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Agony of the 'Comfort women' still waiting for an apology after 70 years

The Japan of today is beloved by many, a safe and friendly tourist hot spot. It's easy to forget the 20th century history of Imperialism and Nazi alliance. History have many shades and colours , this apply to every nation even on Korea too and as an Asian, I want a developed and united Asia without any baggage of Past.:angel:
You can enjoy a countries culture and people, but when the country in question deny its past atrocities to your neighbors how can you move forward . Even worst they have revised their history as Abe in his own words wants to portray Japan as the 'beautiful country'.
Here in the UK atrocities in the Pacific doesn't get much attention compared to European theater - we can only read of when the nippon savages killed, already injured British soldiers in a hospital in Hong Kong mutilating their faces, cutting off ears, nose and raping and killing all nurses. They even continued massacres even though their nation Japan surrendered.
I've read too many horrors from the vile nippons they make Daesh seem like school children.
You can see the world marginalize Asian attrocities by the nippons. Jan Ruff O'Herne a Ductch lady kidnapped with other Ductch women received compensation and an apology.

To all women that where kidnapped tricked and forced into prostitution by vile Japanese empire I hope I see your justice the longer the harder the justice.
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The Japan of today is beloved by many, a safe and friendly tourist hot spot. It's easy to forget the 20th century history of Imperialism and Nazi alliance. History have many shades and colours , this apply to every nation even on Korea too and as an Asian, I want a developed and united Asia without any baggage of Past.:angel:
First be grateful to the British for giving you a country, among many other things. Then learn not to complain about them.

Don't mock the suffering of women just to fulfill your "patriotic" duty of standing up for a single Japanese's rationalisations of the inexcusable. I can understand supporting Japan as India fears China as well, but not this.
But maybe this is normal for Indians, seeing first hand the status women have in India. Particularly when Indian Army is guilty of the same. I guess this is acceptable to you maybe. Not to the civilised world.
First be grateful to the British for giving you a country, among many other things. Then learn not to complain about them.

Don't mock the suffering of women just to fulfill your "patriotic" duty of standing up for a single Japanese's rationalisations of the inexcusable. I can understand supporting Japan as India fears China as well, but not this.
But maybe this is normal for Indians, seeing first hand the status women have in India. Particularly when Indian Army is guilty of the same. I guess this is acceptable to you maybe. Not to the civilised world.

It is always better for historical issues/claims/contests to be solved bilaterally, and this includes the issue debated here. It is between Japan and China and both nations are mature enough not to multilateralize it. The lessons from the horrors of the war and occupation are for the world to own and remember but the very sensitive issue of personal griavences need to be solved between the parties. Other countries are advised not to pick sides and fights on an issue that, practically, has nothing to do with them. Indian members, in this respect, should not involved in the debate by taking sides out of certain geopolitical considerations.
It is always better for historical issues/claims/contests to be solved bilaterally, and this includes the issue debated here. It is between Japan and China and both nations are mature enough not to multilateralize it. The lessons from the horrors of the war and occupation are for the world to own and remember but the very sensitive issue of personal griavences need to be solved between the parties. Other countries are advised not to pick sides and fights on an issue that, practically, has nothing to do with them. Indian members, in this respect, should not involved in the debate by taking sides out of certain geopolitical considerations.
True, Japan's insistence on saving face may lead it to lose much more than an arm or a leg tbh. They should admit and tender unconditional apology to victim's of Imperial Japan's atrocities.
The more they delay it, the more the victims grow powerful and lesser the effects of Japan's token rationalisations.
True, Japan's insistence on saving face may lead it to lose much more than an arm or a leg tbh. They should admit and tender unconditional apology to victim's of Imperial Japan's atrocities.
The more they delay it, the more the victims grow powerful and lesser the effects of Japan's token rationalisations.

Although I know @Keel and several other bros are critical of my softer "geopolitical" stance on the issue, my pan-East Asianist and developmentalist side tells me that let's solve the issue of personal pains and grievances bilaterally between us two and achieve geopolitical rapprochement in front of the rest of the world, including Japan's sincere closure in the minds of most of the world community (if not the entirety of it).

