in Darra Adamkhel and Swat Valley and in this regard chalkings on the walls of Islamabad are already appearing, forcing the Islamabad administration to whitewash these messages quickly.

Many religious scholars in Islamabad have also received messages from the Taliban that they have only two options, either to support the Taliban or leave the capital or they will be considered collaborators of the “pro-American Zardari government” which, they claim, is not different from the previous Musharraf regime.

It is also surprising that the Taliban of Swat and Bajaur have included the names of some religious and Jihadi leaders, who are not ready to fight inside Pakistan against their own countrymen, in their hit lists.

The Taliban have accused some militant leaders of the tribal areas and some leaders of the banned Lashkar-e-Taiba, Harkatul Mujahideen and Hizbul Mujahideen of trying to stop youngsters from fighting the Pakistani forces. Taliban have declared all these “pro-Pakistan” Jihadis as their enemies.

The names of Maulvi Nazir from South Wazirastan, Hafiz Gul Bahadur from North Waziristan, Hafiz Muhammad Saeed, Maulana Farooq Kashmiri and Syed Salahudin have been included in the hit lists of the Taliban, who have threatened some Hizbul Mujahideen leaders in Swat and Dir to leave the areas as soon as possible.

Another Taliban leader in the Mohmand Agency Maulvi Omar Khalid has threatened boys belonging to the banned Lashkar-e-Taiba to leave the tribal agency or face death. Omar Khalid has claimed that these boys are only interested in fighting against the foreign troops in Afghanistan or against India, which means that they don’t want an Islamic government in Pakistan.

This complicated situation has forced the government to take some extreme steps against the Taliban in Darra Adamkhel and Swat, who had killed a Polish engineer as a reaction to the operations in their areas.

Some diplomatic sources have revealed that initially Pakistan was ready to release some arrested Taliban fighters in exchange for the abducted Polish and Chinese engineers but the US authorities raised objections and a deal could not be finalised.

The Pakistani authorities successfully negotiated the release of a kidnapped Pakistani diplomat Tariq Azizuddin in 2008 and the release of kidnapped Army personnel in 2007 by releasing some Taliban fighters. But this time the US pressure complicated the situation.

The Army authorities are facing a serious insurgency from the mountains of Darra Ademkhel to Swat but this time the Army is not ready to give up despite the fact that India is once again trying to exploit the situation by using threatening language against Pakistan.

The Foreign Office in Islamabad is under a lot of diplomatic pressure after the brutal killing of kidnapped Polish engineer Piotr Stannczak to “do more” for the release of a kidnapped Chinese engineer, one Afghan diplomat, one Iranian diplomat and one kidnapped UN diplomat in Quetta but the civilian as well as the Army leadership have decided not to bow down to pressure.

Sources have revealed that kidnapped Chinese engineer Long Xiao, who is in the custody of Taliban in Swat, is seriously ill. He was kidnapped in August 2008 with another colleague Zhang Guo. Both of them tried to escape but Xiao was injured during the escape attempt and was again arrested by the Taliban but Zhang Guo managed to flee.

Taliban have made it clear that they would only exchange the injured and sick Chinese engineer after the release of two dozen arrested fighters but Pakistani authorities are not ready to accept this demand.

Afghan Ambassador in Pakistan Abdul Khaliq Farahi was kidnapped last year but has not yet been recovered. Pakistani authorities are conducting a big search operation not only for the Afghan ambassador but also for Iranian diplomat Heshmatollah Attarzadeh, who was also kidnapped from Peshawar last year.

A top Army official linked to the operation in Swat described the situation there as much more complicated than East Bengal in 1971 where they were fighting against the Indian-sponsored secular insurgents. Local population in East Pakistan was fully supporting the local insurgents but the ground reality in Swat is different from East Pakistan.

“We are no more fighting the secular insurgents, we are fighting with the Taliban and they are demanding the enforcement of the Islamic law in Swat and all the local secular political leaders are supporting this demand under public pressure.”

Chief Minister of NWFP Ameer Haider Hoti, Governor Awais Ghani and the Army high command have strongly recommended to enforce the long pending Sharia regulations, which will be called the “Nifaz-e-Adal regulation”.

