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AIIB (Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank) news

I've just watched the latest episode of 新闻追追追 ....For Taiwan's current anti-consortium social atmospere and anti-PRC complex, it's simply impossible. Plus that incompetent administration, I'm very pessimistic about ROC's future.

Yeah, they are well beyond logic and reasoning, which is why I hardly watch local news anymore.
I've just watched the latest episode of 新闻追追追 ....For Taiwan's current anti-consortium social atmospere and anti-PRC complex, it's simply impossible. Plus that incompetent administration, I'm very pessimistic about ROC's future.

I think their fear has overpowered their capacity to chart their economic progress that is inevitably tied to us. The more successful we become, the greater their fear, thus even greater resistance.
Yeah, they are well beyond logic and reasoning, which is why I hardly watch local news anymore.
But that voice dominates the society....I think any serious political talk-show can not appeal to the general audience.

I think their fear has overpowered their capacity to chart their economic progress that is inevitably tied to us. The more successful we become, the greater their fear, thus even greater resistance.
They are losing their final bargaining chip.
Israel applies to join China-backed AIIB investment bank
Wed Apr 1, 2015 7:45am EDT

TEL AVIV (Reuters) - Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has signed a letter of application for Israel to join the China-led Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB), the Israeli Foreign Ministry said on Wednesday.

More than 40 countries, including Australia, South Korea, Britain, France, Germany and Italy, have said they would sign up to the AIIB, with Japan and the United States the two notable absentees.

China set a March 31 deadline to become a founding member of the AIIB, an institution that could enhance Beijing's regional and global influence.

Washington initially tried to dissuade its allies from joining the AIIB, seeing it as a challenge to the World Bank and Asian Development Bank over which the U.S. exerts considerable influence, but changed tack after many signed up for it.

U.S. Treasury Secretary Jack Lew said on Tuesday that Washington would welcome the AIIB as long as it complements existing institutions and adopts high governance standards.

In a statement on its website, the Foreign Ministry said Israel's AIIB membership would open up opportunities to integrate Israeli companies into infrastructure projects it financed.

Israeli companies are increasingly turning to Asia to capture a boom in demand for their technology, as the government urges them to diversify export markets in response to Europe's rising anti-Semitism and potential trade sanctions.

The new bank plans to invest $100 billion in infrastructure projects in Asian countries. Half of that amount has already been budgeted by China.

(Reporting by Tova Cohen; Editing by Jeffrey Heller and Tom Heneghan)

Israel is in!

also Iceland and Portugal


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Dream more. If you think that UK (perpetual US poochdoggy), Norway, India etc. will take one step against the US simply because they became members of the AI whatever Bank, you're dreaming after smoking lots of Pot.

We'll worry about our sanitation, you should spend more money on pollution than on such fanciful projects. Last time I checked lots of people die every day due to that @AndrewJin
AIIB is for improve the infrastructure of China and other countries, many companies also can benefit from these, promot the economy, of course, also push internationalization of RMB, join it or not, you decision.

We are not that idiotic think these USA allies that join will become against USA, we just want do business for more money, that's all.

Thank you for you concern on our pollution, we will, we have encough money for it, not less than indian, of course, we have much spare money for our "fanciful" projects, Chinese also have dream, the difference is that, we are working hard for it, and make it true, not just a dream, so Let's dream together.

You said you will buy more in IMF and World Bank, of course, you can, we don't stop you, that's your choice, so, back to working, you should earn more money for it, for your this dream.
AIIB is for improve the infrastructure of China and other countries, many companies also can benefit from these, promot the economy, of course, also push internationalization of RMB, join it or not, you decision.

We are not that idiotic think these USA allies that join will become against USA, we just want do business for more money, that's all.

Thank you for you concern on our pollution, we will, we have encough money for it, not less than indian, of course, we have much spare money for our "fanciful" projects, Chinese also have dream, the difference is that, we are working hard for it, and make it true, not just a dream, so Let's dream together.

