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Aid suspension to Pakistan has not paid off, US Congress told

LOL! Of course halting our 'aid' hasnt had any effect, how stupid do you think Pakistanis are Mr Yankee Doodle? We always have options, and we keep them open.
or rather pi$$ in the plate they ate from.



karzai is frustrated with aid not coming to pak because he too was a refugee and pak cut off his aid.

Opps . What now?
Few weeks ago i commented on one of these threads that nothing is going to happen. I remember indians jumping out of proportion celebrating that US will destroy Pakistan, where are they hiding now.
Opps . What now?
Few weeks ago i commented on one of these threads that nothing is going to happen. I remember indians jumping out of proportion celebrating that US will destroy Pakistan, where are they hiding now.

at the time it was pornographous for them and they used it to release their premature steam. until the next yankee tantrum it will be built up for the next cycle!
I was going to post that too. Ghani was a refugee like karzai as well. Infact many so called afghan elite were in Pakistan at that time.

they're not Refugees if they live on Pakhtun land, if he went to Punjan or Sindh then I understand. But there's a reason that border is a British fart in the air. Nothing!
I was going to post that too. Ghani was a refugee like karzai as well. Infact many so called afghan elite were in Pakistan at that time.

Nearly all of them. Even those that ate found abroad have roots in being refugees in Pakistan. This is what happens when you host foreign refugees for over 3 generations in millions and each and every one of them hates you.

Pakistan must restart repatriations and quickly so that they can go back across the Durand towards their own country. Never saw a refugee bunch so ungrateful or destructive.

As for the thread.

It was not going to work and congress was informed of this by their experts that pakistan is no longer as tied to US as it once was and both military and economic aid is marginal especially considering the fact that pakistan plays a major role in the US war on Afghanistan.

The US needs to realize that they can't bully every nation and they must realize their limitations and work under those limits.

As for invasion of Pakistan. The incompetent and nearly destroyed country of Afghanistan and the afghans have lost their minds in this hatred that they beg their master to inflict some sort of pain or wound upon Pakistan. Pathetic doesn't even cover it.

I am amazed how the Afghan elite completely fooled their populace into thinking the Durand border doesn't exist when in reality they have accepted it as well with Pakistan. Heck they pointed towards that acceptance in 2010 in the transit trade treaty. Wow just wow.
Earlier at the hearing, Mr Sullivan also read out a written statement, stating that the US could resume security assistance to Pakistan if Islamabad takes “decisive and sustained” actions against all terrorist groups in the country.

"Today’s US ‘terrorist’ can be US ally tomorrow" – former Pakistani intel chief. The U.S. needs to understand that when it comes to the Haqqani network tomorrow has already come for Pakistan. If the U.S. wants to live in the past then that is their own stupidity.

Opps . What now?
Few weeks ago i commented on one of these threads that nothing is going to happen. I remember indians jumping out of proportion celebrating that US will destroy Pakistan, where are they hiding now.

In a sacred cow's a$$, this is also where they are born from (according to one of their 300 million gods, but you'll have to excuse me if I don't remember which one).
Nearly all of them. Even those that ate found abroad have roots in being refugees in Pakistan. This is what happens when you host foreign refugees for over 3 generations in millions and each and every one of them hates you.

Pakistan must restart repatriations and quickly so that they can go back across the Durand towards their own country. Never saw a refugee bunch so ungrateful or destructive.

As for the thread.

It was not going to work and congress was informed of this by their experts that pakistan is no longer as tied to US as it once was and both military and economic aid is marginal especially considering the fact that pakistan plays a major role in the US war on Afghanistan.

The US needs to realize that they can't bully every nation and they must realize their limitations and work under those limits.

As for invasion of Pakistan. The incompetent and nearly destroyed country of Afghanistan and the afghans have lost their minds in this hatred that they beg their master to inflict some sort of pain or wound upon Pakistan. Pathetic doesn't even cover it.

I am amazed how the Afghan elite completely fooled their populace into thinking the Durand border doesn't exist when in reality they have accepted it as well with Pakistan. Heck they pointed towards that acceptance in 2010 in the transit trade treaty. Wow just wow.

We, the Pakistani Pakhtun, don't accept foreign Afghan Pakhtun on our land. The Pakistani Pakhtun demand immediate repatriation of Afghan scum from our soil. They don't belong here.

The US has lost all leverage. Their designs have been exposed. They have lost the war in opiumland.
Military actions by US on Pakistan? LOL . America knows its limitations unless they want to start WW3. Pakistan has got big stick and our hands are LONG. And if the elephants do fight, the rats like yourself will get crushed as collateral damage. Think before what you wish for.

As for Money, they need to first do an audit as to where 1 trillion dollars of America tax payer money went into in this Afghansitan campaign/occupation with the miserable results to show.
All the HARAM US money can't get anything HELAL, it'll only produce HARAM results.....
they're not Refugees if they live on Pakhtun land, if he went to Punjan or Sindh then I understand. But there's a reason that border is a British fart in the air. Nothing!

It is not pakhtun land its Pakistan! Now if you have an issue then go take it up with your dead king who signed the agreement in the first place. But he is dead.

Anyways your hindu brethren are offering money to become Hindu. I suggest that because there is not going to be any welcome in Pakistan down the road for Afghans.

Nearly all of them. Even those that ate found abroad have roots in being refugees in Pakistan. This is what happens when you host foreign refugees for over 3 generations in millions and each and every one of them hates you.

Pakistan must restart repatriations and quickly so that they can go back across the Durand towards their own country. Never saw a refugee bunch so ungrateful or destructive.

As for the thread.

It was not going to work and congress was informed of this by their experts that pakistan is no longer as tied to US as it once was and both military and economic aid is marginal especially considering the fact that pakistan plays a major role in the US war on Afghanistan.

The US needs to realize that they can't bully every nation and they must realize their limitations and work under those limits.

As for invasion of Pakistan. The incompetent and nearly destroyed country of Afghanistan and the afghans have lost their minds in this hatred that they beg their master to inflict some sort of pain or wound upon Pakistan. Pathetic doesn't even cover it.

I am amazed how the Afghan elite completely fooled their populace into thinking the Durand border doesn't exist when in reality they have accepted it as well with Pakistan. Heck they pointed towards that acceptance in 2010 in the transit trade treaty. Wow just wow.

This dream the yanks have of staying in the same country for as long as they wish is not going their way. If they think the regional powers will tolerate them excluding Pakistan then sadly they are greatly exaggerated their dream.

The old bullying did not work and will not work. Mark my words they will come crawling and by then it will be far too late.
What a surprise! All the aid money goes into the pockets of politicians anyway - nobody will miss it but them.
Slight Correction bro, not only politicians but also some uniformed personnel too
GTFO you and your bloody aid bastards close this damn chapter once for ever
people from these regions always bite the hand that feeds them and takes care of them.
We should also revisit some of our policies too, i don't see any positive outcome from border closing & forceful repatriation of ordinary afghans
lol this Americans are now facing Pakistan eye to eye someone they never done after Soviets.
crying on few billions these beggar Americans paid for using Pakistani land as supply routes? why not these american ignorant voters ask their politicians about 1 trillion $ spent on Afghani war and its results? Interestingly why i dont see Indian cheerleaders in this kind of threads?:lol::lol:

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