District Police Officer of Swat Dilawar Khan Bangash said the Taliban will have no justification to fight against the state after the enforcement of the Islamic law in Swat.

Swat, which was a princely state till July 28, 1969, had Qazi courts operating when the state was finally merged into Pakistan. Residents of Swat think that it was easy to get justice before 1969 through the Qazi courts but after the imposition of the English law, the poor people of Swat are not getting justice.

Taliban have exploited this delay in justice and also instigated the poor people to rise against the big landlords. The Awami National Party swept the valley of Swat in 2008 election with the slogan of peace and justice and now this party is ruling the NWFP in collaboration with the PPP.

Sources have claimed that the ANP leadership has convinced President Asif Ali Zardari to promulgate the Sharia regulations in Swat and the president will announce the promulgation in a few days.

Maulana Sufi Muhammad of the Tehrik-e-Nafaze Shariat Muhammadi has assured the ANP leadership that he will start a long march from Dir to Swat valley after the imposition of the Sharia law and he will appeal to his son-in-law Maulana Fazalullah and other Taliban leaders to surrender.

He assured that he would try his best to open all girls’ schools in Swat because education was must for every male and female Muslim. He told the ANP leaders that if the Taliban did not surrender the arms after the imposition of the Sharia regulation, then he will also support the Army operation against them.

Taliban threaten attack on Islamabad
India agreed to both of the above, and is on record as having accepted the UNSC resolutions declaring Kashmir as disputed and a plebisicte the means to resolve it.

The Kashmiris have every right to struggle against Indian occupation, and while I do not support the idea of the GoP providing material support to the militant legitimate freedom movement, I do not support forcibly dismantling its presence in Pakistan either, since those people have a legitimate grievance, recognized by the international community (and India herself until she backtracked).

- UN resolutions? Quite ironic that you should mention UN resolutions when LeT/JuD, that have been proscribed by UN security council resolutions, openly hold public rallies without GoP taking any action. Not to mention the fact that you abrogate to yourself the right to decide who should govern Afghanistan. Shouldn't the Afghanis decide that through a fair election, rather than have the taliban thrust on them courtesy Pakistan? Same old, same old...eh?

- I don't know whether any of the 9 (?) other gunmen were kashmiri, but Kasab certainly wasn't. GoP is protecting murderers by citing Kashmir. It's like saying a mass murderer should not be tried because he had a difficult childhood (i.e. there may be some justification to the grievance but that does not excuse the murders!)

- For various reasons, I think it will be very surprising if anything comes out of the mumbai report from GoP (but to be fair, we should wait for it). Given that India and Pakistan's basic positions are unlikely to change in the near future, it would be futile for India to expect GoP to curb LeT, or to take active steps to dismantle the terrorist networks (GoP logic is somewhat similar to the logic you have given for the 'good taliban'). India doesn't seem to have any bargaining chips viz-a-viz Pakistan, and perhaps they should look into creating conditions where they hold some cards.

- The Indian vision (for whatever it's worth!) for Afghanistan is for it to be an independent and stable state, while the Pakistani vision for Afghanistan is for it to be a talibanized state, same as in 2001. Your/GoP argument for the US 'abandoning' Afghanistan, and Pakistan's interest in supporting the taliban is a 'self fulfilling prophecy'. GoP support for the taliban is likely to make things difficult for ISAF. It will be interesting to see how this will be played out with Holbrooke.

- What is surprising though is how GoP/Pakistanis/members on this board take objection when it is pointed out that the world thinks of Pakistan very negatively (ref. the BBC survey thread clubbing Iran, Pakistan, Israel and N. Korea as the four 'negative' states). Given the active GoP support for the 'good jihadis', who blow themselves up outside Pakistan, are the BBC survey results all that surprising?
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- The Indian vision (for whatever it's worth!) for Afghanistan is for it to be an independent and stable state, while the Pakistani vision for Afghanistan is for it to be a talibanized state, same as in 2001. Your/GoP argument for the US 'abandoning' Afghanistan, and Pakistan's interest in supporting the taliban is a 'self fulfilling prophecy'. GoP support for the taliban is likely to make things difficult for ISAF. It will be interesting to see how this will be played out with Holbrooke.
where in the world did you get that from? when india sponsors state terrorism to accelerate its grand strategic plans for hegemony and expansion, everyone turns the other way. when Pakistan, acts to take an eye for an eye, it's called sponsoring terrorism? it's unbelievable how indians and even our own Pakistanis forget that india took the initiative in afghanistan at the climax of soviet influence, to encircle Pakistan and sponsor separatist movements.

