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Aksai Chin, controlled by China and claimed by India

Wasnt aware of that. Were you saying india send troops after 1947? then why china vacate it after occupying in 1962 ?

The 1962 border war was meant to teach India a lesson, or else India would continue to treat Chinese restraint as weakness. As for withdrawing after routing the Indian army it was due to logistics. China simply did not have the infrastructure in Tibet to adequately keep the troops supplied.
No one in NE wants anything to do with India. The ASSAM rifles are rapist. They gang rape and kill whole family. Fking Indians, occupied other land and conduct massive rape, including Muslim Kashmir.

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So now I have to know about NE from a person from Vietnam aka Singapore aka China?

Do you know that BJP (the so called party of akhanda bharat) is in the power in 4 of the seven sisters including Manipur where ithey have got approx 40% of total vote. In two other sates they are part of the govt. Remaining two states the ruling party is part of NDA. At a nutshell BJP controls all of NE.
Wasnt aware of that. Were you saying india send troops after 1947? then why china vacate it after occupying in 1962 ?

Yes. That is the case. British, before 1947, extended their jurisdiction only up to Dirang Dzong, which lies South-east of Tawang (Refer Google map). Tawang remained under Tibetan administration. India forced Tibetan administration out and occupied Tawang in February 1951. At that time, Tibet had already been annexed by China; but China didn't protest against this takeover; though Tibetan administration in Lhasa strongly protested against this action.

As for your second question, historical record clearly shows that China had defacto accepted India's jurisdiction over erstwhile NEFA (now Arunachal Pradesh). For dejuro recognition, they wanted a swap type arrangement, where India would recognize their jurisdiction over Aksai Chin. A sort of quid pro quo. India declined. That lead to 1962 war.
Yes. That is the case. British, before 1947, extended their jurisdiction only up to Dirang Dzong, which lies South-east of Tawang (Refer Google map). Tawang remained under Tibetan administration. India forced Tibetan administration out and occupied Tawang in February 1951. At that time, Tibet had already been annexed by China; but China didn't protest against this takeover; though Tibetan administration in Lhasa strongly protested against this action.

As for your second question, historical record clearly shows that China had defacto accepted India's jurisdiction over erstwhile NEFA (now Arunachal Pradesh). For dejuro recognition, they wanted a swap type arrangement, where India would recognize their jurisdiction over Aksai Chin. A sort of quid pro quo. India declined. That lead to 1962 war.
China didn't annex Tibet in the 1950s, China liberated Tibet from brutal religious feudalism. Tibet was/is part of China since the Yuan dynasty in China more than 700 years ago.
China didn't annex Tibet in the 1950s, China liberated Tibet from brutal religious feudalism. Tibet was/is part of China since the Yuan dynasty in China more than 700 years ago.

Agree. By annexation, I implied extension of defacto jurisdiction and sovereignty.
If you are Meitei, then you are more Hindu than others in mainland.
As far as I know Meitei people doesn't want to be separated from India.

You think Indonesia want to be part of Saudi because....Muslim? what kind of logic is that?
Meitei people are originally sanamahi their indigenous faith,in Manipur all you're mainly gonna see are sanamahi diety temple everywhere ,

and they can also be Hindu or Christian or atheist or anything side by side.

Regarding being part of India,there's only one option, and my observation is , why has GOI felt the need to do draconian AFSPA to date, which is illegal on UN Human Rights Mandate?
Indian and western media like to talk about Chinese gulag about disappearing citizens.

While there has been state-sponsored open season for decades in these region.This is just one cop .

No accountability,but none cares, because India isn't the one to be contained by the western media cartel , whose only job is to target the opponents of western hegemony.

Is there any nation that willingly likes to subjugate itself to a totally foreign anarchic entity with different culture and race? Not like locals have good opinion for people that hold the power at centre , many of them at least in the back of their mind ,seem to think their nation has been ruined, and locals seem to see any outsider as sub human.

How do you think Manipur became part of India? by kidnapping the king and forcing him to sign a paper under coercion? If that's not illegal enough, Manipur already had a constitution by 15th Oct 1947 and conducted election to elect state assembly.

It was before India got their's own constitution.

So one can contemplate, when the king of a nation with its own constitution and concurrent election, was kidnapped and forced to sign a decree to relinquish state sovereignty to a foreign entity, even though the King didn't have the right to do so without state assembly's vote of agreement,does that sound legal?

So you see, one can argue it's a sham.
And whether these people want to be part of India,I'll leave it for people to contemplate. But wanting at the back of mind is one thing than practicality,India want to attack china and take vengeance for galwan,but will India do so ? and what's the end goal? can India sustain itself in the aftermath?
So ,it's not so simple
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You think Indonesia want to be part of Saudi because....Muslim? what kind of logic is that?
Meitei people are originally sanamahi their indigenous faith,in Manipur all you're mainly gonna see are sanamahi diety temple everywhere ,
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and they can also be Hindu or Christian or atheist or anything side by side.

