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Aircraft carrier Liaoning vs Vikramaditya

@Maleesh , sonny , before you make a fool out of your self, let me just enlighten you a bit, only the most incurable retard will look at the tractor on an AC, anyone with slightest amount of knowledge on AC will look at the stuffs like fighter platforms, Radars, SAM's, whether the deck is of ski jump or flat deck, propulsion, size, its defenses against aerial threats etc etc. Now, if you really want to talk about an tractor here,as one of the retarded Chinese mentioned that tractor was dangerous, let me put it this way to you, those tractors are being used since decades and to this day there has been no single accident attributed to the use of tractor, if there was any danger , than the navy would have replaced them with other equipment long back, probably more than a decade back, however, the very fact that the tractors are still being used clearly indicates that they are safe to use, comfortable,efficient and the navy is satisfied with them. And another talk of it being large,in some sense it is true, but fools here have to understand that hangars will enough space to house the tractors, if there was no space,as is said earlier , those tractors would have never been used, no one will try to make space for tractors by keeping out the planes, so any further talk of the tractor being dangerous and less space is just BULLSH!T form the retards here.

coming to your second point on the Chinese navy personnel being trained on their other AC, well kid, stop talking out of your a$$ here, the most crucial thing that needs to be mastered is the technologies and techniques involved in launching and landing fighter aircraft on the deck of the AC, ever wondered why the news of the first chinese jet taking off from their AC became an international news, so much so that the Chinese even opened thread here on PDF and posted pics of the jet taking off from the deck, it took even the US navy to master the technology and techniques around a decade, in other words, ability to land and launch the fighter aircraft form the deck of AC during night and day, and even in stormy weather while the AC will be moving simultaneously is most important aspect. in simple words, the other AC's of china which are in dysfunctional state were never as a training platform, they were used to study the AC to build their own, since the Chinese don't have any experience in building AC,if you had done proper home work, you would have noticed that the Chinese are using this new AC of their as a training platform, other dysfunctional AC were not used as a training platform.

coming to other point,as i mentioned earlier, only the most incurable retard will look at the tractor and judge the destructive ability of the AC, fools like you have to understand here that an AC will not go alone into the water, it will be supported by subs and destroyers, in other words, the Chinese navy's fighter planes cannot even come near to the Indian AC,coz the destroyers are equipped with systems which will neutralize any threat, be it aerial or the naval, and subs will take of the threats form enemy subs.
it does't matter whether Indian navy is what kind of tractor, you should have looked at the fighter aircraft, radars, the supporting ships which go along with this AC, even a school drop out can learn to drive a tractor within days, but to land and launch an aircraft form the deck is AC is not an easy job. next time before you open you mouth and make fool out of you self, learn to see what needs to be seen and discuss what needs to be discussed. you were one of the fools who digressed form the topic and started discussing about the tractor, while you ignored all other aspects and concentrated on just a tractor whose only operational use is just to move the fighter aircraft in an AC and nothing more.

if you really want to grow that little brain of yours ,here is the expert opinion on the Chinese AC

Relax: China’s First Aircraft Carrier is a Piece of Junk

I agree with you 100% that the constant talk about the tractor is beside the point and useless. Lets make a real comparison of the two carriers. We can have a long and perhabs endless argument about who's got the better planes, or better technology on the ships. But two things that cannot be argued against is this:

1. The Liaoning is bigger than the Vikramaditya 67500 ton vs. 45400 ton.

2. The Liaoning is better configured than the Vikramaditya.

A lot of the space on the flight deck has been eaten up by the oversized and misplaced island

The Vikramaditya doesn't have jet blast deflectors on her deck. Meaning that during take offs the people and equipment will have to stand way back not to get burned and there by robbing the already small flight deck of more space.

The Vikramaditya has one of the smallest hangar decks amongst all the carriers in service much smaller than on the Liaoning.

The Vikramaditya has elevators that are not located on the side but in the middle of the ship. This means that in the already cramped hangar deck it will rob more precious space and on the flight deck the elevators can't open during landing and take off. The MiG-29K's can only fit on one of the two elevators on the ship. The one stuck between the island and the runway.

The Vikramaditya has limited aviation fuel storage capacity and this will affect flight ops since 16 MiG-29K's guzzle up much more fuel than the 12 Yak-38 that the ship was designed for. Meaning the carrier can only generate limited amount of sorties. This problem can be mitigated by having a fuel ship trail along but this will add extra costs and complications in operating the Vikramaditya and further slowdown flight ops on her deck.

There is very little room to work for the deck crew because there is virtually no space between the island and the runway.

All these issue's comes from the fact that the Vikramaditya was never designed to be a STROBAR carrier in the first place. It was a VSTOL carrier cruiser hybrid. The Kiev class are the platypus of the warships. The Liaoning doesn't have all these issue's because it was designed for STROBAR ops from the beginning.

