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Ahmadi man along with his Sunni neighbor shot dead in Orangi Town, Karachi

Lmaooo nah I came here purposely to annoy him.....:D

No, im actually heading back to nyc right now...had to go out of state as soon as I got back....so I am still really tiredand adjusting to the time change LOL....but once I get back and unpack, I should be fine! hbu? what are you upto, other than being delusioned that you can handle me if we ever had a fight ehem ehem :D LOL? :P
talk to u on naswar dnt wanna get a warning :D
@Talon @KingMamba93 No offence to anyone but a Bakri eating part of the Quran is Funny and stupid.
Coz Quran was written on Goatskin, Date leaves etc
Goats eat none of that :pop:

Starve a goat for a few days than throw a date leaf at him and tell me what happens. It may be absurd but don't make fun of what they say in fact if you want to refute their belief the fact that Allah swt said he himself will protect the Quran's message from ever being lost is enough to know a goat could not have eaten a page.

Gee thanks.....in that case, I'll get packing :D


Tum bhi na saachi. :rofl:
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Starve a goat for a few days than throw a date leaf at him and tell me what happens. It may be absurd but don't make fun of what they say in fact if you want to refute their belief the fact that Allah swt said he himself will protect the Quran's message from ever being lost is enough to know a goat could not have eaten a page.

Tum bhi na saachi. :rofl:

Zaada hanso maat....you already know the terrible effect I have on ppl :D :D :D LOL jk jk
As I have stated earlier,Islam has given rights to minorities to practice their religion freely. Ahmadis have as much right as other minorities such as hindus,christians etc.
I as Pakistani,Muslim condemn such murder on the basis of religious difference and request to the government of Pakistan to take necessary steps for providing them safeguards and must give first priority to deal with such issues with proper,systematic approach.

Best Regards,
Slav Defence
Depends on the mosque I am in. I have read namaz in shia mosque before, wahabbi, barelvi etc. Each have different ways to pray but each are valid, it does not matter how you pray as long as your prayer is sincere.

I posted a verse earlier which described Isa AS return as a sign of day of judgement. What is your response to that?

I will get back to you on that one, I'm aware of that verse. I did research on it before when I had some personal questions. As I said I have a terrible memory so I'll have refresh and give you my response.
I'll be honest and say I have no idea.
Ha no not really, I wasn't referring to people who disagree with me. It's the people who leave one sentence response, usually something along the lines of "qadianis kafir conspiracy jew kafir minority kafir qadianis kafir conspiracy jew". Those are the type of people I like to provoke, and I'm not ashamed of it.
@other questions I'm tired atm, I'll try and get a response tomorrow sometime.
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We have given extra ordinary attention to this idiotic thread ............

:lol: ouch!.... since when did dogs start throwing their owners bones :rofl: I AM KIDDING !! LOLOL :P

Ugh here we go again with the rolling eyes! :suicide2:

Who is owner ????????
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