Regarding being part of India,there's only one option, and my observation is , why has GOI felt the need to do draconian AFSPA to date, which is illegal on UN Human Rights Mandate?
Indian and western media like to talk about Chinese gulag about disappearing citizens.

While there has been state-sponsored open season for decades in these region.This is just one cop .

No accountability,but none cares, because India isn't the one to be contained by the western media cartel , whose only job is to target the opponents of western hegemony.

Is there any nation that willingly likes to subjugate itself to a totally foreign anarchic entity with different culture and race? Not like locals have good opinion for people that hold the power at centre , many of them at least in the back of their mind ,seem to think their nation has been ruined, and locals seem to see any outsider as sub human.

How do you think Manipur became part of India? by kidnapping the king and forcing him to sign a paper under coercion? If that's not illegal enough, Manipur already had a constitution by 15th Oct 1947 and conducted election to elect state assembly.

It was before India got their's own constitution.

So one can contemplate, when the king of a nation with its own constitution and concurrent election, was kidnapped and forced to sign a decree to relinquish state sovereignty to a foreign entity, even though the King didn't have the right to do so without state assembly's vote of agreement,does that sound legal?

So you see, one can argue it's a sham.
And whether these people want to be part of India,I'll leave it for people to contemplate. But wanting at the back of mind is one thing than practicality,India want to attack china and take vengeance for galwan,but will India do so ? and what's the end goal? can India sustain itself in the aftermath?
So ,it's not so simple
I agree, becoming a Hindu doesn't qualify to be an Indian. I was trying to correct these guys that people from NE are essentially non Hindus. I have many friends from NE, specially one from Manipur who was my room mate college. My work make me travel the lengths and breadth of NE which includes some remote regions. I have good idea of the ground situation.

ASFA is draconian law and needs to be repelled ASAP. You choose BJP govt in power with an absolute majority. Why the double engine govt not taking step to remove ASFA?

When I can see majority of people voting to choose a so called nationalistic party (BJP) to power I can conclude most of the population wants to be with India.

As you have said earlier Manipur is contributing in various sphere, be it sports, medical industry, civil service, army etc. More or less it has amalgamated to the main stream, which was not true some years ago.
I agree, becoming a Hindu doesn't qualify to be an Indian. I was trying to correct these guys that people from NE are essentially non Hindus.
Thats pretty much the core idea of indian nationhood - if you are hindu then you must be loyal to india.

Otherwise whats the meaning of loyalty to india - its basically loyalty to a british entity cobbling together vast nationalities - lmao.

thats why "india" as it is now will always be a negative thing
I agree, becoming a Hindu doesn't qualify to be an Indian. I was trying to correct these guys that people from NE are essentially non Hindus. I have many friends from NE, specially one from Manipur who was my room mate college. My work make me travel the lengths and breadth of NE which includes some remote regions. I have good idea of the ground situation.

ASFA is draconian law and needs to be repelled ASAP. You choose BJP govt in power with an absolute majority. Why the double engine govt not taking step to remove ASFA?

When I can see majority of people voting to choose a so called nationalistic party (BJP) to power I can conclude most of the population wants to be with India.

As you have said earlier Manipur is contributing in various sphere, be it sports, medical industry, civil service, army etc. More or less it has amalgamated to the main stream, which was not true some years ago.
bjp or whatever ,is based on vote bought by the payout.

Regarding contribution,people have to make a living somehow.
Your kind can always try supporting their insurgents there

In 1960s, your kind tried and India responded by supporting over 100,000 insurgents in your Eastern half, resulting in the Eastern half running "their own country" and being "much richer" than your Western half

Your Western half still has southern half to loose
What are you even talking about, you’re taking in codes. If they people want independence it’s up to them to fight for it, I have nothing to do with it.
The best solution - 1)india accepts chinese soveriginity over aksai chin and china accepts indian soverignity over arunachal pradesh.
Never happening, India is in this whole mess due to accepting Tibet as part of hanland

Take a leaf from Russian playbook threaten Han existence and the Han will meekly accept status quo
This is how Russians got Hans to accept Vladivostok as Russian territory

This worked for us in Sikkim as well
Never happening, India is in this whole mess due to accepting Tibet as part of hanland

Take a leaf from Russian playbook threaten Han existence and the Han will meekly accept status quo
This is how Russians got Hans to accept Vladivostok as Russian territory

This worked for us in Sikkim as well
You can try your delusional and sick dream now, see what happened in 1962 war ? Next, New Delhi will be carpet bombed.

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