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Akbar's fort symbol of subjugation of Hindus,want the imposing structure to be replaced : VHP

Indian IQ strikes. The Son of heaven is recognized by all parties, not limited by geography.
There is no such country like present day china in history having centralized rule over present day Chinese territory .There were some kingdoms having Imperial courts who just ruled some portion of present day china.

Frivolous posting of undocumented maps doesn't win you argument.
Then show me a documented map.
There is no such country like present day china in history having centralized rule over present day Chinese territory .There were some kingdoms having Imperial courts who just ruled some portion of present day china.

China is not your imaginary Bharat kingdoms.

Qin dynasty that established the first great Chinese empire... and basic administrative system that all subsequent Chinese dynasties were to follow for the next 2,000 years.

Qin dynasty | China [221-207 BC] | Encyclopedia Britannica

There is no such country like present day china in history having centralized rule over present day Chinese territory .There were some kingdoms having Imperial courts who just ruled some portion of present day china.

Then show me a documented map.

Indian IQ strikes again. No map can effectively capture 2000 years empire history. Try reading a proper history text book.

Is this your centralised chinese empire.Never find a uneducated troll like you.

souce global security
@Prajapati @SarthakGanguly @DRAY @Water Car Engineer @ashok mourya

. The only harm he cause to Hinduism is that he converted some weak blood Pakistanis ,with perpetual history of being treated as doormat by invaders, to Islam.

Oh meek coward being, i remember how hindus boast about khokhars and jats Timur faced, both were muslims. Yet now days history written by hindus they proudly portray them as hindus. fuking hilarios

Most of Pakistanis were muslims before Aurangzeb.
Centralized empire means a single political entity, centrally ruled from imperial court. Each provincial governor report direct to the imperial courts. No other kings or emperors.

Chinese empire is called Zhongguo or Middle Kingdom, each dynasty has its own name. Even as late as 18th century, Qing dynasty still use Zhongguo when drafting treaty with foreigner.

Transition from one dynasty to another. There's still only one overall emperor, holding the mandate of heaven.

Muarya only lasted 100 over years, it disintegrated in 185 BC. There was no Indian identity until British came.

You Chinese suffer from brain damage due to excessive inhalation of N-Hexane, and are completely bankrupt intellectually.

On one hand you claim that China has continued Imperial dynasty since whatever mythological bamboo annals Chinese are peddling while on the same hand saying that India did not had a continous dynastic succesion when Mauryan dynasty was just a Dynasty of Magadh Empire which lasted from 684 BC to 600 AD and controlled whole of India either directly, or through feudatories.

Magadha Empire - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

After this Dynasty, there was 400 year of three Kingdoms where whole of India was controlled by three dynasties. After that 500 year on no big empire and then Mughal empire, which at it's peak covered whole of India.

Looks like you could not keep your argument straight. China was a state when not even a single dynasty covered all of China. It was a state when there was no continuation in line of succession. Manchu and Yuan example has already been given. Apart from that you have spring and Autumn period, warring state period, five dynasty and ten kingdom period.and then some of your Chinese dynasties were just for namesake and have less than a couple of cities under their control. While India was not..............
Oh meek coward being, i remember how hindus boast about khokhars and jats Timur faced, both were muslims. Yet now days history written by hindus they proudly portray them as hindus. fuking hilarios

Most of Pakistanis were muslims before Aurangzeb.

It speaks.......

Weak blood speaks..................
Oh meek coward being, i remember how hindus boast about khokhars and jats Timur faced, both were muslims. Yet now days history written by hindus they proudly portray them as hindus. fuking hilarios

Most of Pakistanis were muslims before Aurangzeb.
Timur was induced by the surpassing riches of India and by the duty of the “Holy War” against the infidels. The objective of Timur to invade India was “to lead a campaign against the “Infidels” and convert them to true faith as per the command of Hazarat Muhammad and purify the land from the pollution of misbelief and overthrow the temples and the idols placed inside them“.

Crossing the Indus and all the five rivers of Punjab, Timur almost unopposed reached capital on December 17, 1398 where a decisive battle was fought. Before he entered Delhi, more than 100000 Hindus were taken as prisoners. As a precaution to the war elephants of the Sultan, he made a defense camp with brushwood and trees, followed by a store and cattles and the Hindu women. His horsemen were stationed with the women prisoners. The women prisoners were raped and tortured. Before leaving for the battle,Timur ordered all of the 1 lakh men to be slain in cold blood.
You Chinese suffer from brain damage due to excessive inhalation of N-Hexane, and are completely bankrupt intellectually.

On one hand you claim that China has continued Imperial dynasty since whatever mythological bamboo annals Chinese are peddling while on the same hand saying that India did not had a continous dynastic succesion when Mauryan dynasty was just a Dynasty of Magadh Empire which lasted from 684 BC to 600 AD and controlled whole of India either directly, or through feudatories.

Magadha Empire - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

After this Dynasty, there was 400 year of three Kingdoms where whole of India was controlled by three dynasties. After that 500 year on no big empire and then Mughal empire, which at it's peak covered whole of India.

Looks like you could not keep your argument straight. China was a state when not even a single dynasty covered all of China. It was a state when there was no continuation in line of succession. Manchu and Yuan example has already been given. Apart from that you have spring and Autumn period, warring state period, five dynasty and ten kingdom period.and then some of your Chinese dynasties were just for namesake and have less than a couple of cities under their control. While India was not..............

Chinese imperial rule for 2000 years is academically validated history. We even kept each and every historical record. The Qin dynasty established the basic administrative system that all subsequent Chinese dynasties were to follow for the next 2,000 years.
Qin dynasty | China [221-207 BC] | Encyclopedia Britannica

Unlike India which never had their own written historical record. All your empire and kingdoms were sketchily derived from Greek or Chinese source. The actual extend of Maurya empire is not well documented either. There was no verified record until late Muslim era. There was never an Indian empire or country. Until British gifted a country.
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