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Aik Din Geo K Saath with Maulvi Burka and his goons (Must watch).

how shamelessly these women lied is a tragedy
there are their recorded programs and press appearances where they are threatening Pakistani state, and people about what they will do and after the operation the same ladies were crying in front of tv saying no one allowed them to have their say or they meant no harm to anyone or they were ousted unprovoked by Musharraf. I can put their videos together before and after the operation but why bother some people will never learn.
Irfan: I had biggest shock of my life when I heard Moulana Rafi Usmani defending Lal Masjid filth. Until listening to this video, I had lots and lots of respect for Moulana Rafi Usmani and his brother Moulana Taqi Usmani but after hearing Usmani saheb's speech on Lal Masjid and how he tried to down play the terrorist acts of Lal Masjid inhabitants, I found myself compelled to revisit my thoughts about not just Usmani saheb but those others who pretend to be moderate and balanced clerics. I am so confused that I don't know what should I do. I am perhaps left with only two names now, Dr. Javeid Ghamidi and Professor Ahmed Rafiq Akhtar.

how shamelessly these women lied is a tragedy
there are their recorded programs and press appearances where they are threatening Pakistani state, and people about what they will do and after the operation the same ladies were crying in front of tv saying no one allowed them to have their say or they meant no harm to anyone or they were ousted unprovoked by Musharraf. I can put their videos together before and after the operation but why bother some people will never learn.
OMGGG!!!!!!! THIS IS WHAT IWANTED TO WRITE IN THE THREAD, infact iwrote and then i erased the msg.i was like choro.

YOU ARE SOOOO RIGHT. myself watched those shameless lies. And do u remember when some journalists asked those girls that ok fine he didnt have weapons the maulana guy, then from where the weapns came to masjid . To which they said,maulana kay kuch dost thay unhon nay day diey thay. Yes maulana's friend gave him gas masks and all those sniper rifles etc.
Ok lets rewind history...

Filth dortier than toilet scum khwarij hijacked 4 CIVILIAN aircraft in a foreign country and slammed them into highrise CIVILIAN buildings..
The culprits were hiding in ourneighbouring country...

Islamically we should deal with murderers.. if we are not powerful enuf we should alloe berieved to deal with them...

Khwarij suffered a hands down defeat while facing that foreign power
They escaped to our autonomous tribal regions and we list control of thise regions...

Further attacks against foreign CUVILIANS came from tribal areas like 7/7 in london..
To preveny khwaarij killing more civilians foreign drones were allowed and given shamsi air base...till the tine we regain control (right about now)..

These scums are coward like i cannot describe in words ...
They have lost 99.999999999% times they come across any military...but they have killed aroune 30000 pakistani civilians...who were not dogs and bitches but humans.... and feel disgusted when their supporters talk of civilan casuality...

Nearly 100% of attacks of these bastards are on civilian targets and they are proud of it.
OMGGG!!!!!!! THIS IS WHAT IWANTED TO WRITE IN THE THREAD, infact iwrote and then i erased the msg.i was like choro.

YOU ARE SOOOO RIGHT. myself watched those shameless lies. And do u remember when some journalists asked those girls that ok fine he didnt have weapons the maulana guy, then from where the weapns came to masjid . To which they said,maulana kay kuch dost thay unhon nay day diey thay. Yes maulana's friend gave him gas masks and all those sniper rifles etc.
I trust now with humility you will apologise to me for calling me ''terrorist sympathiser''. I will give you time to re-read all my posts on this thread on others. I have been totally against anyone targeting civilians of Muslims and Non-Muslims alike.

Are all you blind Mullah followers pathological liars too? Only you (a terrorist sympathizer/apologist) can find anything peaceful and Islamic about students sent to study religion carrying weapons, trying to manipulate the public and Govt, terrorizing people and taking law and order into your hands. Keep your fancy Arabic words (religious excuses in general) and "empowered sisters" justification to yourself. Those radicalized women would highly object to any worldly education and keeping pace with the modern times. You know what empowerment even means? No, it doesn't mean putting weapons in the hands of anyone. I have seen a lot of your kind condemning terrorism first but then double acting with absurd logic to support/justify the actions of terrorists or declaring them misguided in an attempt to discredit the state's action against them!

