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Al Qaeda 'coming soon' to NYC, graphic warns


Apr 28, 2011
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A mysterious image threatening the return to New York of Al Qaeda has appeared on a handful of Arabic websites, prompting the New York police department and federal authorities to investigate.
The chilling graphic, which looks like a poster for an upcoming movie, includes the English-language taunt, "Al Qaeda Coming Soon Again in New York." NYPD spokesman Paul Browne said the image appeared in the "artwork and design" section of a murky site used as a forum for terror talk.
"The NYPD Intelligence Division’s cyber unit is investigating the origin and significance of the graphic below which appeared today on few Arabic-language Al Qaeda forums that remain online at the moment," Browne said.
While city and federal authorities said there is no known threat behind the posting, they are trying to determine who is behind it. An FBI spokesman said the bureau is conducting a probe of its own.
"The FBI's Joint Terrorism Task Force is aware of the posting and investigating its authenticity and origin," said J. Peter Donald, spokesman for the FBI's New York Field Office. "The FBI takes all threats seriously and at this time there is no specific or credible threat to New York."

Read more: Al Qaeda 'coming Soon' To NYC, Graphic Warns | Fox News
Let me tell you what awaits Al Qaeda in New York City. A certain painful death. I am an extremely Patriotic Pakistani Citizen and on most issues there is no difference between I and any Pakistani citizen living in Pakistan. We all hope and pray for what is best for Pakistan. We want to see a strong progressive highly educated and prosperous Pakistan. We want to see a strong Pakistan Armed Forces capable of defending Pakistan's Integrity and Sovereignty. Like most Pakistanis and even most Americans i oppose US occupation of Iraq and Afghanistan. If Pakistan went to War, I would be back in a jiffy to defend the country of my birth.

However, I am also an American Citizen ( Pakistani-American dual citizen ) and a New Yorker at that. I live in New York City along with many Pakistanis other Muslims from World over. Inspite of the 9/11 attack , my city New York is the most accommodating city for the Muslims in the US. I call New York City home. I dont care if you are Al Qaeda, TTP or belong to any other Terrorist Organization. If I find you in my New York City ( my home ) I will take you apart and you will die a slow painful death. Infact you would be the luckiest person alive if FBI or Homeland Security got to you before I did because they will be much kinder to you than I would. With them you might get DUE PROCESS OF LAW, but with me you will get slow painful death. Dont mess with my city.
Let me tell you what awaits Al Qaeda in New York City. A certain painful death. I am an extremely Patriotic Pakistani Citizen and on most issues there is no difference between I and any Pakistani citizen living in Pakistan. We all hope and pray for what is best for Pakistan. We want to see a strong progressive highly educated and prosperous Pakistan. We want to see a strong Pakistan Armed Forces capable of defending Pakistans Integrity and Sovereignty. Like most Pakistanis and even most Americans i oppose US occupation of Iraq and Afghanistan. If Pakistan went to War, I would be back in a jiffy to defend the country of my birth.

However, I am also an American Citizen ( Pakistani-American dual citizen ) and a New Yorker at that. I live in New York City along with many Pakistanis other Muslims from World over. Inspite of the 9/11 attack , my city New York is the most accommodating city for the Muslims in the US. I call New York City home. I dont care you are Al Qaeda, TTP or belong to any other Terrorist Organization. If I find you in my New York City ( my home ) I will take you apart and you will die a slow painful death. Infact you would be the luckiest person alive if FBI or Homeland Security got to you before I did because they will be much kinder to you than I would. With them you might get DUE PROCESS but with me you will get slow painful death. Dont mess with my city.
Sir people have tried to end Muslims and Mujahideens but have failed Sir and Islam is the fastest growing Religion in America and in the world and soon Muslims will receive all those who fight for Islam with open hearts
These stupid terrorizers have caused loss of soo many innocent American, Afghani and Pakistani lives. I hope they rott in hell!
Sir people have tried to end Muslims and Mujahideens but have failed Sir and Islam is the fastest growing Religion in America and in the world and soon Muslims will receive all those who fight for Islam with open hearts

