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Air Commodore (R) Kaiser Tufail explains the Su-35S offer.

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PN needs an independent air arm equipped with
  • 2-3 squadrons of Su-35
  • 2 squadrons of JH-17
  • 5-6 PC3 Orions or more advanced maritime patrol aircrafts with AWAC capabilities
I would not be a Distraction.... We Can get Similar Plane Why not go for the Best out there? Which Plane Can give a hard to MiG-29 Jaguar Harpy and Naal Tejas with range of 3600 KM ? What makes you think that By getting Su-35 we will stop producing JF-17?? did it stopped when we were buy 2nd Hand F-16's? how can we Produce 1000 JF-17 ? You know it's not always about numbers but Quality 1 kind of plane in Inventory is a suicide mission the Enemy will study the plane till the core will know about the tactics and will less range of JF-17 It can't hit India deep inside Indian territory.. Plus Always remember the Enemy is equipped with one of the Best Sams

our Mirages are so old Our F-7 needs replacement How PAF is doing Great with JF-17 and Some F-16?

Even if Su-35 is Glorified Su-27 Thing is it can kick butt of Su-27 and superior in every aspect..

We Don't have anything to Protect Our Ocean Look at the size of Mammoth Indian Navy and if you want CPEC to Function properly we need to make sure that Gawadar And Karachi are safe from External threats which can only be done By getting superior Fighters and Frigates Sub Patrol boats missiles boats are coming

We definitely need 2 Squads of Su-35 with some JF-17 BLock II or even III in Future as a support role with Su-35


Are you even serious???

What makes you thinks that India Don't know about JF-17? India is keeping eye on JF-17 and it's development

What do you think when Indian Sukhoi MKI try to Hit Pakistan PAF should Fly 10 JF-17 to Counter 1 Jet????

Please compare JF-17 to Every Indian Plane Plus you know what Indians Are Upgrading their current fleet

Bingo !
Thats also my point.
There is a big political gain as well if Pakistan can get Russia in its side. On the other hand, it is the best time to have a deal with Russia considering Russia situation.

3 Billion USD is the offer to buy any Russia Defense Product, not all the money is used for Su 35 acquisition since we only need 16 of them. I believe we will just use some of that 3 billion offered, not all of them.
"There is a possible need for something in this class on two accounts: diversification and to support naval operations. The Su-35 "being a twin-engined aircraft with vast range (and endurance), it would help us to have a significant and potent presence in the Arabian Sea, something that the puny, aging Mirage squadron is ill-suited for (as is the JF-17 from the range point of view)," he said. "Given the changing geo-politics and the Chinese investment whose trade terminus is Gwadar, there is definitely going to be a need for a long-range fighter. So essentially, I see it as a guarantor of maritime security as far as the airspace is concerned.

"All of this may sound like a sudden switch from continental strategy to a maritime one, but it is high time that we paid serious attention to this aspect in the fast changing geopolitical scenario. Pakistan's air power over the Arabian Sea already received a boost this month when No. 2 'Minhas' Squadron based in Karachi was re-equipped September 6 with the JF-17 Block II after surrendering its Chengdu F-7P fighters.

The re-equipment of [No. 2 'Minhas' Squadron] was due as they had the oldest lot of F-7s. The JF-17 was the obvious replacement. The Mirage-5PA2/3 is still a capable aircraft, though long in the tooth by now. Most likely, the replacement of these Mirages would have a maritime role, so it could be a couple of years before we see a newer capability. He said Whether that replacement is the Su-35, however, remains to be seen."
Extension in Exclusive Economic Zone and increase in the number of vessels of Pakistan Navy needs a safer sky. Pakistan Navy should must deploy two squadrons at Karachi and Gwadar each. Its a job of defense planners to select the twin engine fighter. Russians and Chinese jets are good options for Pakistan Naval Air Arm but as far as the matter of PAF is concerned, they should also change their doctrine and should induct twin engine 4.5th Generation jets because things are getting out of the limitations of 4th Gen F-16s and JF-17s. Either they should update Thunder into a 4.5 Gen or should induct a new jet.
There's something called scarcity. We can't do everything we like. Resources are limited and choice are mutually exclusive. By the time we get Su-35. JF-17 capabilities will already be upgraded. For Su-35 we are buying something which is past. In JF-17 we are moving in future. Do find time to watch these 2 documentaries. Will clear concepts.

Seriously that's the best thing you can come up with?