Nearly 100% of attacks of these bastards are on civilian targets and they are proud of it.

Some "misguided" angry brothers and sisters!

Also, the pattern of indiscriminately targeting the local populace is seen in other Muslim countries in which these scumbags claim to fight to uphold "Islam" and yet blow up in crowded civilian intensive places. Case in point: The suicide bomber going off "near" some american base in Afghanistan and exclusively killing common Afghans in the area.

Irfan: I had biggest shock of my life when I heard Moulana Rafi Usmani defending Lal Masjid filth. Until listening to this video, I had lots and lots of respect for Moulana Rafi Usmani and his brother Moulana Taqi Usmani but after hearing Usmani saheb's speech on Lal Masjid and how he tried to down play the terrorist acts of Lal Masjid inhabitants, I found myself compelled to revisit my thoughts about not just Usmani saheb but those others who pretend to be moderate and balanced clerics. I am so confused that I don't know what should I do. I am perhaps left with only two names now, Dr. Javeid Ghamidi and Professor Ahmed Rafiq Akhtar.

There's a sectarian point of view very evident in the whole conflict (even somewhat relatively balanced and rational clerics taking the opposite side of what they usually seemed to believe in surprisingly) and yet most people just don't see it. But then again, most people don't even today believe that these terrorists are local people but foreign agents. As if it explains anything.
Again you have a suspicious heart like another poster on here. I suggest you come to our Madarassa with a mahram and the Mufti saab may guide in spirituality. Husna zan is thinking the best of others and making 70 excuses for your brothers. Love, mercy and getting closer to Allah azwajal using thawasaf are taught in Islam.

Suspicious heart? :D

A terrorists confirms his nefarious intentions by declaring a war against my country, trains terrorists, intimidates by weapons, and threatens my dear countrymen of some 10,000 odd suicide bombers under this control which he plans to unleash and I am supposed to make excuses for this "brother". Are you on hallucinogens?

Anyone come to your seminary for guidance? No, you exposed yourself badly by doing the drama of being unaware of "terrorists actions" of the Mullah in question (strangely somehow you still knew about him) as if you couldn't see the massive weapons recovered from the mosque and the "misguided" students firing on the forces which left 11 soldiers dead. Pakistani channels broadcast in Azad Kashmir and anyone which followed even a little knew all this in the end. That most of them believed that weapons in a place of learning (a trait that no school/college/university in this country has ever followed) and militant Islam is correct.

Calling someone a 'wife-beater' is bad. However, calling MISGUIDED sisters 'bitches' (dogs) is worse. What kind of ''man'' says this kind of thing to someones; daughter, sister, mother?

Terrorists, not misguided sisters. You don't take foreign nationals in your custody and invade Govt buildings and get the benefit of doubt, these "sisters" were involved in activities against the state. Correct your terminology, there are no takers for this terrorist apologist attitude here.

I await your apology!

How long do you plan on embarrassing yourself?
Are all you blind Mullah followers pathological liars too? Only you (a terrorist sympathizer/apologist) can find anything peaceful and Islamic about students sent to study religion carrying weapons, trying to manipulate the public and Govt, terrorizing people and taking law and order into your hands. Keep your fancy Arabic words (religious excuses in general) and "empowered sisters" justification to yourself. Those radicalized women would highly object to any worldly education and keeping pace with the modern times. You know what empowerment even means? No, it doesn't mean putting weapons in the hands of anyone. I have seen a lot of your kind condemning terrorism first but then double acting with absurd logic to support/justify the actions of terrorists or declaring them misguided in an attempt to discredit the state's action against them!

This is nothing new of what you're saying, you exposed your hatred of Madaris education in the thread about 'closing madaris'. You are a habitual liar in that thread where you LIED about claiming 60,000 deaths had nothing to do with 2001 war. What did you added that time, if we don't change, then be prepared for force (paraphrasing). Do you remember my reply, ''RAMBO''? Sitting home and you think we're scared of cowards like you. When the Hindu Army marches into Pakistan, it is the madaris who will stand-up and fight. Not the secularists, liberals sitting on here and talking out of their backsides. This has been proven in all Muslim conflicts, the cowards run away and when the war is won, cowards want to rule without breaking sweat.

