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Al-Khalid tank (Type 90-IIM / MBT-2000) Information Pool

What I mean to say is, at a range like that, the round would have slowed down by upto 300 m/s, not drastic, but it reduces penetration by more than a bit.

This has been said before. The best 120 and 125 mm rounds available for Pakistani and Chinese testing would be:

120 mm: At best, KEW-A1 (from the middle-east, Pakistan could have gotten it)
125 mm: At best, 3BM44M or similar rounds.

Both of which are not upto the NATO standard, say DM-53, M829A2 and above.

Unless Pakistan or China gets hold of a Rheinmetall-120 and DM-53 or something, somehow, we cannot say that the armour can withstand all known modern tank rounds. :-)
The rounds available to PAK at best is completely Biased There is no proof that they didn't get Rheinmetall. There is market that provides u weapons which are not easily available.
600 on order
300+ have already been delivered.
Rest will be upgraded AK-1 and AK-2 variants.
600 for AK basic.........AK1 and AK2 will jointly make Armour numbers in future along with AK basic!

In future Type 59s/85s,69s and AZs will be retired and full Armour Divisions will comprise of AK series which may reach upto 2500-3000.

I read requirement numbers were 1200.
yup 600 r AK basic and next 600 will be AK1 which is in production.
fleetwide upgradation of AK to AK-1 standard is already in process.
The rounds available to PAK at best is completely Biased There is no proof that they didn't get Rheinmetall. There is market that provides u weapons which are not easily available.

How is it biased?

And, while Pakistan could've gotten the gun, there is very little chance of obtaining M829A3 or DM53/63 through any non-shady means. And that means I still have a point.

P.S. Nice market 8-)
How is it biased?

And, while Pakistan could've gotten the gun, there is very little chance of obtaining M829A3 or DM53/63 through any non-shady means. And that means I still have a point.

P.S. Nice market 8-)
I respect your view but I don't agree with you on this.
How is it biased?

And, while Pakistan could've gotten the gun, there is very little chance of obtaining M829A3 or DM53/63 through any non-shady means. And that means I still have a point.

P.S. Nice market 8-)

we may never know this for sure, however they may have got some through black market ;)

in general, you have a valid point.
Ukrainian tank expert Andrei Bt on Al Khalid.. though he is wrong about the engine which is not the CV-12 condor, rather the 6td-2

Основной боевой танк «Тип 90-II»

In June 1991, China and Pakistan for the first time publicly demonstrated third-generation tank, designated "Type 90-II».Development of the tank began with the mid-1980s, when the Chinese have purchased from one of the countries of the Middle East a few T-72M Russian production (as mentioned earlier, the 125-mm gun of the T-72M and autoloader to it were mastered Chinese industry and installed on tanks "Type 85-IIM/88C»). Originally intended to be established on the basis of the tank body and chassis T-72M with a new welded turret, 120mm main gun western-style (it was held on the testing of the experimental tank "type 59Gai»), modern fire control system and the German American or the power unit. But time has made its own adjustments.

Experts of the company NORINCO based machine design invested constructively layout solutions implemented in the tanks of the third generation, created by leading foreign countries. As a basis, as foreseen in the beginning, used chassis and hull of the T-72M, which is installed with welded turret developed aft niche similar turret series «85-IIM/88C». That's only armament was chosen again Russian: it was reported that the tank is fitted 125-mm smoothbore gun with automatic loader 2A46M. In the creation of the tank "Type 90-II» participated actively in the French and British firms, and final assembly took place in Pakistan. Was completely new to the Chinese tank development that almost all the equipment and armament (with few exceptions) were purchased or produced quite officially licensed.

The press reported the following: tank "Type 90-II» design has 10% borrowed from the tank "59", 15% in "69", 20% in «85/88C», and the remaining 55% - a new technical solutions . As is the case with the tank "Type 85", the main efforts were directed at creating export sample, which resulted in the creation of main battle tank "Al Khalid "(official name existed in parallel MBT-2000 or P-90) for the Pakistani army, which began carried out by the Pakistani " Taxila "(HIT). Further work in China over the tank "90-II» focused on improving the overall design of the machine, which are used as a platform already built models. In 1995, China, Russia demonstrated the latest versions of the T-80U to supply the armed forces of the PLA, prompting a program to create the third generation of Chinese tanks "Type 98".