To Opening Poster,

You get it now, don't you? Anyway thanks for your honest opinion.
Please leave the Queens/Brooklyn part alone. That is where I live and study.:angel:
Sir people have tried to end Muslims and Mujahideens but have failed Sir and Islam is the fastest growing Religion in America and in the world and soon Muslims will receive all those who fight for Islam with open hearts

@Zarvan, New York City has no problem with you Promoting Islam. We have countless Mosques and Islamic centers in New York City. Our battle is not with Islam, our battle is with the damn Terrorist who are a disgrace to our religion Islam.
I hope they don't come then all they will seek is straight up death only a coward kills people for no reason its not a man rather not even a human being go to hell you f__ken terroist and burn there. Us muslims that live abroad and that are us citzens call US and its cities home we work hard here we go to school here we pay our taxes this is home for us no way one will let you allow to hurt and kill people here.I my self am a newyorker or atleast use to be if you think you are coming here you got another thing wating for you cowards .:angry:
I hope they don't come then all they will seek is straight up death only a coward kills people for no reason its not a man rather not even a human being go to hell you f__ken terroist and burn there. Us muslims that live abroad and that are us citzens call US and its cities home we work hard here we go to school here we pay our taxes this is home for us no way one will let you allow to hurt and kill people here.I my self am a newyorker or atleast use to be if you think you are coming here you got another thing wating for you cowards .:angry:
American Governments are the biggest terrorists and cowards they attack the most weak nations and kill thousands and than say sorry it was a mistake sorry they kill millions
A mysterious image threatening the return to New York of Al Qaeda has appeared on a handful of Arabic websites, prompting the New York police department and federal authorities to investigate.
The chilling graphic, which looks like a poster for an upcoming movie, includes the English-language taunt, "Al Qaeda Coming Soon Again in New York." NYPD spokesman Paul Browne said the image appeared in the "artwork and design" section of a murky site used as a forum for terror talk.
"The NYPD Intelligence Division’s cyber unit is investigating the origin and significance of the graphic below which appeared today on few Arabic-language Al Qaeda forums that remain online at the moment," Browne said.
While city and federal authorities said there is no known threat behind the posting, they are trying to determine who is behind it. An FBI spokesman said the bureau is conducting a probe of its own.
"The FBI's Joint Terrorism Task Force is aware of the posting and investigating its authenticity and origin," said J. Peter Donald, spokesman for the FBI's New York Field Office. "The FBI takes all threats seriously and at this time there is no specific or credible threat to New York."

Read more: Al Qaeda 'coming Soon' To NYC, Graphic Warns | Fox News
These are evil pplz trying to maligh peaceful religion of Islam and its followerz.....very sad to see such kind of news/Add....it must be investigated and pplz responsible for this add shold be prosecuted cuz they are terrorizing the peaceful inhabitants of NYC....:smokin:
Al Quaida can possibly never claim the mass kiling records Americans and their allies have scored in Iraq and Afghanistan.

Al Quaida is an american perpetuation myth!

First it was the Al Quaida excuse being used to invade axis of evil namely Syria, Iran, Libya and Iraq but now people are less willing to believe these rubbish tales so new tactics are constantly being invented. A recent one of them is to arm the rebels in sovereign countries to topple the governments.
American Governments are the biggest terrorists and cowards they attack the most weak nations and kill thousands and than say sorry it was a mistake sorry they kill millions

So that doesn't mean you support UnIslamic actions of Al Qaeda like suicide bombings or killing civilians. Two wrongs don't make a right and that is what Islam teaches.
Sir people have tried to end Muslims and Mujahideens but have failed Sir and Islam is the fastest growing Religion in America and in the world and soon Muslims will receive all those who fight for Islam with open hearts
well i am dammed if its true well on topic are so saying al-Qaeda is well an truly Islamic entity
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