Once again, you are trying to distorts my quotes and think it makes you clever by being selective. It shows you're vile with questionable character. I have given you a full explanation of every point. Have you been inside a Madarassa? There are NO television, it is not a holiday camp. Again speaks volumes of your terrorist mindset killing, maligning all in the same way as I mentioned above your statement, tow the line who Mr secur is going to use force.

I say again you, ''if'' I supported the TTP, I don't give a damn what you or any other hypocrite says on here. You are tying to malign all madaris as terrorists as you tried in the last thread. We are Brelvi-Sunni and do not believe in violence to bring about a change.

Now what part of the above statement are you going to be selective?

I have seen a lot of your kind condemning terrorism first but then double acting with absurd logic to support/justify the actions of terrorists or declaring them misguided in an attempt to discredit the state's action against them!

Statement not based on facts, accounts exposed you lies once again. Mufti Naimi saab, a Brelvi scholar was killed for giving a fatwa against the TTP khawrij.

LOL, now what liar? Fyi, As you're so ignorant about Madaris and Islam, Mufti Naimi saab was one of our most senior scholars. He gave his life for Islam. What have you done for the country?

Anyone come to your seminary for guidance? No, you exposed yourself badly by doing the drama of being unaware of "terrorists actions" of the Mullah in question (strangely somehow you still knew about him) as if you couldn't see the massive weapons recovered from the mosque and the "misguided" students firing on the forces which left 11 soldiers dead. Pakistani channels broadcast in Azad Kashmir and anyone which followed even a little knew all this in the end. That most of them believed that weapons in a place of learning (a trait that no school/college/university in this country has ever followed) and militant Islam is correct.

Yes, ANYONE can come to our Madrassa. Who made you a ''think tank''? Again exposes your radical mindset. The Mullah in question, the name of him and what he looks like I've never heard of him. The incident at the Lal Masjid, we heard about it through word of mouth, not on television. I have already told you what I heard and the version is different to what is being said on here. I have not heard about the 11 dead soldiers only on here.

Don't insult my faith. There is no such thing as militant Islam. Where is our sufi brother who was advising me @Gunsnroses are you not going to defend your faith?
Irfan: I had biggest shock of my life when I heard Moulana Rafi Usmani defending Lal Masjid filth. Until listening to this video, I had lots and lots of respect for Moulana Rafi Usmani and his brother Moulana Taqi Usmani but after hearing Usmani saheb's speech on Lal Masjid and how he tried to down play the terrorist acts of Lal Masjid inhabitants, I found myself compelled to revisit my thoughts about not just Usmani saheb but those others who pretend to be moderate and balanced clerics. I am so confused that I don't know what should I do.
Sir our people considering all Mullahs as Pure people and our nation don't use mind, and following them blindly.
Even look this Pure Syed ali gilani hurriyat leader which our nation praising him day & night... Watch his speech supporting Osama bin ladin and offering funeral.

Again shocked? Same mentality of Lal masjid terrorists...... Same chain with different names.
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@Gunsnroses are you not going to defend your faith?

For God sake, please quit now I request you. I humbly asked you in the very beginning to stop right there. But you didn't. This is a public forum where people come from all walk of life. Insisting on your self righteousness and blaming all those if they are not in consistent with your beliefs is just childish....c'mon yaar! You have taken the place of @Zarvan now who is a known terrorists sympathizer. Most other people in here are matured, experienced and have first hand knowledge of what they are talking about. You cannot just impose your views without building trust. How long have you been here...few days, weeks? May not deliberately, but you are continuously approving the wrong doings of the terrorists and then adamant like a monk.

The burqa these 'sisters' wear is an evil in disguise for they use it for butchering our people ---- but you monotonously praising their looks that oh how Islamic, how strong is their faith etc. In such cases the hukm is to reveal (modestly). The weapons they use against us --- again your husn-e-zan and approvals! Who is more dangerous: a non believer or a munafiq? I warned you before that no matter how religious they portray themselves, they follow a corrupt ideology. Not only munafiqs got hunted down in the time of PBUH but their place of conspiracies, masjid-e-zarrar, was also destroyed. But these munafiq with their clear nafq are still misguided to you and you want to re-educate them. What a shame that you can't see the difference!

