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Ahmadis community is facing dire threat

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Ahmadis criticise govt inaction over targeted killings

By Shamsul Islam
Published: September 10, 2011

Ahmadis say their community is facing dire threat.

Ahmadis are completely at the mercy of assassins who are targeting and killing them with impunity and police and other law-enforcement agencies were doing nothing to thwart their actions, the secretary of the Faisalabad chapter of the Jama’at Ahmadiyya said in a letter sent to foreign missions and top government functionaries.

Syed M Mahmood, the secretary of the organisation’s general affairs, said that he had “sent a letter (containing) forewarnings regarding the plight of the Ahmadiyya community in Faisalabad”, but no action was taken on it.

The letter was dispatched to the Human Rights Watch, the Asian Human Rights Commission, US embassy in Islamabad, the British High Commission and the embassies of France, Germany, Belgium, Canada, Norway, Sweden and Denmark, Islamabad.

He said that several victims, including Laeeq Ahmed, who was a member of the local chapter of the Jama’at Ahmadiyya, were brutally murdered in public, but police was trying to look the other way.

Citing the example of Laeeq Ahmed’s murder, he said: “It is shocking to know that neither the empties in the car were taken into the possession by the police nor the car was examined.”:hitwall:

According to him, another Ahmadi, Naseem Ahmad Butt became the victim of a targeted killing, but his killers were “roaming free” and asking about the whereabouts of his brother.

He reminded that “both the killings (occurred) in the constituency of the controversial Punjab law minister, Rana Sanaullah, who sides with the extremist groups”.

Expressing his frustration, he said: “We cannot continue to see our dear ones murdered with impunity. I have no option but to send this report also to world organisations on human rights, to different embassies, to show them the disintegration and complete collapse of law and order in Punjab. We (fear) that this (city) might become a second Karachi.”:sick:

This letter was also sent to the governor of Punjab, the provincial home secretary, additional secretary (home), IG police, additional IG, RPO Faisalabad, CPO Faisalabad, SSP (Operations) Faisalabad and DCO Faisalabad,

In another letter sent to foreign missions in Islamabad and law-enforcement authorities, the Ahmadiyya community also protested over what they termed forced rustication of three female students from the National Textile University (NTU) in Faisalabad because of their faith.

It was pointed out, “NTU Faisalabad has become the hub of…extremist and militant groups”.

“There has been a planned subversion of all the decent norms of an educational institution. The target has been the Ahmadiyya Community and the weaker Ahmadi female students”.

“So much so, that all the female students had to leave the NTU Faisalabad. Their educational careers were abandoned midway. Moulvis :devil: were imported (to the campus) who harangued the students against the Ahmadiyya Community in such an abusive language which defies definition”.

The letter pointed out, “The parents of the students have been approaching the rector of the NTU Faisalabad, but he showed his inability to control the situation”.:tdown:

“Even the magazine of the NTU, Faisalabad, exhorts that all Ahmadis should be killed.

“This is not a textile university, this is the killing factory of the Taliban.”

“This university, hotbed of extremism, should have no affiliation with any other educational institutions in the world. Otherwise, the name of other decent educational institution will be sullied.”

Published in The Express Tribune, September 10th, 2011.

---------- Post added at 10:03 PM ---------- Previous post was at 10:01 PM ----------

eik dafa phir naam nihaad fundo mujahidon ka nazla kamzoor aqliat pay gir raha hai ...
Amazing how all the communities that sacrificed the most for Pakistan's independence are the ones being killed nowadays.
Amazing how all the communities that sacrificed the most for Pakistan's independence are the ones being killed nowadays.

actually all Pakistanis sacrificed equally for Independence, but sadly there are some people who want to cause problems and divide all communities.
I dont wanna interfere in your internal affair but I have this perception that corrupted people in Pakistan use Qadiani card to divert attention, there was so much pressure mounting on Aamir Liaquat Hussain due to leaked video, all he needed was one tweet on Ahmedis to win back support.

