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Al Qaeda bringing Pakistani explosive experts to Yemen, claims official


Nov 18, 2010
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SANAA: Senior Yemeni intelligence officials said on Friday that intelligence suggested that foreign fighters, including explosive experts from Pakistan, had crossed into Yemen to either ferry in money to al Qaeda or for training in terror camps.

''Al Qaeda is especially recruiting tech-savvy and well-educated Saudis,'' one of the senior security officials said, speaking about the killing of foreign militants in the recent wave of US drone strikes in Yemen.

The official added that the terror group also is bringing in Pakistanis, who are explosives experts.

He cited Ragaa Bin Ali a Pakistani bomb maker who was killed in a recent US drone strike in Yemen.

The officials spoke on condition of anonymity because they were not authorised to talk to the media.

Al Qaeda bringing Pakistani explosive experts to Yemen, claims official - DAWN.COM
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