R&AW was working with KGB and KHAD to sponsor terrorism in the same tribal areas we are seeing right now explode, and separatist movements in Balochistan. there were continuous bombings in the tribal areas, killings, exacerbated by soviet-afghan strikes and incursions into our territory. yet, we do not see any of this thanks to western hypocrisy. india took advantage of Pakistan's fight against communism in afghanistan, the final thrust for the world's so-called "democratic forces", and invaded Siachen. everyone turns a blind eye, again.

Pakistan did not sponsor or create the taliban, do not make such ridiculous claims unless you have concrete proof. Pakistan's support mostly went to the Mujahideen, and then the pashtun segment of the mujahideen led my Hekmatyar afterwards, due to the natural sympathy towards the pashtuns. the taliban may have been at ease with Islamabad, they were definitely recognized by Pakistan and its allies. However, to make the claim that Pakistan created this group and supported it full-heartedly is ridiculous.
- UN resolutions? Quite ironic that you should mention UN resolutions when LeT/JuD, that have been proscribed by UN security council resolutions, openly hold public rallies without GoP taking any action. Not to mention the fact that you abrogate to yourself the right to decide who should govern Afghanistan. Shouldn't the Afghanis decide that through a fair election, rather than have the taliban thrust on them courtesy Pakistan? Same old, same old...eh?

The JuD and Let assets remain seized and under GoP control, they continue to have their accounts frozen, and their leadership has itself confirmed that Pakistani restrictions have severely impacted their operations.

I fail to see how attending a rally on Kashmir day and chanting slogans in anyway is illegal. As I stated before, were these alleged LeT/JuD members to start fund raising or building up assets again, the GoP should act - attending rallies is not a violation of anything as far as I can tell, nor is claiming membership a crime to be thrown in jail for.

Nonetheless, I see that the West's moral bankruptcy continues in you as well - condemn the original crime and demand it be rectified, that of the Indian occupation in violation of the UNSC and instrument of partition, before critiquing Pakistan. As in the case of excusing Israeli crimes and occupation against the Palestinians, so shall people in the West such as yourself excuse and obfuscate crimes and occupation by the Indians, and blame those who react to those crimes, instead of the criminals themselves.

It was India that unilaterally shut the door to a diplomatic and peaceful resolution of the Kashmir Dispute, by 'abrogating to itself' the rights granted to the Kashmiris at independence, in the UNSC, and accepted by India and Pakistan. Where is your 'outrage' at that 'abrogation of rights'?

Pakistan abrogated to herself no right to do anything in Afghanistan,we attempted to clean up the mess the West and the Soviets created out of their cold war, first with the Soviet intervention in Afghanistan, and then the US/ISI/GID backed Mujahideen intervention. Putting blinkers on and distorting history does not change the reality that Afghanistan had no 'fair election' or 'fair government' when the Soviets left - it was a war ravaged country being torn apart by warlords, civil war and crime - by some of the very criminals the West put in power after 911.

Pakistan supported the Taliban to bring about some modicum of stability, and the Taliban did accomplish a lot towards that end, though they became impossible to control even for the ISI. In any case, the West, and especially the US, is in no position to critique Pakistan on this count, given its own historical decisions to 'abrogate to themselves the right to determine the future of other peoples' in various parts of the world, overthrowing democratically elected governments in favor of murderous regimes across the globe.

So spare your sanctimonious BS for someone less aware of Western perfidy and 'abrogation of the basic rights of peoples' in other nations
- I don't know whether any of the 9 (?) other gunmen were kashmiri, but Kasab certainly wasn't. GoP is protecting murderers by citing Kashmir. It's like saying a mass murderer should not be tried because he had a difficult childhood (i.e. there may be some justification to the grievance but that does not excuse the murders!)