Ahmedis are 4 million+ in Pakistan na?
This is a grave grave problem ; On one hand, we hear the "bleating" of the Ummah-Chummah mumbo-jumbo and on the other hand we see indiscriminate massacres of Ahmedis, Shias and Sunnis all around town. This is the single most existential threat of the Pakistani fabric that overwhelms all others put together according to me.
this is as usual tussle... sometimes Ahmadi people kill others, sometimes others kill ahmadi people and when others kill it makes a news because of minority card thing !!

when writ of the state is weak, other local snake heads lift their heads....
Whats the big deal........40,000 civilians killed along with thousands of soldiers in the 10 years if terror.........outof which 80 or so Ahmadis die in an attack makes a percentage of what something like 0.2% if that..........what makes them so special.......

Ahmadis may want to themselves first look at their involvement in terrorist activities in Pakistan and elsewhere before pointing at others.......killing of innocent people in wrong in every possible way, hence they should know that best...........
this is as usual tussle... sometimes Ahmadi people kill others, sometimes others kill ahmadi people and when others kill it makes a news because of minority card thing !!

when writ of the state is weak, other local snake heads lift their heads....

Can I have an example of this?

Whats the big deal........40,000 civilians killed along with thousands of soldiers in the 10 years if terror.........outof which 80 or so Ahmadis die in an attack makes a percentage of what something like 0.2% if that..........what makes them so special.......

Ahmadis may want to themselves first look at their involvement in terrorist activities in Pakistan and elsewhere before pointing at others.......killing of innocent people in wrong in every possible way, hence they should know that best...........

Can I see some proof, I would love to see it.
this is as usual tussle... sometimes Ahmadi people kill others, sometimes others kill ahmadi people and when others kill it makes a news because of minority card thing !!

when writ of the state is weak, other local snake heads lift their heads....
I fail to recall the last Ahmadi group issuing press statements and holding rallies calling non-Ahamdis 'Kaafir' and what not.

Please don't distort the issue and try to make it look like the Ahmadis are equally to blame here. The Ahmadis have no ideological reason to be killing any other sect - they are the ones who are being called 'Kaafir', being abused and being discriminated against and denied their basic human rights.
I fail to recall the last Ahmadi group issuing press statements and holding rallies calling non-Ahamdis 'Kaafir' and what not.

Please don't distort the issue and try to make it look like the Ahmadis are equally to blame here. The Ahmadis have no ideological reason to be killing any other sect - they are the ones who are being called 'Kaafir', being abused and being discriminated against and denied their basic human rights.

I see your knowledge of this cult is very weak..........what proof do you first have that they have not called others Kaffirs.......I can qoute there points here to you where they refer all those who do not believe in their ways as pigs and the women of those who do not believe as "bit**es".....so please have knowledge of this group before commenting on such.......

Ahmadis have discriminated against Muslims throughout their history and if you so wish and turn this into such a thread then I will be happy to provide info with regards to this.

The Ahmadi terrorist branch of Anjuman is well known within the Karachi Police during the 80's and 90's for carrying out terrorist attacks in Mosques of both Sunni's and Shia's......so please lets not play the victim card here hey........
Can I have an example of this?

oh yes, like I said it doesnot make news, but if you know the area, its so tense from both sides, you literary cannot pass from Ahmadi Muhala, and same goes for them...

I dont know who starts, but often it happens you wake up and find a Quran Pak outside your home in guttar...or you find its pieces all over your street.... you know Muslims...they just flame up on such incidents... they go to station to report...of course it gets turned away... so the only way left to satisfy their jazba-e-iman is to get direct revenge... you cannot deny provocation...its hard to find out who started all this....

there was a time when it used to be debates...debates ended on holding each other back to their seats and views.... but when someone had gone to challenge the finality of Prophet Muhammad and stated you to be kafir if you dont believe in Mirza Ghulam Ahmad Pervaiz Qadiyani to be a prophet, revenge was kept as honour and as part of religious obligation...

simple it takes two to tango !!
I see your knowledge of this cult is very weak..........what proof do you first have that they have not called others Kaffirs.......I can qoute there points here to you where they refer all those who do not believe in their ways as pigs and the women of those who do not believe as "bit**es".....so please have knowledge of this group before commenting on such.......
Well if they do then that would be horrible, as would it if Muslims referred to Jews as 'Swine' or associated any derogatory terms with Hindus. But my point is that I have yet to see a rally, such as those by the Khatme-Nabuwat movement and others, that essentially promote and justify violence against an entire community because of their beliefs. There is no Ahmadi issuing statements of hate like Aamir Liaquat is on TV, is there?

