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Ajit kumar Doval on how to counter china threat

LoL No. He is a living example of a great failure.
U see, failure or success is largely RELATIVE.
depends on the observer, rather reality, which is almost always hidden when it comes to politics.
He will never get fired. He is Modi's.
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It seems Modi is doing the SAME mistake like INDIRA GANDHI .

He did this for her :


Penta had converted the temple premises into the proverbial fortress aimed at deterring the Indian security forces from entering it. For him, the man he was meeting was an agent of the Pakistani Inter-Services Intelligence (ISI), who would assist the Khalistani terrorists in wiring the Golden Temple with explosives. Once the task at hand was complete, Penta thought that the Indian security forces would think twice before entering the temple like they had done in 1984 under the orders of Indira Gandhi, the then Prime Minister of India.



For his efforts, the 1968-batch Indian Police Service officer of the Kerala batch, was awarded the Kirti Chakra in 1989, thus becoming the first police officer to receive this peacetime medal of valour previously given only as a military honour. Alongside the then Punjab Police chief KPS Gill, Doval is often credited with shutting down the Khalistani insurgency in India.

The biggest failure is the loud mouths of Modi-Shah-Doval trio.

They talk big and deliver none.

Who Delivered > Article 370 Removal ?

I wont even Talk about other stuff.
This alone will make him win 2024 YET AGAIN.

And these are not my words..


“Really my heartfelt congratulations for your Mission Kashmir operations, sir,” Rajinikanth said, according to Puthiyathalaimurai TV. “The way you conducted it, hats off, especially the speech you delivered in Parliament, fantastic sir, fantastic.”

Thats what EVERY INDIAN FEELS. Even those who oppose him.
It seems Modi is doing the SAME mistake like INDIRA GANDHI .

He did this for her :


Penta had converted the temple premises into the proverbial fortress aimed at deterring the Indian security forces from entering it. For him, the man he was meeting was an agent of the Pakistani Inter-Services Intelligence (ISI), who would assist the Khalistani terrorists in wiring the Golden Temple with explosives. Once the task at hand was complete, Penta thought that the Indian security forces would think twice before entering the temple like they had done in 1984 under the orders of Indira Gandhi, the then Prime Minister of India.



For his efforts, the 1968-batch Indian Police Service officer of the Kerala batch, was awarded the Kirti Chakra in 1989, thus becoming the first police officer to receive this peacetime medal of valour previously given only as a military honour. Alongside the then Punjab Police chief KPS Gill, Doval is often credited with shutting down the Khalistani insurgency in India.

Who Delivered > Article 370 Removal ?

I wont even Talk about other stuff.
This alone will make him win 2024 YET AGAIN.

And these are not my words..


“Really my heartfelt congratulations for your Mission Kashmir operations, sir,” Rajinikanth said, according to Puthiyathalaimurai TV. “The way you conducted it, hats off, especially the speech you delivered in Parliament, fantastic sir, fantastic.”

Thats what EVERY INDIAN FEELS. Even those who oppose him.

Khalistan was a success because Pakistan closed the shop and tap at its end. India just cleaned up the mess with the list provided by Pakistan. No big deal. Any country with a little police force can do that.

There is a lot that Modi and his team needs to learn from Pakistan & ISI.

PM IK talks of peace every day while demonizing India and covertly sending in terrorists that do the Phulwama attack.

Modi and his team are just loud mouths that deliver nothing.
Khalistan was a success because Pakistan closed the shop and tap at its end. India just cleaned up the mess with the list provided by Pakistan. No big deal. Any country with a little police force can do that.

There is a lot that Modi and his team needs to learn from Pakistan & ISI.

PM IK talks of peace every day while demonizing India and covertly sending in terrorists that do the Phulwama attack.

Modi and his team are just loud mouths that deliver nothing.

I talked abt Article 370. Not Khalistan.

Besides, The Establishment ( the Congress ) gave him the Credit, HIS PM ( Indira Gandhi ) gave him the Credit why should ur words count over theirs ? Are You More Credible than INDIRA GANDHI's ASSESSMENT ?