No Doubt JF-17 is a Good Fighter Plane which can perform different Role for Pakistan + low Cost and many kind of weapons package.... But it Good Not the best

Plus going for huge numbers like you said 1000 JF-17 is a joke we need more pilots and much much more money why don't just buy few squads of Su-35

when you can have 40 Su-35 then why go for 250 JF-17 ????? no sane person will think of that
Bro there is no doubt jf17 is good and it will further improve.but do you really think that it can match upto the performance of su 35.anyways block 3 is still 2 to 3 years away
even JF17 block -III will be in lighter Fighter Jet category more suitable for Multi role purposes but at limited scale meanwhile if we get Su 35 or alikes i.e J16/J11b may be used more for bomber/deep penetration roles in enemy territory fpr longer period. They shall be able to even challenge 5th gen fighters.
How long we can sustain a "real" war with few expensive foreign planes considering the same supplier could be disrupted by more money from our enemy, with whom they have longer history? Su-35 could be a national security risk for Pakistan, creating distraction from our JF-17 program.
How long we can sustain a "real" war with few expensive foreign planes considering the same supplier could be disrupted by more money from our enemy, with whom they have longer history? Su-35 could be a national security risk for Pakistan, creating distraction from our JF-17 program.
Bro where do you think the jf17 engine comes from? Let me tell it comes from russia
How long we can sustain a "real" war with few expensive foreign planes considering the same supplier could be disrupted by more money from our enemy, with whom they have longer history? Su-35 could be a national security risk for Pakistan, creating distraction from our JF-17 program.
Bro where do you think the jf17 engine comes from? Let me tell it comes from russia

As long as Russia is dependent on China to support it's economy, Pakistan has nothing to fear..
I think there is some serious consideration on the behalf of PAF for Su-35s for following reasons.

  • Mirage-5PA2/3 will have to be retired.

  • A platform with extended range is needed to replace them because of newly placed focus on maritime defense and power projection.

  • India is building carriers with Mig-29K, something our existing Mirages etc can not take care of.
  • Su-35S will be an ideal platform to not only defend Karachi, Port Qasim and Gwadar but also be able to effectively support our naval formations and take care of the Indian CBG problem.

  • Su-35 offers PAF unprecedented range to effectively conduct operations not only deep inside India but also deep inside the Indian Ocean Region (IOR).

  • It will solidify Pakistan Navy's sea denial capabilities when integrated with existing assets and force multipliers.

  • It will allow us to quickly respond to any emergency situation in GCC.

  • F-16s, JF-17s even FC-31 cannot offer us such a capability due to different performance parameters and operational doctrines.

    Su-35 assessment by USAF and USN Pilots. Killer in the Sky: Russia's Deadly Su-35 Fighter | The National Interest

sorry, but not happening.
Bro where do you think the jf17 engine comes from? Let me tell it comes from russia

Plz check previous posts on this thread to see the context. Engine exposure was also mentioned. Thanks :) India won't mind if we get a fraction of their glorified version of Su-27 & Su-30s, which would distract us from JF-17 program. PAF resources are not unlimited, and we can't be jack of all trade. If someone is trying to sell us something, doesn't mean we have to buy it.
Even if we get SU35 we should arm it with Chinese Missiles instead of Russian one. No matter what will be capabilities of Russian Missiles they may not prove to be effective enough ag Indian's as they know every bit of Russian Ammo.
You are forgetting the R37 BVRAAM
Plz check previous posts on this thread to see the context. Engine exposure was also mentioned. Thanks :) India won't mind if we get a fraction of their glorified version of Su-27 & Su-30s, which would distract us from JF-17 program. PAF resources are not unlimited, and we can't be jack of all trade. If someone is trying to sell us something, doesn't mean we have to buy it.
A very Childish argument that procuring an Aircraft, we might get distracted from our own home grown Program.
Lets take example of India !
From Past 3+ Decades they are working on Their own Platform named Tejas, in mean while they have Procured Many Aircrafts including Su-30 MKI. Have this distracted them from their own Platforms development ?
Leave Delays on a side because its a Technical domain.
People here needs to understand that Every Aircraft has Limitations and Answer to every threat is not JF-17 Thunder !
We have to Procure things according to Necessities and Requirements.
Your Argument is like if A Kid has money to buys and eat his meal but spends all his money on video game, tell me from where he will eat and remove his Hunger ?
Try to understand buddy !
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