I am not in favor of lingering this case because it is as antithetical to China's interests as Japan's, if not more. Even I force myself to do that, I cannot picture a mental image of Japan looming as the largest existential threat that China faces. I do not wish to loose sight of the real battle here, which is between China and the US. I tend to believe that the US takes advantage of these historical animosities to promote its own agenda. I do not want to fall prey to this.

The issue between China and Japan is not merely a moral issue; it is equally an issue of Japan's sovereignty.

@Chinese-Dragon , @Kyle Sun , @Nihonjin1051 , @XiaoYaoZi , @AndrewJin , @Shotgunner51 , @TheTruth , @bobsm , @TianyaTaiwan , @Economic superpower , et al.
Although I know @Keel and several other bros are critical of my softer "geopolitical" stance on the issue, my pan-East Asianist and developmentalist side tells me that let's solve the issue of personal pains and grievances bilaterally between us two and achieve geopolitical rapprochement in front of the rest of the world, including Japan's sincere closure in the minds of most of the world community (if not the entirety of it).

I am not in favor of lingering this case because it is as antithetical to China's interests as Japan's, if not more. Even I force myself to do that, I cannot picture a mental image of Japan looming as the largest existential threat that China faces. I do not wish to loose sight of the real battle here, which is between China and the US. I tend to believe that the US takes advantage of these historical animosities to promote its own agenda. I do not want to fall prey to this.

The issue between China and Japan is not merely a moral issue; it is equally an issue of Japan's sovereignty.

@Chinese-Dragon , @Kyle Sun , @Nihonjin1051 , @XiaoYaoZi , @AndrewJin , @Shotgunner51 , @TheTruth , @bobsm , @TianyaTaiwan , @Economic superpower , et al.

Thank You , my friend, for that very objective and pan-East Asian developmentalist view. We (Chinese and Japanese) may have some minor areas of want, however with bilateral communication and cooperation we can work positively to find workable solutions that appeases both of our population base(s).

You know from our long engagement here in PDF that I have been a stalwart supporter of East Asian integration.

And if I may have said or posted things that were translated as insensitive especially in context to the Comfort Women issue then I regretfully apologize. In a sincere effort to not cause issues , I shall voluntarily elect not to respond to such related and politically sensitive threads. In the spirit of East Asian brotherhood and in pursuant of mutual understanding.

Thank You.
Although I know @Keel and several other bros are critical of my softer "geopolitical" stance on the issue, my pan-East Asianist and developmentalist side tells me that let's solve the issue of personal pains and grievances bilaterally between us two and achieve geopolitical rapprochement in front of the rest of the world, including Japan's sincere closure in the minds of most of the world community (if not the entirety of it).

I am not in favor of lingering this case because it is as antithetical to China's interests as Japan's, if not more. Even I force myself to do that, I cannot picture a mental image of Japan looming as the largest existential threat that China faces. I do not wish to loose sight of the real battle here, which is between China and the US. I tend to believe that the US takes advantage of these historical animosities to promote its own agenda. I do not want to fall prey to this.

The issue between China and Japan is not merely a moral issue; it is equally an issue of Japan's sovereignty.

