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Ahmadis: The lightning rod that attracts the most hatred

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I am not the one asking for killing anyone , if you wish to make this happen contact altaf bhai , you wont need nukes.
Don't paint my posts with ****** wankerish thoughts of your own !

here we go another enlightening master piece of research trash :tdown:
Allah is the judge of all - but some in Pakistan are very unhappy with this and wish to fire Allah from His duty and replace Him with real men, men who will act, and act now ---- ‘The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing". Now if only Pakistanis knew the good from the evil
@muse...how are you a different individual among these intolerant pakistani society....of course you are different than others...
@muse...how are you a different individual among these intolerant pakistani society....of course you are different than others...

Let me explain how --- Asim once said that I do not appreciate the milieu in which most Pakistani members have grown up in, I do not appreciate the quality of education and I do not appreciate how the populace's attitudes have been shaped by the success of the Islamists and the failure of the state -- he was spot on.

I want you to consider what has become of what people call "Muslims" in Pakistan -- they are lost and unimportant peoples, gone are the five pillars, replaced by a multitude of pillars, jihad, islamic banking, fashion sensibility, etc etc - gone is the Islam of our fathers and mothers and their fathers and mothers before them -today Pakistanis think in terms of equations of equality, not opposites - in other words they do not have the tools to tell right from wrong and good from evil - I do believe that this is God's world and that God does punish those who equate Him with evil and not as the opposite of evil.

So do the these modern day Pakistanis deserve a break? Most certainly, they do not, they deserve a kick up their rear (steel toed boot at that) - nothing short of tragedy will awaken them and even then what will be left over will be too scarred and twisted to save -- So, is all lost? Like Burke says ‘The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing". and I believe that God has not brought Pakistan this far to abandon it.
mirzai musharaf has already ruined the country.
fraudia mirza was a zionist agent...ahmediyya community has the largest base in tel aviv,israel....video is on youtube
Empty cant, not arguments backed up by proofs. I doubt you even believe in these words yourself - or else they've just been wedged into your brain by rote to mis-educate you.

You still haven't managed to justify the hatred most Pakistanis have and denial of civil rights the Pakistani state enforces upon the Ahmadi community.
Dirty ROd

You are not an Ahmadi or a Qaidiani is that right? If yes, why then do you care if others are persuaded by that message? For instance no Ahmadi or Qaidiani is twisting anybody's arm to be persuaded, they do not bomb or burn or hand anybody who is not persuaded, so why exactly do you care if he is a fraudia or Indian or martian? By the way are you other than indian?
sir this fraudia runs a cult....Mirza qadiani was a master in espionage......ahmedis/qadianis spy for israel.....they have a very huge base in tel aviv,israel....they believe in akhand bharat and they bury their dead on temporary basis in Pakistan only to shift them qadian,india the home town of mirza qadiani.

its my every right to enlighten the 98 percent majority........ahmedi are allowed to practice their cult in indoors....

---------- Post added at 02:39 AM ---------- Previous post was at 02:38 AM ----------

have you not seen Mirza Musharaf's wonders yet?
40,000 dead and $80 billion worth of loss and the bastard is hiding in england.

What is story behind Mushy .. why you are behind him ... and what is Mirza Musharaf's...
mirza musharaf brough blood bath to the country and went into exile himself once no one was willing to own his shytload.
during the time of mirza musharfudin 40,000 Pakistanis lost their lives while mirzai/qadianis sitting on top posts enjoyed dollars at the cost of the lives of their fellow country men.

So according to you he was mirzai/qadianis.. I was not knowing that .. and whatever he did .. he did in his personal capacity .. not for some sect or religion ..
Is that correct to blame entire sect for one person ?
Merging it with the other thread...

Edit... will do it later.
sir this fraudia runs a cult....Mirza qadiani was a master in espionage......ahmedis/qadianis spy for israel.....they have a very huge base in tel aviv,israel....they believe in akhand bharat and they bury their dead on temporary basis in Pakistan only to shift them qadian,india the home town of mirza qadiani.

its my every right to enlighten the 98 percent majority........ahmedi are allowed to practice their cult in indoors....

---------- Post added at 02:39 AM ---------- Previous post was at 02:38 AM ----------

have you not seen Mirza Musharaf's wonders yet?
40,000 dead and $80 billion worth of loss and the bastard is hiding in england.

Indeed, you are on a Pakistani forum and you have every right to construe hate as enlightenment - much success to you and all such as yourself.

However, you must clarifgy something for me, since you are not a Ahmadi, what difference does it make to you whether he was an Indian and israeli or a martian or a fraud - how is it your responsibility to "enlighten" -- Is Mr. Musharraf hiding? certainly that will be news to all those to whom he delivers lectures and who seek his counsel.
...then these can become very clear as I have exposed Ahmadis on other threads to their sympathisers here before, unfortunately the Mods don't want this sort of thing discussed here in a DEFENCE forum ..............

Sorry buddy.. you haven't exposed anything, only forced your false interpretations onto everyone, but fortunately the MODS are not interested in waffle like that. If people want information about Ahmadiyya Islam, they can go to the official website IslamAhmadiyya - Ahmadiyya Muslim Community - Al Islam Online - Official Website rather than waste time in reading the flawed interpretations of a self-styled jihadist...
Sad the fact that they are hated . But they called for it when they subscribed to a british divide and rule proxy as a prophet. I have no hope for the fate of Ahmadis to change in Pakistan for next century.

No beta, the sad fact is you calling yourself Muslim and yet being incapable of stopping yourself from making excuses and defending the un-Islamic treatment of Ahmadi Muslims. You are a flawed human being with corrupt morals who happened to be born in a Muslim household. It doesn't make you a Muslim though.
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My point is, the Ahmadis don't appear to be a threat to lives and property, yet Pakistan condemns and persecutes them. Is it because it is "safe" to do so? Are Pakistanis secure in the knowledge that Ahamadis won't commit vengeance in return?

It really comes down to this... lack of religious education, being cowards and having the law on your side. Ahmadis have never been attacked unless surrounded in a 10 to 1 ratio.
It really comes down to this... lack of religious education, being cowards and having the law on your side. Ahmadis have never been attacked unless surrounded in a 10 to 1 ratio.

Please share figures that able you to deduce that “A’s” have been attacked by mobs. The act is shameful but using it for propaganda only highlights your IQ.
Please share figures that able you to deduce that “A’s” have been attacked by mobs. The act is shameful but using it for propaganda only highlights your IQ.

Figures? Are you that ignorant to ask for evidence on the treatment of Ahmadis in Pakistan? Just asking for evidence casts doubts on your intelligence levels and makes you pretty irrelevant in this discussion. Go and read some history about Pakistan.
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