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AH-1z delivery options


Jan 11, 2010
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Like Turkey why Pakistan is not hiring any USA Lobbyist firm for clearance of Cobras delivery.
I dont think the government is even interested. In case of F-16s embargoed under Pressler Amendment, there was at least some effort. In this case, there is none, at least not in public.

Also, I think Pakistan wants to adjust the CSF claims. These helicopters were under FMS and Pakistan wants to pay balance with CDF funds US owes. Thats what I know from this case.
Looks like Pak is now the least interested to get any stuffs from the USA for she's done with it! As for the USA or any other Imperialists, if she gives away by two times she takes back by four times.....

President Trump is "zeroing" the Afgan cost center via brute means...
Pakistan wont pay, USA won't release CSF, so either a long term loan or an investor is required.
FATF made getting third-party commercial loans pretty difficult. If/when we get past the FATF issue, we should start seeing Pakistan ink more deals more often. No crazy uptake, but not a total freeze like now.
FATF made getting third-party commercial loans pretty difficult. If/when we get past the FATF issue, we should start seeing Pakistan ink more deals more often. No crazy uptake, but not a total freeze like now.
Just a tiny bit of clarification, CSF hasn’t been entirely turned off for Pakistan. We are still getting some material, upgrades and trainings via it.
Like Turkey why Pakistan is not hiring any USA Lobbyist firm for clearance of Cobras delivery.

Its not as simple of hiring handy man to do your house projects. At the moment Pakistan is useless for uncle sam and they will not jeopardize their relationship worth billions with some countries just to full fill fanboys wishlist in pdf.
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