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Aircraft carrier Liaoning vs Vikramaditya

Advanced enough for your country to buy our decommissioned naval vessels.

we are buying them only to defend only the maritime areas, not to fight with two nuclear states

yes harvest of srilankans

and to get what as harvest?
a colony full of anti indians?

I dont think you r a tech guy and want to discuss about dat may u just want to troll, waste of time,

no man, i m just overthrown by this type of technology, its just wow

funny that a srilankan is talking about Indian navy while the lead ship and supposed most powerful ship of your navy was sold by India to srilanka, and in India it was only used just for patrolling, while in srilanka it is a lead ship of their navy. any way ,good luck with your brain farts.

hey you stupid M*r*n we are not about to fight with TWO nuclear states
hey this tiny cost you lot of troubles
and tractors well we build motor cars instead and well for us we have our own dockyard that can build enough ships for our size
leave the future to god and learn to stay in the present, i have heard enough of this SH!T form Pakistanis, and even after decades, they still continue to use the same words.

i didnt said anything about politicaly
you see i dont know why many politicians here even hates india. and seeks more alliance with china, pakistan
maybe be most of Tamilnadu factor, if that Bit** can shut up, or relations we'll be far more better
i didnt said anything about politicaly
you see i dont know why many politicians here even hates india. and seeks more alliance with china, pakistan
maybe be most of Tamilnadu factor, if that Bit** can shut up, or relations we'll be far more better

the politicians will have to think bigger and should have a broader vision, the tamilnadu factor will not be there forever, that politician from tamilnadu who keeps on harping about srilanaka doesn't have huge support in India, apart form few tamilians,rest of India is neutral on srilanka and support the srilankan people in what ever they do, whatever happened in UNHRC was unfortunate, but the rest of Indian people don't hate srilankans, srilanka has a positive image in India.
those are russian stuff, belonging to the Russians. Who knows indians may goagain for the cheap stufff like those tractors maybe like Mk.2 :azn:

i think you got real problem with your cheap typo mentality.... only Idiots will stick this much long on one issue.... when the Vikky is building in Russia itself, so they use Russian stuff.... just shut , stick to the technical stuff..... we don't have that much patience to listen your puny tiny nonsense stuff.....

what kinda idiots coming to PDF now a days... stupids will never change.....
those are russian stuff, belonging to the Russians. Who knows indians may goagain for the cheap stufff like those tractors maybe like Mk.2 :azn:

Again your mental block preventing you from accepting the fact that something better is onboard of Vicky and desire of yours to bash Indians and their future stuff only for the sake of bashing...

About Indian stuff, well there lot of things which India have build by herself (without using imported parts) and which are world class...

May god have mercy on you and prevent you from posting nonsense...
Hey what happened dude? You were about to explain how the PLAN was using two stationary Kiev class casinos/carriers(?) to train its sailors and pilots to operate carriers. :D

Marvelous job. Usually Indian resort to heated arguments. You refuted his claims with facts.
the politicians will have to think bigger and should have a broader vision, the tamilnadu factor will not be there forever, that politician from tamilnadu who keeps on harping about srilanaka doesn't have huge support in India, apart form few tamilians,rest of India is neutral on srilanka and support the srilankan people in what ever they do, whatever happened in UNHRC was unfortunate, but the rest of Indian people don't hate srilankans, srilanka has a positive image in India.

but here the thing is totally different
it started from IPKF ended with UNHRC
in this session, if india vote against us again it'll become more and more anti indian

i think you got real problem with your cheap typo mentality.... only Idiots will stick this much long on one issue.... when the Vikky is building in Russia itself, so they use Russian stuff.... just shut , stick to the technical stuff..... we don't have that much patience to listen your puny tiny nonsense stuff.....

what kinda idiots coming to PDF now a days... stupids will never change.....

idiots just much as you
or maybe less stupid than you

Again your mental block preventing you from accepting the fact that something better is onboard of Vicky and desire of yours to bash Indians and their future stuff only for the sake of bashing...

About Indian stuff, well there lot of things which India have build by herself (without using imported parts) and which are world class...

May god have mercy on you and prevent you from posting nonsense...

we are talking about a aircraft carrier here no some maruti cars
Lol.. Clearly this Indian knows nothing about carrier ops. tractor is never suitable for carrier ops. Using tractor on carrier deck is clearly a joke and demonstrated the ignorance of the top level of IN. China maybe late but I bet its has more knowledge on operating a carrier than India. At least , china did not use farm land equipment for it carrier. Those tractor are big and tall, occupy precious carrier deck. Due to the tall height of the tractor, longer tow is needed. Therefore even complicating the whole carrier ops procedure and create potential hazard and danger on deck.

Indian are master? Master in farming on carrier deck? :lol:

A country which is using AC for more than 50 years and has successfully used carrier in war knows nothing about carrier OPS?

As if they are using tractors on Viraat, there must be a reason for it.
Marvelous job. Usually Indian resort to heated arguments. You refuted his claims with facts.

dude, just imagine 2 kiev class carriers were sold in 1993 and 1996 perspectively
but chinese ut them on military parks even after 2004.
what you think they did those things with almost a decade?
building nature parks on them?
You are an ignorant poster it seems. Well I can see why. Both your flags don't have any operational carriers and hence the lack of insight on the topic.

The tractors used in that "OLD" carrier of IN are the HMT 5911 model. It is atleast 5 times less heavy than the contemporary models of pushback vehicles. Uses half the amount of fuel, has same length and comes .... surprise surprise.... at 1/10th of the cost. This is called "improvisation".

You see, India is not USA. Plus, we were happy operating these so called less tech savvy equipments as we were the masters of sea in Asia. But with modern developments, we are moving to newst techs like in INS Vikramaditya.

thanks for info
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