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Ajmal Kasab is Pakistani

One wonders who is ruling the country, such a confusion and childesh i would say. That zardari wanted to do it, but people surrounding him could not hold it in there stomach.

Well, this is what happens when we essentially have two 'heads of state'.

The President, as in India's case, sis supposed to be a figurehead primarily.

Zardari however has retained a lot of the powers Musharraf brought into the presidency, so we now have two power individuals in the PM and the President. Musharaf was able to keep Shaukat Aziz as a figurehead PM, but Gillani apparently wants to actually run the country - i.e follow his job description.

But Zardari has his fingers in the pie as well, so it is going to continue to create confusion unless they determine a way to compromise.

In all honesty, the constitution gives Zardari the powers he has, and he is head of the PPP and the country, so Gillani should defer to Zardari's decisions, in case of irreconcilable conflict of positions and policy.

If he cannot, he should resign.

The Pakistani presidency, currently, is similar to the Russian presidency under Putin - a powerful president who has a yes man as PM running the country - with overall policy being determined by Putin/Zardari.
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The sooner people stop viewing this admission as some kind of Pakistani defeat the better. This is a much needed move - and it is benificial to pakistan.

This is an opportunity for Pakistan to see to stop the forces that make the youth misled , brain washed by religion and dreams of jihard and let loose on innocents.

In the end this will work to the good of Pakistanis. Stop seeing it as some kind of a defeat.
I beg to differ, When the media did come up with information about Ajmal's town and parents, that was not even taken seriously. Infact the area was very well qurantine so noon should be questioned in the town. Why then some doubt would not fall upon some people, that dal mai chooch kala hai.

Media reports should not be the basis for concluding anything.

There is no substitute for an official investigation.
Do you think India gained support overnight to get JUD banned?
GP ...to go with the flow, let me agree here. Assuming JUD got banned as proof exist to link it with LeT.

Because Pakistan was in state of Denial and none of the Pakistani citizens were harmed. But other countries whose citizens were harmed were involved.

I really don't know why it is so difficult to comprehend. Innocent until proven guilty is the law of land. Accept it. We didn't share the evidence with GOP for whatever reason. Just see how silly it looks if a neighbor comes to your home and accuse you of stealing. You ask what did i steal and he insists that since his lock is broken it is you who who are the thief. Being a gentlemen you offer him to have a look at the scene of crime. He refuses entry in his home and still accuses you of being a thief. So at the end of day, you are accused of being a thief, are not told what is that you have stolen and to top it he does not share the evidence (his only reason to suspect you is you being his neighbour)
as gen.(retd) ASLAM BEG said on geo tv,yes "Ajmal Kasab is Pakistani , who was bieng captured by raw in NEPAL , thn brain washed by RAW, thn used by RAW , against the "state of pakistan"!:agree::tup:

i guss , it is the official version on the acceptence of "Ajmal Kasab is Pakistani", lets wait till tommarow:enjoy:;)
lets start joint investigation, from nepal from where he was taken by RAW , lets investigate the kidnappers, lets jointly investigate the indian officials , who were involved in this terror drama?:tsk::agree::tup:;)
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as gen.(retd) ASLAM BEG said on geo tv,yes "Ajmal Kasab is Pakistani , who was bieng captured by raw in NEPAL , thn brain washed by RAW, thn used by RAW , against the "state of pakistan"!:agree::angry::tup:

i guss , it is the official version on the acceptence of "Ajmal Kasab is Pakistani", lets wait till tommarow:enjoy:;)

Gen. Mirza Aslam Beg was/is an Islamist anyway - I think he is among those who woudl have the PA withdraw from FATA, because he still believes that the taliban can be used by Pakistan.
Gen. Mirza Aslam Beg was/is an Islamist anyway - I think he is among those who woudl have the PA withdraw from FATA, because he still believes that the taliban can be used by Pakistan.

AgNoStIc MuSliM; sir
i really dont care who he was,& what he thinks about fata, but what he is talking is true ! right?:undecided:
AgNoStIc MuSliM; sir
but what he is talking is true ! right?:undecided:

Not necessarily - I used the term Islamist to imply that he would prefer to see Shariah imposed in some way, and has an enormous distrust of the US and India.

Because of the above views he holds, it will be almost impossible for him to accept that he was wrong on Kasab, and he will try to again implicate India by resorting to the "Nepal' theory.

Without strong evidence confirming Nepal, or RAW's hand in any sort of 'false flag', there is no need to clutch at such conspiracy theory straws.
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Not necessarily - I sue th term Islamist to imply that he would prefer to see Shariah imposed in some way, and has an enormous distrust of the US and India.