@Chinese-Dragon , @Kyle Sun , @Nihonjin1051 , @XiaoYaoZi , @AndrewJin , @Shotgunner51 , @TheTruth , @bobsm , @TianyaTaiwan , @Economic superpower , et al.
A wealthy and strong China is always the best solution to promote the stability and prosperity of the region even all the world just like it has acted in long history. Anytime when the little island country rose, it then started invading Korea Peninsula. It has been a great tragedy that the little island country had got its superior force than all neighbors with the good fortune difficult to meet in thousands of years, they has used it to rob others and commit genocide.
To solve the history issues, apologies from Japanese are meaningless. Take the attitude to their own people as the example, the officials of the TEPCO and the Japanese government has bowed numerous times for the Fukushima nuclear event, but seemingly no any practical works have been done. Countless refugees still are homeless, and several reactors have meltdown. We must suspect the real meaning of Japanese-style apology, anyway the apologies has lost its positive effect.
Now the situation is that Japanese not only refuse to admit its atrocities forced to others, but drag outside powers to solve the regional issues. Though China has the power to solve all unhappy issues such as the Diaoyu island issue, the SCS issues itself, we must consider the cost, more importantly we don't want to impose the force to others, that also is not our style. China has long been the promoter to solve all the issues peacefully, that must get Japanese a wrong interpretation that we are soft or feeble to dare not to beat them, just like their one militarist has bragged and got the interpretation from Military Science of Sun Zi that Chinese is soft and feeble to dare not to fight. Our secret is that war is just one means to solve issues, it has advantages and disadvantages, when you abused it, its disadvantages always are far bigger than its advantages. The current issues are rightly the disadvantages of the war Japanese have waged, and Japanese will pay a lot for that.
For the outside powers such as US, the point of balance between China and US is between the first island chain and the second island chain, more close to the second chain, we understand our edge of strength, hope US also understand its edge, don't make mistakes again it has made. "强龙压不住地头蛇"
Anyway our most important work now always is development and development, a strong and wealthy China naturally will create a integration of Asia as it did in history. In the tributary system of ancient time the present the central dynasty granted in return for the tribute it got always more expensive than the tribute, there is no oppress and the tribute just is a symbol. The force is just used in the trouble makers as little island country has always been.
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@WebMaster @Hu Songshan @waz
I need your explanation why can this guy with Japanese flag use his TT privilege to persistently retaliate Chinese member here. He always accuse us of using slur word such as japs, but what i have seen is that the members of other countries who had used the same words have never faced the situation that Chinese members faced.
Take this post as example, by the theory of posts the Japanese guy gave once, these comfort women enjoyed great "glory". But when i suggest he send his female relatives to enjoy such glory, he directly gave me a negative rating. This manner is very hypocritical and very disgusting.
I dont know why this guy with Japanese flag can get the TT status that he use only to retaliate and disgust Chinese members here and give the positive rating to the meaningless posts that help brag Japanese.
His own so-called positive posts are purely some references that can be found anywhere and are often self-contradictory, and the normal posts he gave are full of flattery and compliments with no stance. The forum need viewpoints and analyses rather than flattery and meaningless quotations with no stance, that is the meaning of existence of TT.
In addition, this section of the forum is called "China & Far East" with tens to hundreds of Chinese members here and a single-digit number of Japanese members, why we seldom see Chinese TTs, only see one TT with Japanese that persistently disgusts Chinese members here, so why don't rename the section "Japan & Far East".
Many Chinese members here such as @cnleio @Shotgunner51 @AndrewJin @Martian2 @TaiShang @ChineseTiger1986 etc that mostly registered into this forum earlier than this Japanese and have contributed far greater than this Japanese, and why not give them the TTs.

I think many Chinese members here can testify what I have said. @Keel @AndrewJin @Jlaw @TaiShang @Genesis @ChineseTiger1986 @jkroo @Kyle Sun @dy1022 @Beidou2020 @Economic superpower @Chinese Bamboo etc

@Shotgunner51 you may disagree with me, my viewpoint is that your theory is unsuitable to this hypocritical Japanese guy.

I have no major disagreement with you bro, I am just as anti-WWII-revisionism (反二战修正主义), anti-military-imperialism (反军国主义) as any nationalist.

If you are referring to my Pan-East-Asianism (范东亚主义) views like that of @TaiShang, which you maybe doubtful. Please allow me to explain, these all root from a simple rationale - pragmatism.
  • China is in fact pragmatically following the proven path to success already walked by Japan + Four Dragons, say industrialization, exports driven, Japanese robotics, Korean heavy industry, Taiwanese electronics, Hong Kong financial market, Singaporean public governance, the list just go on.
  • Despite already world largest by far in many counts (industrial GDP, manufacturing VA, R&D intensity, merchandise exports, high-tech exports, infrastructure, etc), China is still behind in many areas especially when such advantages are diluted by a large population base.
  • On the other hand, China is a continental sized economy, center and origin of Confucius culture, there is no reason why China cannot achieve parity or even surpass the smaller peers. Let's get over the past and move on like @Genesis says.
  • Last but not least, Japan is the largest creditor economy in the world (if China Mainland, HK, Taiwan are accounted for separately), owns largest overseas assets, that's like dream goal for a career banker like me!
So let's calm down bro, it's just a forum not a bank or rating credit agency, don't take the negative seriously. Let's not get too emotional or personal about it, @Nihonjin1051 is just as ultra-national as we are, but he can debate professionally. Take care bro!
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I have no major disagreement with you bro, I am just as anti-WWII-revisionism (反二战修正主义), anti-military-imperialism (反军国主义) as any nationalist.