You want me to defend the faith from faithful? Hello? Nobody is non-believer here we are all muslims. As in your defence, I did one thing for you. Look at the bro @Jungibaaz. He stopped arguing with you when I told him that you don't know what's wrong with the ideology of these fitnabaaz 'sisters' and ugly maulana, I humbly thank him for that. But you continued arguing with others without noticing and getting lesson from it. Not to mention you shouted at me too --- your post is there. But am fine with it. Not everyone is same. Not everyone has the understanding and threshold to resist specially when our nation is burning due to these very scum bags and you cannot put blame on the people for that. Did I reply your last post addressing me? Ever pondered over why?

Now you have already created a mess around yourself with no wisdom of what's coming to you and still adamant on continuing?? Argument upon argument, bashing upon bashing! You are not doing any good to yourself and the aqeedah of the elders, in fact you are causing harm, trust me. A salik's first lesson is 'khaamoshi' (silence). What you are doing is mixing up haq and batil and still clueless who is who. A bomb in the hands of a terrorist is a disaster but blessing in the hands of a soldier. Knowledge without wisdom is just like the bomb in the terrorists' hands. I am not challenging your knowledge in Islam but please be flexible and use it wisely if you have any. At least use your brain wisely. Calm down and read some spiritual book. Am out. Eid mubarak in advance.

@Secur bhai. A humble request please. He is not a terrorist sympathizer but in huge dilemma. Janay dein.
This is nothing new of what you're saying, you exposed your hatred of Madaris education in the thread about 'closing madaris'. You are a habitual liar in that thread where you LIED about claiming 60,000 deaths had nothing to do with 2001 war. What did you added that time, if we don't change, then be prepared for force (paraphrasing). Do you remember my reply, ''RAMBO''? Sitting home and you think we're scared of cowards like you. When the Hindu Army marches into Pakistan, it is the madaris who will stand-up and fight. Not the secularists, liberals sitting on here and talking out of their backsides. This has been proven in all Muslim conflicts, the cowards run away and when the war is won, cowards want to rule without breaking sweat.

Once again, you are trying to distorts my quotes and think it makes you clever by being selective. It shows you're vile with questionable character. I have given you a full explanation of every point. Have you been inside a Madarassa? There are NO television, it is not a holiday camp. Again speaks volumes of your terrorist mindset killing, maligning all in the same way as I mentioned above your statement, tow the line who Mr secur is going to use force.

I say again you, ''if'' I supported the TTP, I don't give a damn what you or any other hypocrite says on here. You are tying to malign all madaris as terrorists as you tried in the last thread. We are Brelvi-Sunni and do not believe in violence to bring about a change.

Now what part of the above statement are you going to be selective?

Of course its nothing new! It happened back in 2007 and the whole world saw it how a certain mosque fired at the forces and waged a war against the state. Sure, your Madaris can fight with the "Hindu army" when they are done fighting with the "Muslim Pakistanis" but that doesn't seem to be happening. I asked you questions on this thread, if you wish to write a book about our previous argument, feel free. Just don't expect it to be a rebuttal somehow for this one, because it wasn't then, your then argument of "the teachings never go wrong within the domain of Ahl Sunnat" is something not even remotely believable, seeing the role of religious personalities and political leaders mounting the defense for terrorists and militant Islam, providing justifications and objecting to any military action against them and a great number of Pakistanis sympathizing and having a soft corner for them. I said reforms there, not shut them down completely, a fair demand in light of the sectarianism/radicalization/extremism/terrorism the seminaries are found involved in the spread of. And yet its not seculars or liberals blowing up in this country or waging a war with their twisted interpretation of religion. You can disagree all you want, but still the terrorists killed by force carry surnames indicative of religious teaching and are mostly traced back to some "Dar-ul-Aloom" or "Dar-ul-Binat".

And answer my question instead of evasive maneuvering, it was along the lines of "whats so peaceful about students armed with weapons?". Does your definition of women empowerment include street marches while carrying sticks invading buildings? Does the same go for the male members establishing checkpoints outside the mosque and openly displaying weapons to the residents?

