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Ahmadiyya Muslim sect thanks Guardian for exposing hate

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Dec 7, 2008
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A minority Muslim sect says it still faces persecution from extremists but has praised efforts to stamp out discrimination in south London.

A year ago, this newspaper exclusively revealed shocking examples of Ahmadiyya Muslims, whose main mosque is in Morden, being openly insulted and discriminated by religious bigots who targeted their livelihoods and even their political candidates.

Ahmadiyya Muslim sect thanks Wimbledon Guardian and Wandsworth Guardian for exposing hate
They should indeed , maybe they also should publish , the thousands of "unpublished" cases of pedophilia in the catholic Church.

Hang on, you first mentioned "deep" relationship whatever that means and now you have moved to Catholics. What is your point? What are you upset about?
Hang on, you first mentioned "deep" relationship whatever that means and now you have moved to Catholics. What is your point? What are you upset about?

Media that ignores its own social issues and highlights the issues of sub-social groups in hosts countries reflect either a "deep" relationship or a strategic link with the govt since British media is the official mouth piece of the British gov.
Media that ignores its own social issues and highlights the issues of sub-social groups in hosts countries reflect either a "deep" relationship or a strategic link with the govt since British media is the official mouth piece of the British gov.

What are you talking about? How do you know 'media ignores its own social issues'? For instance how do you know of any “unpublished” issues from catholic church if they are ”unpublished” unless you claim to work for catholic church and know it first hand? Also issues relating to all groups are British issues. Unlike your country, all people in UK are considered British.

You are being delusional. Making up things as you go. Get off whatever you are taking right now and then explain what is this "deep" relationship you talk about and what is the evidence of it.
Media that ignores its own social issues and highlights the issues of sub-social groups in hosts countries reflect either a "deep" relationship or a strategic link with the govt since British media is the official mouth piece of the British gov.

Guardian is an independent newspaper and very liberal. If you can rely on a newspaper on being positive towards Muslims and Pakistan to the point of prejudice that's Guardian. I am guessing with your logic that makes Guardian in "deep" relationship with Pakistani establishment and some maulana somewhere. Don't spit from a position of ignorance try to educate yourself.
They should indeed , maybe they also should publish , the thousands of "unpublished" cases of pedophilia in the catholic Church.
UK is protestant mostly not catholic
and the case of pedophilia concerns catholics
fine, but WHY do they keep saying ahmadiyyas are Muslims!!! :angry:

Arent they?? They claim to be muslims. But why do sunni muslims claim that they are not muslims. can anyone tell me the diff between the two groups?
Arent they?? They claim to be muslims. But why do sunni muslims claim that they are not muslims. can anyone tell me the diff between the two groups?
it is a long discussion
it is like with our baha'is in Iran. are they muslims or not?
if you consider Islam teachings such people who claim to be the new prophet or the mahdi (here the case) they are by definition not defined to be muslims because there cannot someone claiming so

for shias of Iran we believe the mahdi will come back but for a particular reason and we could see that it didn't occur so that's why they are out of islam

of course it doesn't mean that they should not be allowed to exist but they hardly can say they are muslims
they created a new religion inspired by Islam that's all
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