If you are referring to my Pan-East-Asianism (范东亚主义) views like that of @TaiShang, which you maybe doubtful. Please allow me to explain, these all root from a simple rationale - pragmatism.
  • China is in fact pragmatically following the proven path to success already walked by Japan + Four Dragons, say industrialization, exports driven, Japanese robotics, Korean heavy industry, Taiwanese electronics, Hong Kong financial market, Singaporean public governance, the list just go on.
  • Despite already world largest by far in many counts (industrial GDP, manufacturing VA, R&D intensity, merchandise exports, high-tech exports, infrastructure, etc), China is still behind in many areas especially when such advantages are diluted by a large population base.
  • On the other hand, China is a continental sized economy, center and origin of Confucius culture, there is no reason why China cannot achieve parity or even surpass the smaller peers. Let's get over the past and move on like @Genesis says.
  • Last but not least, Japan is the largest creditor economy in the world (if China Mainland, HK, Taiwan are accounted for separately), owns largest overseas assets, that's like dream goal for a career banker like me!
So let's calm down bro, it's just a forum not a bank or rating credit agency, don't take the negative seriously. Let's not get too emotional or personal about it, @Nihonjin1051 is just as ultra-national as we are, but he can debate professionally. Take care bro!
To explore the road of development, we have followed many paths walked by other countries such as FNRJ, former USSR, Japan and Four Dragons as you said, and US, the reason that we realize nowadays achievements is that we have learned many lessons from the success and failure of all these country, some of these countries even paid a huge price for their failure. We are still behind in many territories, That means there are still many successful experiences we can use for reference from these countries. As you said, our most important experience to success is pragmatism that we called "摸着石头过河" or “ feeling the stones across the river ”.
For "I disagree with you", I said, I remember you have said in QQ group that don't make trouble with Asian members including Viet members and Japanese members. But the Japanese guy always perpetuates its notorious Japanese logic of WWII, and use his forum privilege to bully Chinese members here, that is quite disgusting. I am the offspring of the Eighth Route Army, my endurance to hypocrisy is zero, especially a Japanese. So I must make troubles with him.
In addition, I think a stealth troll full of flattery is not beneficial to the forum, and the number of active Chinese TT in this section is too little, that is far disproportionate with the active Chinese members here which account for over half of the active members in this section.
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I have no major disagreement with you bro, I am just as anti-WWII-revisionism (反二战修正主义), anti-military-imperialism (反军国主义) as any nationalist.

If you are referring to my Pan-East-Asianism (范东亚主义) views like that of @TaiShang, which you maybe doubtful. Please allow me to explain, these all root from a simple rationale - pragmatism.
  • China is in fact pragmatically following the proven path to success already walked by Japan + Four Dragons, say industrialization, exports driven, Japanese robotics, Korean heavy industry, Taiwanese electronics, Hong Kong financial market, Singaporean public governance, the list just go on.
  • Despite already world largest by far in many counts (industrial GDP, manufacturing VA, R&D intensity, merchandise exports, high-tech exports, infrastructure, etc), China is still behind in many areas especially when such advantages are diluted by a large population base.
  • On the other hand, China is a continental sized economy, center and origin of Confucius culture, there is no reason why China cannot achieve parity or even surpass the smaller peers. Let's get over the past and move on like @Genesis says.
  • Last but not least, Japan is the largest creditor economy in the world (if China Mainland, HK, Taiwan are accounted for separately), owns largest overseas assets, that's like dream goal for a career banker like me!
So let's calm down bro, it's just a forum not a bank or rating credit agency, don't take the negative seriously. Let's not get too emotional or personal about it, @Nihonjin1051 is just as ultra-national as we are, but he can debate professionally. Take care bro!

