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Air International on PAF

Zeeshan S.

Dec 19, 2005
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The credit goes to Mujahid for a submit.

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Havent read the article yet mainly because the scan qaulity is poor.
I have downloaded all the pages and will try to read them later on

I love the term "Crescent Wings" :love:

Prachant, can you please aviod on word remarks.
Thanks for contributing this very informative article although a bit sketchy (jumping from explaining one thing to another real quick). I&#39;m sure people would take lessons from it back to wherever they discuss the PAF as this is an entirely independant analysis of a force with a will to do what it has been assigned to do in any manner under any circumstance.

P.S. Zeeshan, could please ask Mujahid to also specify which edition of Air International did this artice feature in (month/year)? Thnx ------&#62; Never mind, I just realized that it says March/2006 at the end of each of the scanned pages.
Sid i believe this is the latest one. I had the copy of this also. This is the one where H-2, H-4 as possible BVR missiles is written (just read the paragraph under the Boeing 707 picture) Also just to confirm the date, read the date all the way down at the bottom right hand corner which says March 2006.
Originally posted by WebMaster@Mar 4 2006, 12:35 AM
Sid i believe this is the latest one. I had the copy of this also. This is the one where H-2, H-4 as possible BVR missiles is written (just read the paragraph under the Boeing 707 picture) Also just to confirm the date, read the date all the way down at the bottom right hand corner which says March 2006.
[post=6625]Quoted post[/post]​

yes it does state so, if anyone else has more such readings about PAF,PA or PM itwould be nice if they could scan and post it here.These aregood readings
The &#39;please see&#39; section at the end of my previous post already mentioned that fellaz. Anyways, thanx.
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