Ajit Doval was only 44 years old when he received the Kirti Chakra in 1989 and perhaps remains the only police officer to be awarded this gallantry award.

His Kirti Chakra citation cites the following reasons for awarding him the decoration:

  • He was given several key assignments directed against certain hard core terrorists.
  • These assignments required high degree of courage and dedication.
  • These activities put his personal security at great risk.
  • Despite the great risk to his personal life, Doval prepared and executed the plans against terrorists with a high degree of success bringing glory to his country.
  • During these assignments,there were long periods during which his whereabouts were not known which even caused concern that he has been caught and probably tortured.
  • In one such assignments, he was required to deal with a group of terrorists some of whom were considered notorious and dangerous. Dealing with them posed a grave danger to his life.
  • Ignoring the risk involved to his personal security, Doval prepared and executed a plan for enticing the terrorists and succeeded in trapping some of the wanted notorious terrorists.
  • In carrying out these assignments,Ajit Doval has not only exhibited remarkable resourcefulness and devotion to duty,but he has carried out his tasks with a single mindedness of purpose and shown exemplary courage even risking his life on several occasions.
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I talked abt Article 370. Not Khalistan.

Besides, The Establishment ( the Congress ) gave him the Credit, HIS PM ( Indira Gandhi ) gave him the Credit why should ur words count over theirs ? Are You More Credible than INDIRA GANDHI's ASSESSMENT ?

Ajit Doval was only 44 years old when he received the Kirti Chakra in 1989 and perhaps remains the only police officer to be awarded this gallantry award.

His Kirti Chakra citation cites the following reasons for awarding him the decoration:

  • He was given several key assignments directed against certain hard core terrorists.
  • These assignments required high degree of courage and dedication.
  • These activities put his personal security at great risk.
  • Despite the great risk to his personal life, Doval prepared and executed the plans against terrorists with a high degree of success bringing glory to his country.
  • During these assignments,there were long periods during which his whereabouts were not known which even caused concern that he has been caught and probably tortured.
  • In one such assignments, he was required to deal with a group of terrorists some of whom were considered notorious and dangerous. Dealing with them posed a grave danger to his life.
  • Ignoring the risk involved to his personal security, Doval prepared and executed a plan for enticing the terrorists and succeeded in trapping some of the wanted notorious terrorists.
  • In carrying out these assignments,Ajit Doval has not only exhibited remarkable resourcefulness and devotion to duty,but he has carried out his tasks with a single mindedness of purpose and shown exemplary courage even risking his life on several occasions.

Curious - do you feel that there was a failure of the Indian intelligence to pick up Chinese movement on Indian territory?
Curious - do you feel that there was a failure of the Indian intelligence to pick up Chinese movement on Indian territory?

We still dont have the DATA if who did what/where.

Rahul Gandhi : Yes it was a HUGE Failure
Sanghi : No, It was'nt , We repelled them like Doklam.

Me : Inconclusive, due to Lack of Data.
Dude he does. He carefully plants stories in the media to make him look like James Bond.

He loves the camera. revels in narrating cock and bull stories about his adventures.
He loves the camera. revels in narrating cock and bull stories about his adventures.
Tip of the iceberg is never the full iceberg.
The videos u see are mostly lectures he took AFTER retirement.
Tip of the iceberg is never the full iceberg.
The videos u see are mostly lectures he took AFTER retirement.

Those stories are unbelievable. His kriti chakra does not show any real bravery. Indian govt has been quashing freedom movements mostly launched by sikh farmers in punjab, muslim working men in kashmir or poor tribals in south and middle india. So when this thug like nuke entity goes to hunt these people some clashes happen some risks are taken. thats not bravery. There is no independent validation of any of his stunts.
The only way for India to counter China is to realize India can never counter China.

When Indians become content with this fact, they will live in peace.
We still dont have the DATA if who did what/where.

Rahul Gandhi : Yes it was a HUGE Failure
Sanghi : No, It was'nt , We repelled them like Doklam.

Me : Inconclusive, due to Lack of Data.

You're cute if you think you repelled China in Doklam. They're back in that area. It's not so easy to repel the Big Dragon.

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