- For various reasons, I think it will be very surprising if anything comes out of the mumbai report from GoP (but to be fair, we should wait for it). Given that India and Pakistan's basic positions are unlikely to change in the near future, it would be futile for India to expect GoP to curb LeT, or to take active steps to dismantle the terrorist networks (GoP logic is somewhat similar to the logic you have given for the 'good taliban'). India doesn't seem to have any bargaining chips viz-a-viz Pakistan, and perhaps they should look into creating conditions where they hold some cards.

This is a strawman argument - at no point did I refer to the LeT as 'legitimate' (any more) nor did I suggest anythign about 'protecting' the perpetrators of the Mumbai attacks, so please do not distort my comments. Close to a hundred LeT people are under arrest, including the two alleged masterminds, and the investigation is ongoing, despite India's continued refusal to share actual evidence or form a joint investigation.

The Kashmiri Freedom Movement is not limited to groups such as the LeT (none of the men involved in Mumbai were Kashmiri from what I know). There are legitimate Kashmiri groups that have limited their attacks to Indian occupation forces and government targets, they are not terrorists, unless one considers those who fought in the US War of Independence to be terrorists as well.

Since you have taken it upon yourself to spout sanctimonious BS about the 'rights of people', perhaps you should suggest to the Indians that they act upon their agreements and commitments to implement the plebiscite that allows the people of Kashmir to determine which nation they wish to be part of - or are you advocating that India 'abrogate to herself the right to determine what is best for a people under occupation'? You know, the same thing you were criticizing Pakistan for above somewhere?

Hypocrites such as you abound in the West.
- The Indian vision (for whatever it's worth!) for Afghanistan is for it to be an independent and stable state, while the Pakistani vision for Afghanistan is for it to be a talibanized state, same as in 2001. Your/GoP argument for the US 'abandoning' Afghanistan, and Pakistan's interest in supporting the taliban is a 'self fulfilling prophecy'. GoP support for the taliban is likely to make things difficult for ISAF. It will be interesting to see how this will be played out with Holbrooke.
Hogwash and lies again - Pakistan did not create the Taliban, nor were they our first choice to find stability in Afghanistan. I have already explained a bit of the history and rationale behind Pakistan's support. Please read Ahmed Rashid's Taliban and Steve Coll's Ghost War's to get a little bit of perspective into what governed Pakistan's decision making instead of spouting these lies here.

The Taliban are in no way Pakistan's choice now either - I clearly pointed out that we would rather not see this attempt by the US fail, and if Afghanistan can have a government that minds its affairs and respects Pakistan's sovereignty and its borders under the Durand Agreement, we have no issues with a peaceful non-interventionist co-existence.

- What is surprising though is how GoP/Pakistanis/members on this board take objection when it is pointed out that the world thinks of Pakistan very negatively (ref. the BBC survey thread clubbing Iran, Pakistan, Israel and N. Korea as the four 'negative' states). Given the active GoP support for the 'good jihadis', who blow themselves up outside Pakistan, are the BBC survey results all that surprising?
There is no 'active support' for the 'good Taliban'. That is you distorting and plain lying again. I said Pakistan maintained contacts with some of the Taliban factions, for reasons I mentioned - there is a world of difference between the two.

But the BBC results are not surprising for another reason, negative news sells of course, and there has been plenty out of Pakistan lately. The Western media has fed its populace the populist, simplistic stereotypes and misinformation that you regurgitated here, and shaped opinion to what it is.
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R&AW was working with KGB and KHAD to sponsor terrorism in the same tribal areas we are seeing right now explode, and separatist movements in Balochistan. there were continuous bombings in the tribal areas, killings, exacerbated by soviet-afghan strikes and incursions into our territory. yet, we do not see any of this thanks to western hypocrisy. india took advantage of Pakistan's fight against communism in afghanistan, the final thrust for the world's so-called "democratic forces", and invaded Siachen. everyone turns a blind eye, again.

Absolutely correct - and these people spouting distortions and lies conveniently ignore the fact that Afghanistan refused to accept Pakistan when she gained independence, and with subtle Indian support attempted to start a seperatist Pashtunistan movement as early as 1948-49, that ultimately failed miserably. The Indians did finally succeed in East Pakistan in 1971.