Ahmadis have discriminated against Muslims throughout their history and if you so wish and turn this into such a thread then I will be happy to provide info with regards to this.

How old is that history? Did they not in fact support the demand for Pakistan while the Deobandis opposed it? Did they not provide Pakistan with magnificent civil servants of the stature of Z Jamali, and scientists such as Salam?

At what point in history have the Ahmadis controlled the government in Pakistan and passed laws forbidding non-Ahmadis from calling themselves what they will and discriminating against them?

Please do provide some credible sources of evidence for these claims of yours.
The Ahmadi terrorist branch of Anjuman is well known within the Karachi Police during the 80's and 90's for carrying out terrorist attacks in Mosques of both Sunni's and Shia's......so please lets not play the victim card here hey........

Again, credible sources and evidence to support your claims please - I will admit that I never heard of these claims before today.
oh yes, like I said it doesnot make news, but if you know the area, its so tense from both sides, you literary cannot pass from Ahmadi Muhala, and same goes for them...

I dont know who starts, but often it happens you wake up and find a Quran Pak outside your home in guttar...or you find its pieces all over your street.... you know Muslims...they just flame up on such incidents... they go to station to report...of course it gets turned away... so the only way left to satisfy their jazba-e-iman is to get direct revenge... you cannot deny provocation...its hard to find out who started all this....

there was a time when it used to be debates...debates ended on holding each other back to their seats and views.... but when someone had gone to challenge the finality of Prophet Muhammad and stated you to be kafir if you dont believe in Mirza Ghulam Ahmad Pervaiz Qadiyani to be a prophet, revenge was kept as honour and as part of religious obligation...

simple it takes two to tango !!

So there isn't any proof then, just some allegations on your behalf.

I would ask you more question but you would just produce further posts like this which have no credible backing.
I fail to recall the last Ahmadi group issuing press statements and holding rallies calling non-Ahamdis 'Kaafir' and what not.

Please don't distort the issue and try to make it look like the Ahmadis are equally to blame here. The Ahmadis have no ideological reason to be killing any other sect - they are the ones who are being called 'Kaafir', being abused and being discriminated against and denied their basic human rights.

killing cannot be justified whatsoever.... there is absolutely no doubt about it....you only require one visit to Rabwa or other nearby faisalabad places to know the exact situation...

you just need to read their holy books... it will help you... how kafir you probably are :laugh:

Bhutto assigned this task to Benazir Bhutto, to give him the exact faith of Ahmadi sect... she was at Embassy in Moscow when she wrote in a letter with case study on Ahmadi faith, which stated something like this "by deep and careful study of their faith, I have come to conclude that either they are Muslims or We are Muslims, We both cannot be Muslims."

P.S. and Yes I have no idea whats the situation is there in Karachi, I only know about my lands !!
killing cannot be justified whatsoever.... there is absolutely no doubt about it....you only require one visit to Rabwa or other nearby faisalabad places to know the exact situation...

you just need to read their holy books... it will help you... how kafir you probably are :laugh:

Bhutto assigned this task to Benazir Bhutto, she was at Embassy in Moscow when she wrote in a letter with case study on Ahmadi faith, which stated something like this "by deep and careful study of their faith, I have come to conclude that either they are Muslims or We are Muslims, We both cannot be Muslims."

There isn't any proof for any of your comments is there?

All based on conjecture and hearsay.

Just provide proof from credible sources and that should do.
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