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Ahmadinejad: Iran not afraid to make nuke weapon

so wahabis aren't ruling saudi arabia? That's a new one.
Plus, in Iran the rulers are the most extreme elemnts of the country. The regular people don't even care about these issue. Gallop did a poll in Iran and Turkey and the result was pretty amazing. There are more atheists in Iran than in Turkey. In the ME we are second after Israel. In KSA the vast majority of the people are either ignorant about shias or have ill feelings towards them. To me, that's much more dangerous.

There are two entities in Saudi Arabia the rulers and the mutaween. The mutaween are the ones i hate with every inch of my soul they ruined the country but they are losing power quickly to the more liberal king abdullah.

Just the yesterday when the government was studying if the minimum age of marriage should be 17 or 18 the head snake issued a fatwa saying it is wrong on the girl to set a minimum age on her marriage and how haram it is but the government ignored his babbiling.
And every now and then someone from the Iranian government talks about taking over Bahrain, or declaring it as it's 32nd province and so on.

this just in: the arabs have invaded bahrain but they're accusing Iran of trying to take over Bahrain because some low life MP opened his big mouth a billion years ago. hahaha the mind of an arab is a wonderful thing, it never makes sense.
this just in: the arabs have invaded bahrain but they're accusing Iran of trying to take over Bahrain because some low life MP opened his big mouth a billion years ago. hahaha the mind of an arab is a wonderful thing, it never makes sense.

I was so close to think you are immune and smart enough to rise above foolish racism. Oh and al bhatti is not an Arab........
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