You said you will buy more in IMF and World Bank, of course, you can, we don't stop you, that's your choice, so, back to working, you should earn more money for it, for your this dream.

This is a political organization man. What do you expect it to do? Any of the nice things you think it should? I can assure you that in 4 years time we'll all be squabbling around the loans. There'll be loans that India will want for 'disputed regions' that you'll oppose, loans you'll give to Pak that we'll oppose, we'll fight for which position has to go to whom, trust me man- this is how these overtly political organizations end. It was never any different.
This is a political organization man. What do you expect it to do? Any of the nice things you think it should? I can assure you that in 4 years time we'll all be squabbling around the loans. There'll be loans that India will want for 'disputed regions' that you'll oppose, loans you'll give to Pak that we'll oppose, we'll fight for which position has to go to whom, trust me man- this is how these overtly political organizations end. It was never any different.
Of course, it is also political organization, so? World Bank and IMF too, so, these can't promot economy developing?

Of course there will be squablling, so? what do you want to explain? you indian lack of toilet, so you don't shit?!
The reality is, we as a sponsor of AIIB, many countries response, include you india,
I didn't know that.

Oye @ranjeet @Bang Galore @levina - I think this explains a lot.....
I think you're being too skeptical here.

We all know IMF and World Bank were set up by US of A and Western European countries in the wake of World War II, and were designed to make US and Europe dominant.
I'm not saying AIIB would be diff, but such competition is good to reduce American hegemony.
I wonder if the UK undercut France and Germany due to France/Germany snub them in the negotiation with Russia over Ukraine? Perhaps, our friend @mike2000 can help answer this.

Well it might be, but then again it has more to do with we looking at opur interests first and foremost(which is what any sane/wise country always does, bar small paranoid countries:D). We are Always after our commercial/economic interests and what others can bring/add into our country, we dont give a **** of which country it comes from. So our interests are paramount, reason we are still the most open country in the west/Europe when it comes to FDI. Money doesnt have colour.:)

By the way, i was right, Japan wont join(for obvious reasons).:enjoy:

Britain: Europe's top attraction for investors - Business News - Business - The Independent
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Israel applies to join China-backed AIIB investment bank| Reuters

Israel applies to join China-backed AIIB investment bank
Markets | Wed Apr 1, 2015 7:45am EDT

(Reuters) - Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has signed a letter of application for Israel to join the China-led Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB), the Israeli Foreign Ministry said on Wednesday.

More than 40 countries, including Australia, South Korea, Britain, France, Germany and Italy, have said they would sign up to the AIIB, with Japan and the United States the two notable absentees.

China set a March 31 deadline to become a founding member of the AIIB, an institution that could enhance Beijing's regional and global influence.

Washington initially tried to dissuade its allies from joining the AIIB, seeing it as a challenge to the World Bank and Asian Development Bank over which the U.S. exerts considerable influence, but changed tack after many signed up for it.

U.S. Treasury Secretary Jack Lew said on Tuesday that Washington would welcome the AIIB as long as it complements existing institutions and adopts high governance standards.

In a statement on its website, the Foreign Ministry said Israel's AIIB membership would open up opportunities to integrate Israeli companies into infrastructure projects it financed.

Israeli companies are increasingly turning to Asia to capture a boom in demand for their technology, as the government urges them to diversify export markets in response to Europe's rising anti-Semitism and potential trade sanctions.

The new bank plans to invest $100 billion in infrastructure projects in Asian countries. Half of that amount has already been budgeted by China.

(Reporting by Tova Cohen; Editing by Jeffrey Heller and Tom Heneghan)
I think you're being too skeptical here.

We all know IMF and World Bank were set up by US of A and Western European countries in the wake of World War II, and were designed to make US and Europe dominant.
I'm not saying AIIB would be diff, but such competition is good to reduce American hegemony.

US and Europe (mainly) were dominant much before WW2 (for 300 yrs). Post WW2 Europe accepted and welcomed US dominance so as to retain the west's status.