Because of the above views he holds, it will be almost impossible for him to accept that he was wrong on Kasab, and he will try to again implicate India by resorting to the "Nepal' theory.

Without strong evidence confirming Nepal, or RAW's hand in any sort of 'false flag', there is no need to clutch at such conspiracy theory straws.

but wasnt he true about , the case in the napalese court of law?
if he is in favour of " Shariah ", thn why didnt he grows , some hairs on his clean shaved face?:undecided:
also, why didnt he named his political party on the names closer to "ISLAM", WHY thn he named it the"friends"?
i guss , he is far more progressive thn "HAMEED GULL"!
I beg to differ, When the media did come up with information about Ajmal's town and parents, that was not even taken seriously. Infact the area was very well qurantine so noon should be questioned in the town. Why then some doubt would not fall upon some people, that dal mai chooch kala hai.

so y do u think pak was doin her own investigation if there was no doubt? and today after concluding our investigation we have told everyone wat the truth is.
AgNoStIc MuSliM; sir
i really dont care who he was,& what he thinks about fata, but what he is talking is true ! right?:undecided:

for that we need to wait till pakistani investigators conclude their investigation.
Surviving gunman’s identity established as Pakistani
By Mubashir Zaidi

Wednesday, 07 Jan, 2009 | 05:28 PM PST |

ISLAMABAD: Pakistani authorities during the course of their own investigations into the Mumbai carnage have established the identity of the only surviving terrorist Ajmal Kasaab as a Pakistani national.

So the admission is not based on the evidence provided by India, but on the basis of their own "investigations".
Reading between the lines, this means that the diplomatic offensive by Delhi has paid off, and Pakistan has been arm-twisted into conceding this.

Pakistan dubs dossier mere ‘propaganda’
7 Jan 2009, 0153 hrs IST, TNN
NEW DELHI: Despite it being backed by none other than the US, a recalcitrant Pakistan has rubbished India’s ‘‘so-called’’ evidence linking Mumbai
attacks with Pakistan nationals saying it was no more than allegations and propaganda offensive. ( Watch )

In a statement which is likely to further stoke anger in India, if not lead to another flare up, Pakistan foreign secretary Salman Bashir told the foreign relations committee of Pakistan National Assembly on Tuesday that evidence provided by India was not credible enough.

The dossier has been dubbed "mere propaganda" and "insufficient".
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So the admission is not based on the evidence provided by India, but on the basis of their own "investigations".
Reading between the lines, this means that the diplomatic offensive by Delhi has paid off, and Pakistan has been arm-twisted into conceding this.

The dossier has been dubbed "mere propaganda" and "insufficient".

The biggest problem we have right now is the GOP is not functioning properly as it should be unlike your government which functions properly on all matters we have unfortunately too many traitors in the government for thier own selfish greed.
So the admission is not based on the evidence provided by India, but on the basis of their own "investigations".
Reading between the lines, this means that the diplomatic offensive by Delhi has paid off, and Pakistan has been arm-twisted into conceding this.

What it means is that Pakistan had been conducting investigations all along, but in the face of India's uncooperative attitude and warmongering, waited until India finally shared evidence to make her conclusions regarding Kasav's identity public.

Remember that the GoP's view has been all along that progress can be made so long as India cooperates - well, India finally cooperated (or was 'arm twisted' into cooperating) and Pakistan made its own investigation progress public.

If the dossier contains only transcripts of the alleged calls made to handlers etc. ( I am not certain what it contains) then it isn't credible evidence. If however the dossier contains intercepts and other related electronic evidence, it shoudl allow for voice analysis etc. to verify the identity of the handlers.

The credibility of the dossier from a prosecution standpoint depends upon what it contains.
If the dossier contains only transcripts of the alleged calls made to handlers etc. ( I am not certain what it contains) then it isn't credible evidence. If however the dossier contains intercepts and other related electronic evidence, it shoudl allow for voice analysis etc. to verify the identity of the handlers.

The credibility of the dossier from a prosecution standpoint depends upon what it contains

Thats the problem AM. What is clear uptill now about the dossier is that it contains only the confession by Kasab and the transcripts of the discussion between the terrorist and his handlers. Pakistan is right in saying that the evidence is incomplete because confession made under police custody is not considered a very reliable confession. Plus, the important thing is that such tapes are not considered reliable judicial evidence in the litigation process. Even not many hindustanis will know that the tapes were not even admissible as evidence even in indian courts untill recently. It is only in the aftermath of mumbai incident, that hindustani parliament approved them as admissible evidence in litigation against terror, as part of the new anti terror law.

Now, i think that Pakistani officials are right in saying that the evidence is not enough to try and convict the suspects in this case. Well, lets wait and see. :coffee:
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