What had we done to Afghanistan then to deserve this perfidious treatment? And with this constant treachery and hostility to Pakistan from our inception, we are blamed for attempting to guard our national interest at the same time as stabilizing Afghanistan.
a Maj General from your country who was also the ex-head of your intelligence agency is quote in interviews saying sumthin like

SvttNPky37U[/media] - General Hamid Gul former ISI Head, Pakistan Army and Imran Khan's Godfather Threatens India

do listen carefully. he says "Humne chod diye"

and now Al-Qaeda comes out to acknowledge his statement. What is anybody to make of these statements

maybe that is why Army commanders in Afghanistan say this

You just made the pathetic statement here i swear i feel like coming through this forum and giving you a little wake up call... i can't believe people can be that cheap as you tried to did...... He said for example more then 2 times!!!!!! and then he said if indian is saying that we have sent down these 10-12 terrorists into india "meaning pakistani army has sent down these terrorists to india" and they have done this much of a damage then what would happen if Pakistan let loose 10 to 12 thousand of them into india? indian will be "FUBAR" he is not saying it that Pakistani did. He said if india is carying over these 12 people sent by Pakistan"it was an example" then what would happen if india will have to face 10,000 of them meaning india should know what its talking about meaning being stupid about the situation nd blaming over Pakistan
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India has its own Taliban and Al-Qaeeda in the form of Shiv Sena and RSS.

Modi is Osama bin Laden so India shouldn't worry about this threat.

After reading posts by Indian members it is clear that all blame should be put on Pakistan!
Al-Qaeda and taliban are the enemy of only Pakistan, and not anyone!! DO any one know how many soldiers of pak arm have been killed by these millitants??, they have killed 13,000 army men, Even India havent killed 13,000 pak army in three wars!! And question is that why are they attacking pak army?? Bcoz they think that we are not muslims, so they are attaching us, but we belive on one Allah and Prophet(SAW), so thats mean we are better then isralelis and the indian army in kashmir, so if taliban's are sincere with people of pakistan then they should dismantle the network of RAW in northern areas and help the kashmiri peoples, but taliban will not do so, because they are anti-pakistan, they are killing that peoples who are very imp for pakistan, as they killed polish engineer and 17 french engineers who were building sub-marine, and attackes marriot, which cause the downfall of our economy, so who says that they are sincere with pakistan, and as they said they will attack india if they attacked pakistan is just crap, this is only propaganda to affect the image of pakistan!! And they have billions of budget, and pays thousands to millitants, and buys latest weapons, so question is that who is helping them financially to attack against pak army!! For sure ISI in not helping them to act against ISI!!:rofl:
Nothing written by you of which Holbrooke et al aren't aware. You've seemingly reconciled yourself nicely to proxy wars on two fronts. Comfortably even.

Must be a remarkable savings in uniforms.

Your comments make clear the following-

1.) We absolutely, despite additional routes, need your supply corridors. If not, given that it's almost certainly clear to the President on down that you're double dealing, we'd likely do all we could to isolate you.

Ahmad Pasha's cryptic defense of free speech for the boys in Quetta to Der Spiegel now seems patently clear in retrospect. So too the rumors of Hekmatyar and Haqqani.

They, if your assertions are correct (and I absolutely believe them to be true), are the actions of an enemy to the UN's Afghanistan mission in virtually every respect. Which brings me to-

2.) Drugs are a distractor which you've conveniently played to score points here at def.pk. Nothing more. How could it be when opium is so critical to the sustenance of your "good" taliban? Likely, the ISI is knee-deep here as well which nicely segues to-

3.) Your army is in charge, no if's, and's, or but's. Your civilian government is a facade designed to reassure the U.S. that you're on the "path" to democracy and thus worthy of aid.

I'll give it to your military leadership. Their cajones are world-class. Nobody double-downs on a pair of deuces like you guys.

Gonna lose your house if you play this hand wrong.
Im wonder why these Al-Qaeda wont attack Israel?!

They are not fool .They will first cut supply line of israel :woot::lol:
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