Asia has no interest in seeing China as its poster-child.

Call it divide and rule or whatever but Asians have not reached the metal maturity that is required to be the dominant race in the world. Individually maybe but not collectively.

May happen down the road but not yet!

Iceland decides to join China-proposed AIIB
(Xinhua) 08:36, April 01, 2015

REYKJAVIK, March 31-- Iceland decided to become a founding member of the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB) on Tuesday, according to a statement of Iceland's Ministry of Finance and Economic Affairs.

The statement came at the last minute of the deadline for the submission of application to become AIIB's founding members, which is set on Tuesday.

The AIIB is an international financial institution proposed by China, aiming to support infrastructure projects in Asia.

Countries and regions will still be able to join the bank after Tuesday, but only as common members.

The Memorandum of Understanding on Establishing the AIIB specified that its authorized capital is 100 billion U.S. dollars and the initial capital will be around 50 billion dollars. The paid-in ratio will be 20 percent. As agreed, Beijing will host the AIIB's headquarters.

As a member of AIIB, the Iceland's government will further strengthen the good relations between Iceland and Asian countries and support the new shoots of the current stage, according to the statement published on the website of Iceland's Ministry of Finance and Economic Affairs.

The interest of nations to lend money for infrastructure development in Asia is not least the growing internationalization of the economic system in the world, said the statement.

It is expected that the AIIB will be formally established by the end of 2015, after the prospective founding members have signed and ratified the Articles of Agreement

Israel applies to join China-backed AIIB investment bank| Reuters

Israel applies to join China-backed AIIB investment bank
Markets | Wed Apr 1, 2015 7:45am EDT

(Reuters) - Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has signed a letter of application for Israel to join the China-led Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB), the Israeli Foreign Ministry said on Wednesday.

More than 40 countries, including Australia, South Korea, Britain, France, Germany and Italy, have said they would sign up to the AIIB, with Japan and the United States the two notable absentees.

China set a March 31 deadline to become a founding member of the AIIB, an institution that could enhance Beijing's regional and global influence.

Washington initially tried to dissuade its allies from joining the AIIB, seeing it as a challenge to the World Bank and Asian Development Bank over which the U.S. exerts considerable influence, but changed tack after many signed up for it.

U.S. Treasury Secretary Jack Lew said on Tuesday that Washington would welcome the AIIB as long as it complements existing institutions and adopts high governance standards.

In a statement on its website, the Foreign Ministry said Israel's AIIB membership would open up opportunities to integrate Israeli companies into infrastructure projects it financed.

Israeli companies are increasingly turning to Asia to capture a boom in demand for their technology, as the government urges them to diversify export markets in response to Europe's rising anti-Semitism and potential trade sanctions.

The new bank plans to invest $100 billion in infrastructure projects in Asian countries. Half of that amount has already been budgeted by China.

(Reporting by Tova Cohen; Editing by Jeffrey Heller and Tom Heneghan)

This is a brilliant move by Israel.

Keep a low profile and wait till the last minute so as to not attract attention or controversies.

Israel may be an ally of US, but Israel is also a good friend of China.
Japan could have joined had she waited till the last minute, just speculating :D
Portugal is also in, at the last minute.

Portugal, Iceland apply to AIIB - China.org.cn

Portugal, Iceland apply to AIIB
Xinhua, April 1, 2015

China on Wednesday welcomed the application of Portugal to join the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB) as a founding member.

A statement from the Ministry of Finance said Portugal officially sent its written application to China on Tuesday, the deadline for countries to apply to become AIIB founding members.

Should all existing members approve, Portugal will become a founding member on April 15, said the statement.

In a separate statement, the ministry said Iceland also officially sent its written application to China to become an AIIB founding member on Tuesday. Iceland will likewise become a founding member on April 15, subject to the same conditions.

China, as chair of the AIIB founding members' chief negotiation representatives' conference, is currently soliciting opinions from the existing founding members through multilateral procedures, according to the ministry.
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