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Ahmadis (Qadianis) -Should they be allowes to serve in the Military & vote?

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New Recruit

Mar 2, 2013
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I was talking to a friend of mine, and he stated his belief that the reason Pakistan did not win in the War of 1965 was because it had 3 Ahmadis (Iftikhar Janjua, Abdul Ali Malik and Akhtar Hussain Malik) were serving in front line roles. He said they had sabotaged the Military's operations. He also asked why were so many Ahmadis serving as commanders even though they only made up 1% of the country's population.

What is your opinion on them? Should they be allowed to serve as officers?

Also, should they be on the electoral roll?
Daffa karo yara, so many idiots to troll. This one is insignificant. Btw, how come so many trolls registering this month, maybe TTP's drive to enroll new internet warriors? :omghaha:

So the 1% caused all this trouble, rest 99% are angels ? What type of question is this ?
@Hyperion Your view ?
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Feel free to answer my question. Instead of trolling it?
As long as one believes in God Almighty & Prophet Muhammad(saww) they are a Muslim...

I believe Ahmadis are wrong in believing in Mirza Ghulam but so are grave-interceders,, so are many who are considered part of main-stream islam...
If I was to declare someone non-muslim I would go after those so-called muslims who intercede with people in graves (dead -or- Shaheed doesn't matter) ... Bcoz they are doing what idol worshiper do ... Though I won't even do that bcoz it's not my job to judge...

Shirk is the ONLY sin Allah will never forgive... So it must be the biggest of all sins...

Quran even says don't pray for relatives who died in shirk... (Q:9:113)
Q:30:52:"...So verily, you (O Muhammad SAW) cannot make the dead to hear..."

Q:35:22:"...but you cannot make hear those who are in graves."

Q:4:116:Lo! Allah pardons not shirk against Him. He pardons all save that to whom He will. Whoso does shirk unto Allah hath wandered far astray.


If those who don't even believe in Muhammad as a prophet(christians[unitarian] & jews ) have their reward with Allah then why not those who do believe in Muhammad (Ahmadis) worship Allah alone & believe in day of judgement & do righteous deeds...

Quran:2:62:Those who believe and Jews and the Christians and the Sabians, any who believe in Allah(alone) and the Last Day and work righteousness, shall have their reward with their Lord; on them shall be no fear, nor shall they grieve.
Sahih Muslim:Book:1, Hadith Number 352.
(Long Hadees)...till only the righteous and the vicious and some of the people of the Book who worshipped Allah(alone) are left. ...

Ahmadis are in general much more honest & good & part ppl than those of main-stream islam... Like Dr.Abdus'Salaam when accepting his nobel prize dressed up in traditional Pakistani attire to show his love for Pakistan... even though he was asked to receive on behalf of England where he did his research work... He once wrote: "The Holy Quran enjoins us to reflect on the verities of Allah's created laws of nature; however, that our generation has been privileged to glimpse a part of His design is a bounty and a grace for which I render thanks with a humble heart."
This thread win's the "Stupidest thread" award
Congratulations, your idiot badge is in the mail.
Daffa karo yara, so many idiots to troll. This one is insignificant. Btw, how come so many trolls registering this month, maybe TTP's drive to enroll new internet warriors? :omghaha:

did you also register this month
I was talking to a friend of mine, and he stated his belief that the reason Pakistan did not win in the War of 1965 was because it had 3 Ahmadis (Iftikhar Janjua, Abdul Ali Malik and Akhtar Hussain Malik) were serving in front line roles. He said they had sabotaged the Military's operations. He also asked why were so many Ahmadis serving as commanders even though they only made up 1% of the country's population.

What is your opinion on them? Should they be allowed to serve as officers?

Also, should they be on the electoral roll?

Definitely they got their faimlies living in pakistan just like everyone else. They are human beings and should be treated as such. No country can progress without the support of their minorities.
Three total posts under your belt, yet, you speak "foruming" pretty fluently. What up dude? Some old banned member on the roll again? :omghaha:

Do you have an attention deficit?

Are you able to answer my question or not? It's pretty straighforward. Yes or No? And why?

Thanks for the compliment on 'foruming', should I take it as one? You have thousands of posts under your belt but can't seem to provide a simple answer? Not the direction I want to head in personally...
Mate, it's you who is fishing for a remark for a simple question.

1. Are Qadiani's / Ahmadai's citizens of Pakistan?
Ans: Yes or No? <<< Answer this first and I'll play ball with you....

Do you have an attention deficit?

Are you able to answer my question or not? It's pretty straighforward. Yes or No? And why?

Thanks for the compliment on 'foruming', should I take it as one? You have thousands of posts under your belt but can't seem to provide a simple answer? Not the direction I want to head in personally...

Oh poor darling, you can't read, can you? Ok, let me guide you little angel.

< On the left side there is a square box, in it you will see "Join date" and right smack in front of it you'll see a date, that's the date I joined...

Tsk tsk, maybe you'll now want to go with the line, "Oh no, it was rhetorical question" :omghaha:

did you also register this month
Mate, it's you who is fishing for a remark for a simple question.

1. Are Qadiani's / Ahmadai's citizens of Pakistan?
Ans: Yes or No? <<< Answer this first and I'll play ball with you....

Yes they are.

I haven't met any so I don't really have an opinion of them. The Pakistanis that I have spoken to never seem to have a high opinion of them. Since I have grown up in the UK, I don't really know the context of why they are despised. Neither do I know much about any of Pakistan's wars. So just out of interest I posted this question. If you can, answer please do, otherwise I am sure there are other posts that you could be contributing to.
Mate, it's you who is fishing for a remark for a simple question.

1. Are Qadiani's / Ahmadai's citizens of Pakistan?
Ans: Yes or No? <<< Answer this first and I'll play ball with you....

Oh poor darling, you can't read, can you? Ok, let me guide you little angel.

< On the left side there is a square box, in it you will see "Join date" and right smack in front of it you'll see a date, that's the date I joined...

Tsk tsk, maybe you'll now want to go with the line, "Oh no, it was rhetorical question" :omghaha:

not rhetorical.. actual question.. you are a great troller
Is the name of your friend Zaid Hamid
Ok, as you pass the TTP troll test. I'll answer now. The other "Pakistanis" you have spoken to, who are they? I bet some arab brainwashed remnants of Zia's era?

If Qadiani's are citizens as per you statement, then do the enjoy all the rights under the constitution of Pakistan? If not, why not? Who changed the constitution? Why did they change it? If you want answers to complex questions, do some footwork / basic research before opening pandoras box.

I am not pulling your leg here, no kidding, this thread will soon go nuclear with everyone taking potshots at each other. When that happens, within 4 - 6 pages it will be closed down. If you are truly looking for answers, study some politics of Pakistan and stop believing any random Pakistani.

Now this was me being nice, however, if I detect that you are some sort of TTP sympathizer, then I'll be the one going nuclear on yourself.

Yes they are.

I haven't met any so I don't really have an opinion of them. The Pakistanis that I have spoken to never seem to have a high opinion of them. Since I have grown up in the UK, I don't really know the context of why they are despised. Neither do I know much about any of Pakistan's wars. So just out of interest I posted this question. If you can, answer please do, otherwise I am sure there are other posts that you could be contributing to.
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