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Air Strikes on Syria ?


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No more air strikes man. There's already enough problems there. If air strikes happen, the fighting factions would use common people as human shields. It will be a needless bloodbath and if the war spills out of borders, it will become a huge battlefield in the entire middle east that will involve almost everyone from Turkey to GCC to Iran to Israel and what not.

We don't want that to happen.

How would it spill?

Also a surgical strikes campaign isn't a needless bloodbath. Just armor concentrations and key regime infrastructure. Giving the opressed a little helping hand.

Also how would you describe the current situation differently from needless bloodbath? 9000 dead as of 2 days ago (UN report).
Saudis are happy under King Abdullah Rule.Young Saudis are getting jobs , interest free business loans, and scholarships for study abroad. Saudi rulers need to improve labour laws and citizenship laws.

Asad is worst and brutal ruler than Mubarak and Qadhafi

at least remove the pic of the Quaid from your dp before posting such utterly hypocritical cr@p, & by the way whats your view about the innocent protesters who were killed in Bahrain & Yemen with the help of your beloved king Abdullah ? (sick)
Assad will be responsible for any eventuality. Instead of butchering his opponents, he should listen to those who are calling for change.

Look at this protest:

Video: Syrians stage mass anti-Assad protests across the country - Telegraph

Syrian people are protesting against Assad even in neighbouring countries. Here is an example:

Thousands take part in anti-Assad protests across Lebanon |

Assad deserves to be taught a lesson. Instead of butchering his opponents, he should listen to those who are calling for change.

Assad should realize that this no longer a Syrian exclusive affair - specially after Syrian refugees have taken shelter in neighbouring countries.

He did not learned any lesson from Libya?

& what in your hypocritical opinion should be taught to king abdullah for his role in butchering thousands of protesters in Bahrain,bombing of innocent shia's in Yemen, brutal crack down on the minority shia populations in KSA ? what does your buttering moral has to says about these atrocities ?

as for your poor attempt @ propaganda well i can also show you

Saudi Police Attacks Shia visitors in Madinah - YouTube

New shocking video of Bahrain Army shooting protesters with automatic guns - YouTube

The whole Middle East should just threaten Syria once, and they will stop. But Alas, there are many involved with Syria, supporting them directly or indirectly.

wow when the language of the "riyals" speaks posts like these are what one sees......

wonder whether such posts reflected are for loyalties or luxuries......

"Assad should listen to his opponents"

the entire arab world is a secterian/tribal disaster, some more than others. Opponents come in the form of "my tribe is going to rule everybody else and my religion is better than yours." tribe X will kill tribes abc, and once a comes to power it will start killing tribes xbc. Call me up when they leave these cultural practices and I will start giving a **** about their dictators.

Iraq is a tribal/secterian mess
Yemen is a tribal/secterian mess
Libya is a tribal/secterian mess
Syria is a tribal/scterian mess
Lebanon is a tribal/secterian mess
Sudan a tribal/secterian mess
Bahrain a tribal/secterian mess
"Assad should listen to his opponents"

the entire arab world is a secterian/tribal disaster, some more than others. Opponents come in the form of "my tribe is going to rule everybody else and my religion is better than yours." tribe X will kill tribes abc, and once a comes to power it will start killing tribes xbc. Call me up when they leave these cultural practices and I will start giving a **** about their dictators.

Iraq is a tribal/secterian mess
Yemen is a tribal/secterian mess
Libya is a tribal/secterian mess
Syria is a tribal/scterian mess
Lebanon is a tribal/secterian mess
Sudan a tribal/secterian mess
Bahrain a tribal/secterian mess
You gone way far of the truth it's not the tribes war it's the interests war not even a religion war it's again the interests.
"Assad should listen to his opponents"

the entire arab world is a secterian/tribal disaster, some more than others. Opponents come in the form of "my tribe is going to rule everybody else and my religion is better than yours." tribe X will kill tribes abc, and once a comes to power it will start killing tribes xbc. Call me up when they leave these cultural practices and I will start giving a **** about their dictators.

Iraq is a tribal/secterian mess
Yemen is a tribal/secterian mess
Libya is a tribal/secterian mess
Syria is a tribal/scterian mess
Lebanon is a tribal/secterian mess
Sudan a tribal/secterian mess
Bahrain a tribal/secterian mess

As simple as this description is, perhaps the most accurate I've seen.
Neither did you. Gadaffi has gone in Libya and there are still killings going on.
There is no civil war there anymore.

We should encourage Syrians to dialogue and resolve their conflicts peacefully.
Asssad killed everyone who could dialogue.
There is no civil war there anymore.

Asssad killed everyone who could dialogue.

Jew, if you care so much for Syrians, go and rescue them.

Since you are so superior and so invincible, it is your duty to protect universal human values.
how much will have to die before we do anything about it?

7000 ? 70000? 7000000 ?

Obama is weak. We should attack NOW.

How many you saved behalf of 3000 ????? 3 NATIONS completely Destabilized...
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