The layout of the tank "Type 90-II» provides a front-mounted control department (the driver sits in the center), average - the crew compartment (gunner on the left of the gun, the commander - the right) and the power pack at the rear. The body is a welded construction of rolled homogeneous armor, frontal part of which is made of combination (similar to tank "88c"). On the lower front part casing mounted device entrenching copied from the T-72M. Place mechanics driver equipped sunroof and periscope observation. Periscope head has a fairly wide window allowing to conduct a limited review of the right and left, and also has a built-in night vision active-passive type. Addition to the driver and controls movement, intended part of the body is a tank-rack with a piece of ammunition for the gun and fire suppression system cylinders.

welded turret in circular rotation is adopted, the fire control system and the commander and gunner. At the very first prototype was installed tower similar tank "type 88c" on the following - modified, with increased resistance protivosnaryadnoy, change the layout of equipment and increased forage niche. reported that details on the front hull and turret may establish additional bronelisty composite armor, and its thickness is approximately equivalent600 mmthe tower and 450 ... 470 mm from the housing. Modular design allows for quick booking tower to replace damaged items or set up in their place reinforced blocks. If necessary protection of the tank can be enhanced through the installation of its own production of reactive armor type FY.

The main armament is a 125 mm smoothbore gun with chrome 2A46M the bore, by housing and ejector. The new gun with a barrel length of 51 gauge (according to other sources - 48 caliber) has an improved brake system rollback, which greatly improves accuracy. Total body weight guns without a stabilizer and mantle result is2443 kg, Sliding parts - 1970 kg. reported that guns manufactured in China under license, which likely was purchased from Russia, but this was only tanks' Al Khalid »/ MBT-2000, since the new Chinese MBT" Type 98 "mounted gun 2A46. Automatic loading carousel similar to Russian AZ installed on tanks T-72 series and Chinese "88c". Ammunition is 39 rounds of separate-loading sleeves, 22 of which are located in the mechanical boeukladke under the tower, and the other 17 - in the machine. Obviously, the tank "90-II» uses the same 125-mm ammunition company NORINCO, and that "88c" - piercing Subcaliber (initial velocity of 1760 m / s), the cumulative (850 m / s) and high explosive (950 m / s), but beyond that assumes the existence of a new armor-piercing sabotfeathered projectile of depleted uranium (APFSDS ), since it is known that China is actively cooperating with Israel in this fieldand already produces similar 105-mm shells for tanks "Type 88B / A» and «Type 59D».

Tank "90-II» is equipped with modern advanced fire control system, purchased in France and similar installed on the tank "Leclerc ". MSAs are basic elements: a digital ballistic computer, control panel, periscope gunner's sight with thermal imagingcamera, an integrated laser rangefinder and independently stabilized in two planes of the line of sight; combined periscope sight-surveillance device commander (with panoramic head type) display commander, two-plane stabilizer arms - a copy of the Russian 2E28 "Lilac" and a set of different sensors (atmospheric sensor is the same as the "Type 88c"). arms control is carried out both from the gunner and commander of . Drives guidance - electro and hand. Due to the fact that the head panoramic sight can be rotated 180 °, as the commander's cupola is none, and on the perimeter of the hatch commander identified six periscopes observations to improve visibility. Some sources indicate that the tanks "Type 90-II» / IMT-2000 have a special system of automatic tracking ( automatic target Tracking system ), but what kind of system - is not precisely known.

Auxiliary tank armament includes twin gun 7.62-mm machine gun (3000 rounds ammunition) and 12.7-mm anti-aircraft machine gun «W-85" on the turret (500 rounds), which is installed between the commander's hatch and the gun. The firing of anti-aircraft machine gun can only be fought in the front sector. To protect the crew from weapons of mass destruction designed anti-nuclear collective system (ESD) with filtered ventilation installation and to prevent fire - fighting equipment of modern fast. Judging by the photos in the tower tank "Type 90-II» mounted exhaust fan, which reduces fumes in the crew compartment, which was not on the tanks "Type 85-IIM/88C». Cowl is on the left before the commander's hatch. For full-scale tests were constructed tanks with two different engines. On the first embodiment, the combined power block includes 8-cylinder diesel engine1200 L. P. created on the basis of German technology diesel MTU396, manufactured in China under license, and automatic transmission Renk LSG3000.

