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Ahmadis: The lightning rod that attracts the most hatred

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The argument advanced by a quite a few drawing a moral equivalence between religious extremists & "liberal extremists"(whatever that means) in Pakistan is simply wrong according to me. A "liberal extremist" or a bunch of them do not compel any other individual to follow their way. For eg: if homosexuality was legalised, there would be no compulsion to those who were not so inclined; in effect it would make no difference in their lives. It only seeks to prevent people from imposing their beliefs on others. However the contrary is not true, again as an example- the law of blasphemy or the law against Ahmadis imposes a law on people against their will. (I'm speaking specifically about Pakistan) Pakistan is continuously lurching to the right as a society with each passing day. What passes as right wing & extreme one day might very well soon be regarded as a centrist position. Unfortunately the spiral seems to now have acquired a momentum all its own.

Are you aware of the "Indecent Exposure" law in countries that have legal nude beaches? One might say that law is contradiction of the Nude Beaches or vice versa, however laws are meant for the overall country and not to accommodate the wishes of individuals or negligible minorities. Bad influence must be discouraged, however possible.
It appears to be a case of obsession and possession.

On one hand, a lot of members are pretty quick to claim that Prophet Muhammad came to this world for the sake of all the people all over the world, on the other hand, the same members cannot tolerate that Ahmadiyyas take the Islamic Prophet as their own too.

At the same time, Islam also considers Jesus as its prophet (or messenger, howsoever you take it), who also happens to be the last prophet of the Christians.

Muhammad or Jesus are not prophets of Muslims, they both were prophets of God and Muslims respect and obey them both as they brought to us the word of Allah. But if you follow religion, Jews were promised a messiah which to our belief was Jesus and similarly Jesus (PBUH) prophecised 1 final prophet after him which was Muhammad (PBUH). Islam is crystal clear that there will be no Prophet after Muhammad (PBUH) so when some mentally disabled claims prophethood, we do not take it lightly.

It seems to me that whatever happened in Islam, with regard to taking some other religion's last prophet and turning him into a junior/'second last' to their own, is exactly the same thing that happened in Ahmadiyya, turning Islam's last Prophet into the 'second last' one, and then bringing out their own prophet (Mirza Ghulam Ahmad) as the final one.

But I do not see Muslims getting persecuted by Christians for that specific reason anywhere in the world.

Ahmadiyyas are already considered non-Muslim by those who believe in the finality of Prophet Muhammad. It should stop at that.

Why persecute them simply because they too feel a right to include Prophet Muhammad in their own religion? He (Prophet Muhammad) is, after all, for everyone, right?

P.S. If there appears any misunderstanding leading to any misinformation in my post, please feel free to point out, with arguments, and with facts.

Since I have clarified how every prophet had prophecised of prophets after him and I clarified how Muhammad was the last prophet, I hope to have cleared your confusion.
The problem with Qadianis is that they sagregate from the Muslim community as a different group and preach to the general public whatever is not within the Holy Quran. They shold not say themselves as Qadianis and brings beliefs(beliefs of Ghulam Qadiani) different than the common Muslims have. They shold not believe whatever Ghulam Qadiani said/declared/claimed. They shold believe whatever Holy Quran said. So here I humbly request all the Qadianis to leave the teachings of Mirza Ghulam Qadiani and just follow simply Holy Quran and Sunnah like all common Muslims do so they will be welcomed by all Muslims around the world....Nobody is going to ridicule or say something bad about them nomore. So many Qadianis did Taubah/repented and returned back to Islam and are welcomed back with respect. The rest of the Qadianis have chance too to come back to the Muslims faith freely. Islam loves peace and all Muslims loves peace. All Muslims in Pakistan and around the world will be happi with them.....:smokin:

You are asking them to reconvert to Islam.. basically end who they are after which nobody will bother them.
In other words, its back to square one.. repent or die.
Moreover.. I already stated that most Qadiyanis now are not converts, they were born as such. So they are not by any defintion of Islamic law punishable.
You are asking them to reconvert to Islam.. basically end who they are after which nobody will bother them.
In other words, its back to square one.. repent or die.
Moreover.. I already stated that most Qadiyanis now are not converts, they were born as such. So they are not by any defintion of Islamic law punishable.
Yes! ure right here for the born one, they can't be punished but only if they try to preach their false religion within Pakistan. Or if they claim that they Muslims but they are not. If they openly declare themselves as non-Muslims no-body gonna bother them cuz we have so many non-Muslims within our country and nobody cares about them...
According to my little knowledge...:smokin:
Infact the Qadianis wants to get political asylum within western countries thats why they always try to show themselves as victims of discrimination. And You know everybody within our third world country wants to go and live in western world for money. So many got asylum by turning themselves as Qadianis. its so sad to hear such stories....:eek:

If the Qadianis claim to be Muslims they shall be slaughtered for blasphemy.

If they agree to call themselves non-Muslims they shall be slaughtered for apostasy (being Murtids).

Essentially Qadianis have the privilege of choosing how they want to be slaughtered in the Islamic Republic.

The only time we get slaughtered is when mainstream muslims are in a 10 to 1 ratio majority... rest of the time when alone they are imoral cowards. We don't really care about what these peaceloving mainstream Muslims call us or want to do to us... we are not cowards unlike them and will do what we want in any country, simples.

---------- Post added at 02:55 PM ---------- Previous post was at 02:53 PM ----------

Infact the Qadianis wants to get political asylum within western countries thats why they always try to show themselves as victims of discrimination. And You know everybody within our third world country wants to go and live in western world for money. So many got asylum by turning themselves as Qadianis. its so sad to hear such stories....:eek:

Asylum is it.. LOL... thats why there are over a million non-Ahmadi Pakistanis in the UK and only around 30000 Ahmadi Muslims. Stop trying to spread this asylum BS, you would sell your right leg for a UK/US/Western passport if you had the opportunity.
Greensprite -- i was taken aback by your bad attitude. Especially since ''mainstream'' ''coward'' Muslims like myself have been standing up for equal rights of minorities like the Qadiyani group.

nice insightful post!

Yes! ure right here for the born one, they can't be punished but only if they try to preach their false religion within Pakistan. Or if they claim that they Muslims but they are not. If they openly declare themselves as non-Muslims no-body gonna bother them cuz we have so many non-Muslims within our country and nobody cares about them...
According to my little knowledge...:smokin:

A fairly depressing fact.. those non-Muslims are our fellow countrymen and deserve equal status and care by the rest of the pious nation.

---------- Post added at 10:14 AM ---------- Previous post was at 10:13 AM ----------

Thread was not meant to openly target the Qadiyani beliefs.. therefore.. thread closed.
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