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Ahmadi group rocked by rape allegations in UK

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Yesterday I received this message from PTA ,so all Muslim members of this forum please report this site and it's Divisor Agnostic muslim,s deliberate attempts to provoke Muslims and his malafide attempts to support Ahmedies and asking them Muslims,thIs is a clear cut blasphemyView attachment 808378
Already done
So my posts which were straight forward and not abusing anyone, were deleted. It's becoming more and more evident that there is a certain bias by certain mods on this forum.
Well that Ahmadi community is in United Kingdom. The Law of the land applies.

Regardless of who they are, I hope the rape perpetrators are brought to justice.
So my posts which were straight forward and not abusing anyone, were deleted. It's becoming more and more evident that there is a certain bias by certain mods on this forum.
all of my posts which in never abused the ahmadi religion only stated the fact that they r non muslims have been deleted by a mod named agnostic muslim and i have been issued warnings as well.
this forum has become anti Muslim and pro qadiyani. here u can hurl abusive words against prominent Islamic scholars, make fun of islamic practices and u will get patted on the back by the mods
on the other hand merely stating a proven fact about qadiyani religion and u will be issued warnings.
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Whether you or anyone else considers them a cult, sect, or whatever does not change the fact that millions of people follow that faith and believe in it.

As such, whether you agree or disagree with their faith is irrelevant - it is their faith and the rules of the forum and simple human decency dictate that no one's faith or community be subject to derogatory generalizations and insults, the likes of which we have seen on this thread and others multiple times.

Any further derogatory generalizations about ANY faith, sect or community will be deleted and infractions issued without warning. Please take your hatred, disrespect and lack of decency somewhere else.

I stated a simple fact which is that our Prophet Muhammad(saww) warned us about the coming of many mini-Dajjals before the major one appears. There is a hadith in Sahih Bukhari

Narrated Abu Huraira (RA):
Allah's Messenger (ﷺ) said, "The Hour will not be established (1) till two big groups fight each other whereupon there will be a great number of casualties on both sides and they will be following one and the same religious doctrine, (2) till about thirty Dajjals (liars) appear, and each one of them will claim that he is Allah's Messenger (ﷺ),......

This is what the dead mini-Dajjal claimed

Mirza Ghulam Ahmad of Qadian, India (1835–1908), proclaimed himself to be both the expected Mahdi and Messiah,[43][44] being the only person in Islamic history who claimed to be both. Crucially, however, he claimed that Jesus had died a natural death after surviving crucifixion,[43] and that prophecies concerning his future advent referred to the Mahdi himself bearing the qualities and character of Jesus rather than to his physical return alongside the Mahdi. He founded the Ahmadiyya Movement in 1889 envisioning it to be the rejuvenation of Islam. Adherents of the Ahmadiyya movement claim to be strictly Muslim, but are widely viewed by other Muslim groups as either disbelievers or heretics

Nauzbillah. There are also very "rangeen" colorful incidents of this mini-dajjal's life but I digress.

It is NOT their faith, they are CLAIMANTS to OUR faith of Islam. As has been explained several times to you by other forum members, we have no issue with Christians or Jews or atheists and we won't have issue with Qadyanis if they claim to be non-Muslims.

Nothing I have said or am saying is derogatory. As a Muslim, we are warned about mini-Dajjals and how they will behave. And I have every right to call the mini-Dajjals for what they are - mini-DAJJALS

Calling a dajjal as dajjal is no more derogatory than calling a kafir as kafir or a Muslim as Muslim or a Christian as Christian. It is our right as Muslims to use these terms. If you don't like that then don't behave like a kafir or Dajjal.

Also, this forum operates under the .pk domain name, as such it will have to operate under Pakistani laws and Pakistani law states that


Got a problem with that? Stop using Islam and stop using the .pk domain to lure Pakistanis into this forum.
this forum is constantly become anti Muslim and pro qadiyani. here u can hurl abusive words against prominent Islamic scholars, make fun of islamic practices and u will get patted on the back by the mods
on the other hand merely stating a proven fact about qadiyani religion and u will be issued warnings.

Yeah, he doesn't get trigged when Islam is attacked or any other religion but he went on a deleting rampage against all posts that simply stated qadyanis are kafir.
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Nationalities and Religion can be hijacked, but your FAITH in Allah cannot and shall not be hijacked by any who seek to deceive or manipulate people. Stand firm in your faith in Allah, immerse yourselves in the Holy Quran and take heart in the fact that your leader is Prophet Muhammad Sallallaho Alaihi Wassalam.
I don't know in how many madrasas you have been, but I have been to 3 different madrasas of different sects. And never was touched, never seen anything like that in which teachers or administrators doing something with children.
I bet you have never been to any madrasa, did you?
Good people are always there .
Those posts (that I saw at least) have been deleted. Did you not read some of the prior comments attacking me for deleting those posts?

Discussing the status of Ahmadis within Islam is a religious discussion and therefore not allowed on this forum, just as derogatory attacks on Ahmadis, Sunni, Shia, Hindus etc are considered attacks on someone’s faith and therefore not allowed.

You mean like some people do when attacking Ahmadis or Hindus?

There is nothing Islamic about Child Marriages and those who oppose restrictions on child marriages and setting a minimum age for marriage, support child rape and pedophilia.
Very good .
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