Liquid-cooled engine is turbocharged and advanced cooling system, consisting of two ring radiator with centrifugal fans (so characteristic roof made two round windows, like a tank "Leopard 2"). Intakes are located on the roof of the MTO under the aft turret niche. Because of the relatively high altitude of the power unit aft hull significantly higher turret. On the second embodiment, the tank was set to English V-shaped 12-cylinder diesel engine " Perkins EngineCompany "CV-12-1200 TCA" Condor "liquid-cooled turbo power1200 L. With. (Such as standing on a tank "Challenger") and French hydromechanical automatic transmission SESM ESM-500 (MBT stands for " Leclerc "), providing for the movement of one of the four forward gears and two - back. At this modification roof MTO below and on the sides of the aft hull longitudinal made blinds. Replacing the power block either of these two configurations in the field should not exceed 30 minutes. There was another project "90-II», involves the installation of MTU engine 871 or " General Dynamics Land Systems "AVDS-1790 (the one with a 120 mm gun), but it has remained on paper.
1200-hp engine provides a 46-ton machine good mobility and high throughput, and the power density is26,09 l. With. / TonThe maximum speed on the highway tank develops -70 km / hAnd speed developed by a space 10 seconds is32km / h.Cruising due to high fuel consumption does not exceed400 kmBut with additional fuel tanks in the stern it reaches 500 ... 550 km. Chassis with torsion bar suspension copied from the T-72M and has the support of six and three support rubberized roller on both sides of the hull. Rollers from the T-72 was preferred because of their reliability, low cost and ease of manufacture. On the first, second and sixth pylons are Hydromount . Rear drive wheel location. Tracks similar to tank "88c", equipped with RLL, rubberized running track and rubber boots. The machine is capable to overcome the vertical wall height0.85m, Trench width 2.7 m, Water obstacle with snorkel depth 5.5 m (Equipment is in the rear recess of the tower). Maximum angle of elevation is 30 °, roll - 15 °. Chassis with hinged sides protected by standard rubber-fabric screens or corrugated metal new design.

More October 1, 1988 Chinese National Corporation NORINCO has contracted with Pakistan to build prototypes of the tank "Type 90-II», who had to undergo extensive testing. Thus up to 70% of component "90-II» were produced in Pakistan. In the future, buying a license for the production and mastering technology, Pakistani military factory of " Heavy Industries Taxila"began mass production of improved versions of the tank, the proper name" Al- Khalid "(see below). And experts NORINCO continued work on the remaining tanks "90-II» in order to create your own perspective MBT.


Option to set a new DZ similar tank type-99

• "Type 90-II» (with ERA)

• «Al Khalid "(Pakistani modification" 90-II »)

Machines created on the basis of "Type 90-II»: no


Combat weight, kg




Main dimensions , mm :

- The length of the body (with gun forward)

? (10350) ?

- Width

3372 ?

- Height

2200 ?

- Clearance

492 ?

- Base x track


Average ground pressure, kg / cm 2


Overcoming obstacles:

- Ditch m


- A wall, m


- Ford m


Armament (ammo, shots):

- 125-mm smoothbore 2A46M
- 7.62-mm machine gun
- 12.7-mm anti-aircraft gun W-85

1 (39)
1 (3000)
1 (500)

Angles vertical guidance deg.

-6 ... 14

Stabilizer arms


Loading mechanism


Means setting dymzavesy

2x4 launchers, TDA

Type and make of the motor

diesel CV-12-1200 TCA "Condor"

Maximum power, hp. with .


Specific power, hp / ton


Maximum speed, km / h:

70 ?

Cruising range, km


Reservations, mm :

- Forehead block ro

? ( Combined ).

- Board block ro

? + Screens

- Forehead tower

? ( Combined ).

- The side of the tower


- Roof

I have a question for the experts, I am not that well versed with the details of the tank I will be honest. But I remember reading a while back that we were using some Ukranian parts on the tank, may be including the engine. Now with the situation as it is there, how does it effect our tank.
AK is pride of Pakistan I have seen a video of Arjun Tank I'm going to post here Kindly tell me what is best in Our AK and in indian Arjun.
If any one who knows the tank kindly inform me about booth tanks.
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