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Al Jazeera: Kashmir Meeting ends without consensus!

So you want a conclusive war then. What if Pakistan lose that one and in the process force to give up Azad Kashmir and Gilgit Baltistan to India?
so be it! if Allah forbids its in our fate to lose the war and we gave our all and lost we lost press the button launch some missile (india will do the same if its its u pressure or losing territory) and then salvage whatever is still there and talk peace and find a solution!

begging international community even china wont have any affect and india will keep rulling and annex kashmir like russia russia annexed crimea
Internationalisation happens when third country becomes a party to the issue. Barring China, ...

By your own definition, Kashmir has been internationalized as now China has also become a party to the dispute, they have declared it on the Security Council floor. And it is going to have some serious ramifications for India.
Internationalisation happens when third country becomes a party to the issue. Barring China, literally everyone called it bilateral. (And dont say calling it bilateral is a win because India said its an internal issue, they said that just to have more to give if any talks take place. Thats how Diplomatic level talks are done, always start with strings tighter than what u are comfortable with and slowly loosen them so other party thinks it got u to do it and yet you are still in ur comfort zone.)
Chinese ambassador's statement can't be taken as the statement of other member's statement as nobody authorised them.

It was being discussed already, the media was all over it for years....media is still over it and will remain so...what changed? Pak was talking about Kashmir in every forum, it still is doing the same thing.

After removal of Article 370, Kashmir has gone back to the condition of 1948 & Nehru ran to UN when Pakistan was liberating Kashmir from Indian occupation. There was nothing Bilateral about Kashmir in 1948.
Guys please be realistic.

Se the posture of India and what she has done during the last decades. India is not giving up an inch of any thing - let alone Kashmir. They are not going back now they have done the legal work: Throwing their article 370 out.

Pakistan going to the UN was inevitable and necessary - but thinking it will bring any justice to the Kashmir cause is to fool one self...

Military force is the extension of one´s ideology - Pakistan would need to take up arms to fight injustice no matter the costs. If Pakistan does not do this today Indian will squeeze Pakistan to death - which is India's ultimate goal. To be just and stand of for those that does not have a voice and cannot defend them selves will always be expensive - But if you do not stand up for those that cannot defend themselves you end up paying a much higher price both when it comes to moral values and in actual resources in the end. Societies not standing up against evil and injustice play a higher price later

So if we want to be the one that are just and call our selves Muslims we have an obligation to fight injustice regardless of what religion the oppressed have. And this road my friends are very difficult to walk on....
By your own definition, Kashmir has been internationalized as now China has also become a party to the dispute, they have declared it on the Security Council floor. And it is going to have some serious ramifications for India.
In that case, even China failed to call the emergency meeting of UNSC, as what took place was just a consultative meeting where 15 members discussed whether UNSC should get involved or not. So if there is no emergency meeting then that means in the talks members decided against getting involved.
In that case, even China failed to call the emergency meeting of UNSC, as what took place was just a consultative meeting where 15 members discussed whether UNSC should get involved or not. So if there is no emergency meeting then that means in the talks members decided against getting involved.

But Kashmir has been internationalized nonetheless.

And yesterday's SC meeting on Kashmir was the first one after 54 years, not the last one. Wake up and smell the coffee
When the internet ban is not lifted as you said then why are pakistanies saying we are massacreing kashmiries.

If you doubt about genocide being conducted by Indian Army in Indian Occupied Kashmir, then

1. Lift internet ban in Indian Occupied Kashmir
2. Let the media/journalists operate in IOK freely.
3. Let the UN observers go into IOK & to the CFL (previously LOC)
Agreed. BUT genocide of People of Kashmir is still going on.

Jinnah did NOT cared about narrative when Pakistan was liberating Kashmir in 1948; the same state in which Kashmir is right now, post-Article 270 era .
He didn't care about economy either---Which our arastoos are too concerned about.

This time however,
War will be imposed on us, we won't start it.
Taken from gen(retd) Khalid Lodhi's article:

" .........Heavy induction of fresh troops by India in IOK also has some serious military implications...... Induction of such heavy additional forces poses a direct military threat to Pakistan administered Kashmir and adjoining territories. It gives India clear advantage in troop ratios, giving them the capability to overwhelm some territories, at least temporarily, and then ask the world to arbitrate ( keep in mind Trump’s offer ) , threatening further ingresses, if Pakistan does not acquiesce. I am not suggesting that they will succeed, but the capability is right there. Now, if it is in Indian military scheme of things to initially weaken Freedom Movement and then create a Casus Belli ( excuse to attack ) and nibble small territories ( intentions) of AK, remaining well below Nuclear thresholds, what should be our responses? Can we afford to silently witness or imagine (highly probable) the slaughter of freedom fighters during the present clampdown? Each passing day of our inaction may be costing heavily to the Freedom Movement. Should we wait for the Indians to peacefully complete their Phase One and then turn towards Azad Kashmir at their leisure ? Can we do something to upset their plans or at least upset the timings? Do we have options short of all-out War ? Naturally this cannot be an open discussion and requires the deliberations by those who have the authority and the requisite intelligence gathering capabilities, to crystallise the hypothesis - so we leave the military options open..........."

He didn't care about economy either---Which our arastoos are too concerned about.

This time however,
War will be imposed on us, we won't start it.

It shall be because we are NOT doing what needs to be done.

Now, war can only be delayed to the benefit of India & its being done by the actions of govt of Pakistan.
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