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Al-Nusra Fighters Flee to Turkey as Russian Choppers Chase Them in West Idlib


Apr 22, 2014
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e Russian Air Force has responded to the Islamist rebels shelling their embassy in the Syrian capital of Damascus on Monday morning with a relentless series of airstrikes over the Idlib Governorate’s western countryside, hitting numerous sites belonging to the Syrian Al-Qaeda group “Jabhat Al-Nusra” and their allies from Harakat Ahrar Al-Sham and Ansar Al-Sham.

Among the Russian Air Force’s targets was the Islamist stronghold of Jisr Al-Shughour; this city was pounded with airstrikes from the Russian Air Force’s MI-24 Hind Helicopter Gunships that could be seen from the Latakia border chasing militants attempting to flee towards the Turkish border.

According to a Syrian military source inside the town of Slunfeh, scores of Islamist fighters were captured by Russian satellite imagery attempting to flee the city of Jisr Al-Shughour towards the nearby Turkish border-crossing; this information only intensified the Russian Air Force’s attacks at Jisr Al-Shughour and its neighboring village of Al-Ghassaniyah.

The Russian Federation has made it no secret that they are targeting both the Islamic State of Iraq and Al-Sham (ISIS) and the Syrian Al-Qaeda group “Jabhat Al-Nusra” inside Syria; this has agitated the Saudi regime and their allies, but their discontent has been met with intensified airstrikes by the Russian Air Force.

Recently, pro-Saudi news outlets have reported the delivery of 500 more anti-tank TOW missiles to the Islamist rebels fighting the Syrian government inside Syria; however, there has been no official confirmation to verify this alleged report.

Al-Nusra Fighters Flee to Turkey as Russian Choppers Chase Them in West Idlib
Russians are dumb LOL .. they will make it worse , now hitting Nusra and FSA will make them allie with ISIS (for the first time ever) to counter Russian Invasion .. so dumb :D
Of course, the terrorists are running to go back to their stronghold, turkey. :lol:
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