Statement not based on facts, accounts exposed you lies once again. Mufti Naimi saab, a Brelvi scholar was killed for giving a fatwa against the TTP khawrij.

LOL, now what liar? Fyi, As you're so ignorant about Madaris and Islam, Mufti Naimi saab was one of our most senior scholars. He gave his life for Islam. What have you done for the country?

Not even remotely the reply for what I wrote, understandable though. You have run out of answers. I wrote something about your double acting of speaking against terrorism and yet continuing to provide justifications for the terrorists at Red Mosque. What is this BS?

Yes, ANYONE can come to our Madrassa. Who made you a ''think tank''? Again exposes your radical mindset. The Mullah in question, the name of him and what he looks like I've never heard of him. The incident at the Lal Masjid, we heard about it through word of mouth, not on television. I have already told you what I heard and the version is different to what is being said on here. I have not heard about the 11 dead soldiers only on here.

Take it up with the management. If you are a representation of the teachings of that particular Madarsa, I suggest people stay away from it. The usage of a free and critical thinking mind isn't to be outsourced to any Mullah under any circumstance. God has gifted you with a brain, learn to use it.

Of course you believed what you heard through "word of mouth" without any evidence or proof. A trait common to all blind followers.
And answer my question instead of evasive maneuvering, it was along the lines of "whats so peaceful about students armed with weapons?". Does your definition of women empowerment include street marches while carrying sticks invading buildings? Does the same go for the male members establishing checkpoints outside the mosque and openly displaying weapons to the residents?

My last post was my last one, however, this is my last day as my ramadhan break up so I will answer these questions of yours. I have never evaded any of your questions and i have tried to answer all questions within the bounds of my understanding and information. Any questions I'm not sure of i seek guidance from people of knowledge.

I am going to answer your questions not that I believe what you say happened, but on educational grounds. What you say needs to be verified as commanded by Allah.

There is nothing peaceful about students carrying weapons.
Those sisters are misguided and we don't tolerate ANYONE who tries to dishonor them. It is the job of the Ulima Ikram to guide them. Islam places a high status on women and their life and honour is sacred. So long as they're not directly involved in bloodshed.
Male members holding checkpoints. They should not do that as it is fasad.

Not even remotely the reply for what I wrote, understandable though. You have run out of answers. I wrote something about your double acting of speaking against terrorism and yet continuing to provide justifications for the terrorists at Red Mosque. What is this BS?

Show me the post?

Take it up with the management. If you are a representation of the teachings of that particular Madarsa, I suggest people stay away from it. The usage of a free and critical thinking mind isn't to be outsourced to any Mullah under any circumstance. God has gifted you with a brain, learn to use it.

Of course you believed what you heard through "word of mouth" without any evidence or proof. A trait common to all blind followers.

It is unfortunate that you have such a negative opinion of Madaris. I only pray that you would come to ours and you'll see the teachings are in accordance to traditional orthodox sunni-Bravelvi doctrine. Thasawaf getting closer to Allah and showing love for your fellow human being is taught. This is besides Islamic Jurisprudence of Hanafi madhab.

The traditon of word of mouth is a long and well established one. I have never said I'm aware of what goes on in the world 100%. That would be arrogant of me and misleading.

Indeed, Allah has given us a brain but you need to know how to use it!

Eid Mubarak to you and if I've cross the line at anytime then I ask for your forgiveness and @syedali73 I'm very passionate about Islam and it defines who I am.
Those sisters are misguided and we don't tolerate ANYONE who tries to dishonor them. It is the job of the Ulima Ikram to guide them. Islam places a high status on women and their life and honour is sacred. So long as they're not directly involved in bloodshed.

No, its the duty of the law enforcement to tackle a threat from the terrorists. These people were in direct violation of the law. Guidance from anyone comes later. And your Mullahs aren't interested in either deradicalizing or damage control, they rather spread the message of intolerance and hate. There of course are exceptions, but the most either support it directly or prefer not condemning it.

@Azad-Kashmiri The word of mouth is to be backed with other evidence and it was plenty in this case. Furthermore, the usage of the God given faculties come with an innate common sense, recognition of logic, curiousity and a deep idea of right/wrong. Lets not limit it.

Eid Muabarak to you too!

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