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Ahmadinejad: Iran not afraid to make nuke weapon

Devil Soul

Jun 28, 2010
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Ahmadinejad: Iran not afraid to make nuke weapon
Jun 23, 2011 at 12:45
TEHRAN, Iran (AP) — Iran's president says his country isn't afraid of making a nuclear weapon but doesn't intend to do so.

Iranian state television on Thursday quoted President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad as saying: "If we do want to make a bomb, we are not afraid of anybody."

Iran has long insisted that its nuclear programs are peaceful and meant only to generate power for a future nuclear reactor network.

But the U.N. Security Council has passed four sets of sanctions against Iran for refusing to freeze activities that could be used in a weapons program.

The U.N. says Iran also blocked an IAEA probe into allegations of secret experiments that could reflect attempts to develop an arms program.
Ahmadinejad: Iran not afraid to make nuke weapon, Iran General News - Maktoob News
Iran is slowly trekking towards nuclear weapons because the azeri ayatollah clergy ruling Iran is too desperate to return the sasnid glory!

Arab news
Ahmadinejad feels it's time to cast aside nuke secrecy


Published: Jul 22, 2011 23:32 Updated: Jul 22, 2011 23:32

VIENNA: Iran's president wants to shed the nation's secrecy and forge ahead openly with developing nuclear weapons but is opposed by the religious leadership, which is worried about international reaction to such a move, says an intelligence assessment shared with The Associated Press.

Until now intelligence reports had assessed Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad as relatively moderate on the nuclear issue compared to the country's supreme leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei. But a blunt comment by Ahmadinejad last month on Iranian state TV that "if we want to make a bomb, we are not afraid of anybody" fits the scenario laid down by the intelligence assessment.

Ahmadinejad is pushing "to shake free of the restraints Iran has imposed upon itself, and openly push forward to create a nuclear bomb," says the assessment. But Khamenei, whose word is final on nuclear and other issues, "wants to progress using secret channels, due to concern about a severe response from the West," says the report.

Proliferation expert David Albright of the Institute for Science and International Security says his briefings from European government officials who have seen the latest US intelligence assessment on Iran seem to support the assessment shared with the AP that Khamenei is worried about how the world would react to a nuclear-armed Iran. The leadership is "worried about starting a nuclear weapons race and worried about the international impact," said Albright.

© 2010 Arab News
mmm...Iran with nukes? Would that be a good thing or a bad thing? What are they trying to achieve with that? I am sure many would oppose it. It's not easy to acquire nukes these days.

Interesting times indeed.
Any country that at some point wanted to make a nuke does not suddenly loose the desire to get one.
Of course iran is working on one if they already havnt got one.
but i doubt the international community will ever know that unless one is used.
Any country that at some point wanted to make a nuke does not suddenly loose the desire to get one.
Of course iran is working on one if they already havnt got one.
but i doubt the international community will ever know that unless one is used.

What do you think they are trying to achieve? Do they have any specific strategic goals in mind as far as nukes go?
What do you think they are trying to achieve? Do they have any specific strategic goals in mind as far as nukes go?
Who knows what those mullas are thinking, What was their reason for trying to aquire one in the first place.
there are many reason in my opinion.
saudi arabia,israel, the obviously usa.
but if detterant is what they are trying to achieve, then with nukes then just 10 nukes will do, i personally have no idea what iran is thinking but then again no one know..
@ somebozo

is the ayatollah of iran azeri? how do they choose an ayatollah by the way?
Iran is slowly trekking towards nuclear weapons because the azeri ayatollah clergy ruling Iran is too desperate to return the sasnid glory!
wtf are you talking about ? iranian leadership are a bunch of religious nationalists, who put their lifes for iran during the iraniraq war. we are all nationalists and will defend our land.
wtf are you talking about ? iranian leadership are a bunch of religious nationalists, who put their lifes for iran during the iraniraq war. we are all nationalists and will defend our land.

we will chop off anyones dirty hands that points to iran.
What do you think they are trying to achieve? Do they have any specific strategic goals in mind as far as nukes go?

Just to save itself from usa ...... just like north korea.... they need it.....
What do you think they are trying to achieve? Do they have any specific strategic goals in mind as far as nukes go?

yep they do, the same guy said that Isreal should not be there in middle east map, if he intened to use one, if he builds one then his experimental ground might be Isreal.
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