Indians keep saying that India has more experience than China in operating carriers. I will take that but as time pass China will gain more and more experience and will get better and better in operating carriers. While the handicaps of the Vikramaditya is there to stay. And no amount of experience will undo these handicaps of the ship.
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Not exactly,lol, for hydromechanics I'm just amateur level, my area is computational fluid dynamics, kinda dealing with the sea, lol~

hydromechanics is my nightmare .
computational fluid dynamics:raise: i guess you are proficient in softwares like FLUENT & ANSYS etc.
hydromechanics is my nightmare .
computational fluid dynamics:raise: i guess you are proficient in softwares like FLUENT & ANSYS etc.

Not really lol, I use OpenFOAM and some other opensource codes...I tend to code my own BC and solver to solve my unique problem. Commercial software I used to use Flow-3d and Delft3D```
I agree with you 100% that the constant talk about the tractor is beside the point and useless. Lets make a real comparison of the two carriers. We can have a long and perhabs endless argument about who's got the better planes, or better technology on the ships. But two things that cannot be argued against is this:

1. The Liaoning is bigger than the Vikramaditya 67500 ton vs. 45400 ton.

2. The Liaoning is better configured than the Vikramaditya.

A lot of the space on the flight deck has been eaten up by the oversized and misplaced island

The Vikramaditya doesn't have jet blast deflectors on her deck. Meaning that during take offs the people and equipment will have to stand way back not to get burned and there by robbing the already small flight deck of more space.

The Vikramaditya has one of the smallest hangar decks amongst all the carriers in service much smaller than on the Liaoning.

The Vikramaditya has elevators that are not located on the side but in the middle of the ship. This means that in the already cramped hangar deck it will rob more precious space and on the flight deck the elevators can't open during landing and take off. The MiG-29K's can only fit on one of the two elevators on the ship. The one stuck between the island and the runway.

The Vikramaditya has limited aviation fuel storage capacity and this will affect flight ops since 16 MiG-29K's guzzle up much more fuel than the 12 Yak-38 that the ship was designed for. Meaning the carrier can only generate limited amount of sorties. This problem can be mitigated by having a fuel ship trail along but this will add extra costs and complications in operating the Vikramaditya and further slowdown flight ops on her deck.

There is very little room to work for the deck crew because there is virtually no space between the island and the runway.

All these issue's comes from the fact that the Vikramaditya was never designed to be a STROBAR carrier in the first place. It was a VSTOL carrier cruiser hybrid. The Kiev class are the platypus of the warships. The Liaoning doesn't have all these issue's because it was designed for STROBAR ops from the beginning.

Indians keep saying that India has more experience than China in operating carriers. I will take that but as time pass China will gain more and more experience and will get better and better in operating carriers. While the handicaps of the Vikramaditya is there to stay. And no amount of experience will undo these handicaps of the ship.
That's what I said~ thank you bro```
I agree with you 100% that the constant talk about the tractor is beside the point and useless. Lets make a real comparison of the two carriers. We can have a long and perhabs endless argument about who's got the better planes, or better technology on the ships. But two things that cannot be argued against is this:

1. The Liaoning is bigger than the Vikramaditya 67500 ton vs. 45400 ton.

2. The Liaoning is better configured than the Vikramaditya.

A lot of the space on the flight deck has been eaten up by the oversized and misplaced island

The Vikramaditya doesn't have jet blast deflectors on her deck. Meaning that during take offs the people and equipment will have to stand way back not to get burned and there by robbing the already small flight deck of more space.

The Vikramaditya has one of the smallest hangar decks amongst all the carriers in service much smaller than on the Liaoning.

The Vikramaditya has elevators that are not located on the side but in the middle of the ship. This means that in the already cramped hangar deck it will rob more precious space and on the flight deck the elevators can't open during landing and take off. The MiG-29K's can only fit on one of the two elevators on the ship. The one stuck between the island and the runway.

The Vikramaditya has limited aviation fuel storage capacity and this will affect flight ops since 16 MiG-29K's guzzle up much more fuel than the 12 Yak-38 that the ship was designed for. Meaning the carrier can only generate limited amount of sorties. This problem can be mitigated by having a fuel ship trail along but this will add extra costs and complications in operating the Vikramaditya and further slowdown flight ops on her deck.

There is very little room to work for the deck crew because there is virtually no space between the island and the runway.

All these issue's comes from the fact that the Vikramaditya was never designed to be a STROBAR carrier in the first place. It was a VSTOL carrier cruiser hybrid. The Kiev class are the platypus of the warships. The Liaoning doesn't have all these issue's because it was designed for STROBAR ops from the beginning.

Indians keep saying that India has more experience than China in operating carriers. I will take that but as time pass China will gain more and more experience and will get better and better in operating carriers. While the handicaps of the Vikramaditya is there to stay. And no amount of experience will undo these handicaps of the ship.

A whole lot of points there; with some very valid ones besides. That is good.

But the point is still; the value of a Carrier lies in operating a oerationally trained air-wing. That is where IN has certainly has the edge; having operated CATOBAR, STOVL and now an incoming STOBAR Carrier. All that started way back in 1961; which is 51 years ago! Since then IN has uninterruptedly operated a Carrier(s)

BTW, INS Vikramaditya is NOT going to be the last IN Carrier. So that says something.
A whole lot of points there; with some very valid ones besides. That is good.

