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Ahmadi group rocked by rape allegations in UK

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Oct 25, 2016
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United Kingdom
United Kingdom

A muslim sect which built Britain’s biggest mosque has been rocked by rape allegations involving its members and claims that its spiritual leader warned the alleged victim against involving police.

The 36-year-old complainant belongs to the Ahmadi sect, which has 30,000 followers in Britain under the leadership of Mirza Masroor Ahmad, who has been feted by senior politicians, including Boris Johnson and Theresa May.


But Imam Ahmad – dubbed ‘the caliph of suburbia’ for basing the sect at the 13,000-capacity Baitul Futuh mosque in Morden, South-West London – has been accused of trying to suppress the allegations after a recording of a 44-minute telephone call with the alleged victim was posted on the internet.

The 36-year-old complainant belongs to the Ahmadi sect, which has 30,000 followers in Britain under the leadership of Mirza Masroor Ahmad (pictured), who has been feted by senior politicians, including Boris Johnson and Theresa May
In it, the cleric appears to suggest that the woman drop allegations that she was raped and sexually assaulted by her father and three other sect members at addresses in London, Surrey, Dorset and the Pakistani city of Rabwah, the group’s spiritual headquarters.

During the call, made in July, Imam Ahmad, 71, urged the woman not to report her claims to police and wrongly says she will need four witnesses to prove a rape claim.

The alleged victim responds: ‘You are not the supreme head of the British Government, no British court will accept your stance.’

But she is told: ‘My advice to you is that you drop this case, even if something happened… Even if it has, I am sure those involved would have asked for forgiveness already.’

Pictured: The 13,000-capacity Baitul Futuh mosque in Morden, South-West London, where the sect is based
The woman later wrote on Twitter: ‘Instead of silencing victims, allegations of abuse should be properly investigated, and perpetrators punished, not protected.’ A spokesman for the imam said: ‘The allegation has been and continues to be taken extremely seriously.

‘After his conversation with the complainant, His Holiness [Ahmad] referred the matter to the Ahmadiyya Muslim Association UK for immediate action. In turn, AMA UK promptly informed the Metropolitan Police, whose investigation is ongoing. In light of the police involvement, we are unable to comment further.’
The clergy of every religion is rotten and corrupt without exceptions. Power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely. Who would hold greater absolute power than shadows of God on earth or the interpreters of his word?
1. they are a separate religion, not Muslims. This is the consensus across the Islamic world. the western world needs to unconditionally accept this.
2. this scandal is just the tip of the iceberg. they have many MANY MANY illicit and sexually deviant practices festering behind closed doors because of which, a lot of qadiyanis, mostly women, have ran away and converted to Islam and taken refuge with the muslim community. these practices include but not limited to forces marriages, forced divorces, drugging and raping of any qadiyani woman that gives their ruling clergy a bonner.

they are a sick cult.

Please muster some courage to speak about what goes on in nearly every seminary in Pakistan with children as well. Not a single week goes by where we do not hear a sordid tale of a mullah raping or killing a child somewhere in this country.
Every centralized religion/sect/cult has this issue otherwise control is a problem. Both from invention of new rituals/differentiators to having a strict clerical hold. Clergy is an anathema to the very idea of religion.
Please muster some courage to speak about what goes on in nearly every seminary in Pakistan with children as well. Not a single week goes by where we do not hear a sordid tale of a mullah raping or killing a child somewhere in this country.
Every..how many have u been through..atleast 10 ifu say every
Please muster some courage to speak about what goes on in nearly every seminary in Pakistan with children as well. Not a single week goes by where we do not hear a sordid tale of a mullah raping or killing a child somewhere in this country.
oh I know and am aware. I've posted against the filth of molvis many times over on this very forum. I don't need to make views clear as they already well known for all those who follow my posts.
All these modern mullahs with obedient female following always find an opportunity and get their freak show on. Remind me of Noman Ali Khan sexting scandal.

To be fair. These western mullah can’t party and drink, so they do that can be done behind close doors.
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Please muster some courage to speak about what goes on in nearly every seminary in
I don't know in how many madrasas you have been, but I have been to 3 different madrasas of different sects. And never was touched, never seen anything like that in which teachers or administrators doing something with children.
I bet you have never been to any madrasa, did you?
Man who cares what happens in UK unless it is a military, political and economic action that effects pakistan.
Please muster some courage to speak about what goes on in nearly every seminary in Pakistan with children as well. Not a single week goes by where we do not hear a sordid tale of a mullah raping or killing a child somewhere in this country.
please do tell me how many children have been killed or raped in madrassahs last week or the week before it or in fact in the last month????????????????????????




May she find the justice and peace she deserves, no child should ever have to go through the trauma she had been forced to endure for so many years. May justice and truth prevail.
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Stick to the topic please - discussions on the status of the Ahmadi faith, their beliefs and derogatory comments against another faith are not allowed on the forum.
I don't know in how many madrasas you have been, but I have been to 3 different madrasas of different sects. And never was touched, never seen anything like that in which teachers or administrators doing something with children.
I bet you have never been to any madrasa, did you?

He's probably been to madrassas mentioned in the OP
Stick to the topic please - discussions on the status of the Ahmadi faith, their beliefs and derogatory comments against another faith are not allowed on the forum.

Gotcha boss!, Attacks on Muslims/Maulvis is allowed but a deviant sect is protected.

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