But the point is still; the value of a Carrier lies in operating a oerationally trained air-wing. That is where IN has certainly has the edge; having operated CATOBAR, STOVL and now an incoming STOBAR Carrier. All that started way back in 1961; which is 51 years ago! Since then IN has uninterruptedly operated a Carrier(s)

BTW, INS Vikramaditya is NOT going to be the last IN Carrier. So that says something.

Sorry I don't know that IN has CATOBAR operation experience, anyway currently experience is definitely with IN, PLAN still gotta learn a lotta thing, but in term of hardware, looks like PLAN is leading now.

We both won't want a head-on between us right~
think you are a lagging bug

ftractors on deck of an aircraft carrier is always trollin

latest tech like what forklifters :P


I dont think you r a tech guy and want to discuss about dat may u just want to troll, waste of time,
A whole lot of points there; with some very valid ones besides. That is good.

But the point is still; the value of a Carrier lies in operating a oerationally trained air-wing. That is where IN has certainly has the edge; having operated CATOBAR, STOVL and now an incoming STOBAR Carrier. All that started way back in 1961; which is 51 years ago! Since then IN has uninterruptedly operated a Carrier(s)

BTW, INS Vikramaditya is NOT going to be the last IN Carrier. So that says something.

I recognise that India has the lead in terms of experience. But China too will gain experience in operating carriers as time passes. India however when it comes to the Vikramaditya is stuck with a very flawed carrier who's problems will not go away and will negate alot of the advantages of the better training and experience that the IN has in carrier ops. Both China and India will build more carriers but this thread is about the Liaoning vs Vikramaditya specifically.
It is not about the age of the old carrier that I've found most of you people's comments absurd.
It is about the very basic simple knowledge that you people are terribly lacking - including the indian "senior" and "think tank"!

And mind you when you are gloating at the experience and "war-time" victory in operating aircraft carriers, you are not number one in Asia. Japan is number 1.

1/2 of your british made harriers have crashed. The harriers also have a terrible problem of melting the deck during their vertical landing. Also dont boast of your aircraft carriers' expertise at war against a Pakistan which has nothing solid at sea yet. They fought you on land and in the air.

I remember when the Russians let you guys steer the leased submarine home, your navy did not have a clue!

plz mind your selves, u r not in position of teaching us
I agree with you 100% that the constant talk about the tractor is beside the point and useless. Lets make a real comparison of the two carriers. We can have a long and perhabs endless argument about who's got the better planes, or better technology on the ships. But two things that cannot be argued against is this:

1. The Liaoning is bigger than the Vikramaditya 67500 ton vs. 45400 ton.

2. The Liaoning is better configured than the Vikramaditya.

A lot of the space on the flight deck has been eaten up by the oversized and misplaced island

The Vikramaditya doesn't have jet blast deflectors on her deck. Meaning that during take offs the people and equipment will have to stand way back not to get burned and there by robbing the already small flight deck of more space.

The Vikramaditya has one of the smallest hangar decks amongst all the carriers in service much smaller than on the Liaoning.

The Vikramaditya has elevators that are not located on the side but in the middle of the ship. This means that in the already cramped hangar deck it will rob more precious space and on the flight deck the elevators can't open during landing and take off. The MiG-29K's can only fit on one of the two elevators on the ship. The one stuck between the island and the runway.

The Vikramaditya has limited aviation fuel storage capacity and this will affect flight ops since 16 MiG-29K's guzzle up much more fuel than the 12 Yak-38 that the ship was designed for. Meaning the carrier can only generate limited amount of sorties. This problem can be mitigated by having a fuel ship trail along but this will add extra costs and complications in operating the Vikramaditya and further slowdown flight ops on her deck.

There is very little room to work for the deck crew because there is virtually no space between the island and the runway.

All these issue's comes from the fact that the Vikramaditya was never designed to be a STROBAR carrier in the first place. It was a VSTOL carrier cruiser hybrid. The Kiev class are the platypus of the warships. The Liaoning doesn't have all these issue's because it was designed for STROBAR ops from the beginning.

Indians keep saying that India has more experience than China in operating carriers. I will take that but as time pass China will gain more and more experience and will get better and better in operating carriers. While the handicaps of the Vikramaditya is there to stay. And no amount of experience will undo these handicaps of the ship.

Your points are real worth here. I also have doubt about Vikrmadityas capability of launching operation too far from the base. Even I dont think it will able to launch independent operation until/unless enemy is too weak. It is already pretty much outdated due to many delays. I Hope future vessel will come on time.

Same thing goes to Liaoning. It is also unable to launch any offensive operation without support. So it is nearly impossible even in future that they will sail each against. just wait for future vessel for comparison.:confused:
well that was such a long passage to cover up the indian tractor :rofl:

funny that a srilankan is talking about Indian navy while the lead ship and supposed most powerful ship of your navy was sold by India to srilanka, and in India it was only used just for patrolling, while in srilanka it is a lead ship of their navy. any way ,good luck with your brain farts.
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