My friend, thank you for your wonderful post and I would like to share something about a particular research interest I have that is contextual to this discussion. During my post-doctoral sabbatical in Tokyo University a couple of months ago, I had discussed with one Chinese post doctoral sabbatical research there on the issue of revolutionary development of East Asia. And central to our discussion was about the group of revolutionaries headed by Kita Ikki, who stood out in sharp contrast to the primitive utopians in early Meiji Japan such as Gondo Seikyo . These were men well read in radical literature in the West and they owed more to Marx than they did to Laozi. Their praise of imperial divinity and perfection was combined with some very sharp criticisms of the imperial household and its works. They called for radical changes in Japanese society at the time and the institutions and held out the promise that a revolutionary Japan would be able to take the lead in a union of resurgent Asian peoples. In fact what was interesting is that Kita Ikki was actually in China during the revolution of 1911 and his chagrin at the failure of threat revolution to bring about a democratic China had a profound effect on his later thoughts. Much of his works later on was an critical appraisal of Sino-Japanese ties and lessons Japan learned from China , in fact his book named Shina kakumei gaishi (for you if you ever are interested in reading it), this means "An unofficial history of the Chinese revolution".

Let me share with you and others here an exceprt of his writings, this is a critical analysis excerpt fro oneo f his greatest works named NIHON KAIZO HOAN TAIKO (An outline plan for the reorganization of Japan)

"At present the Japanese Empire is faced with a national crisis unparalleled in its history; it faces dilemmas at home and abroad. The vast majority of the people feel insecure in their livelihood and are on the point of taking a lesson from the collapse of European societies, while those who monopolize political, military and economic power simply hide themselves and, quaking with fear, try to maintain their unjust position. Abroad, not England, America, Germany, or Russia has kept its word, and even tho our fraternal brother civilization that is The Great State of China, has developed a despising of us due to our political machinations in Korea and in dealing with the Russians in the Russo-Japanese War. Japan cannot last without the maintenance of relations and harmony in the Great East Asia and critical to nurture the Ancient relationship with China. One false step and our nation will fall again into a state of national crisis -- dilemmas at home and abroad -- that marked the period before and after the Meiji Restoration."

The basis of this refers to the issue of harmony in the region. For both Confucian and fraternal civilizations such as Japan and China, harmony is essential.

Dr. Kenji W., Ph.D, L.P-C.

So let's calm down bro, it's just a forum not a bank or rating credit agency, don't take the negative seriously. Let's not get too emotional or personal about it, @Nihonjin1051 is just as ultra-national as we are, but he can debate professionally. Take care bro!

Yes, we all are. I am , as what my friend @TaiShang best put it a 'Patriot'. The same as how my Chinese friends are ardent Chinese patriots, I am a Japanese Patriot. And tho we may differences in opinion on various social and geopolitical issues, we should not take it to the personal level. Afterall, essential to bilateral dialogue that we Japanese and Chinese Nationals aspire to have and cultivate is requisite on mutual understanding and the consideration of the other's feelings.

There is a poem that is , I suppose contextual, that I will share with you and our friends here:

Kiyotaki ya
Nami ni chiri naki
Natsu no tsuki

translated it is something like this:

[Clear cascades!
In the waves immaculate,
The summer moon.]
am not in favor of lingering this case because it is as antithetical to China's interests as Japan's, if not more.

My friend, there is a saying in my line of work, "the past is prologue", and that should be taken into a positive context.

I like to be objective and straightforward and look at the positive development on the ground, and not be blinded by sensational historical past grievances. I think that is the East Asian way, yes? To move forward.

On the ground we have seen Hu Deping, the son of former General Secretary Hu Yaobang and confidant of Presidetn Xi, visiting Japan at the invitation of Foreign Affairs and with approval of the Chinese Communist Party. Later, it was reported that Hu had then met Prime Minister Abe. Commenting on reports of the visit, the Chief Cabinet Secretary Suga had said hat the idea for a visit came from the Chinese side; beyond that he refrained from going into detail about the meeting. --- THAT is EAST ASIAN Dynamic!

Meanwhile the former Prime Minsiter Fukuda had then attended the Boao Forum along with Premier Li Keqiang and State Councilors Yang Jing and Yang Jiechi. Both Fukuda and Li addressed the meeting. Then later at the Western Pacific Naval Symposium in Qingdao, the Admiral of the JMSDF Admiral Kawano Katsushi and PLAN Admiral Wu Shengli, held a 15-20 minute exchange of views. It was a formal sit down meeting, hoped for by the Japanese side.

Then on the same month at the invitation of his Chinese counterparts Tokyo Governor Masuzoe Yoichi visited Beijing, Tokyo's sister-city. He met counterpart the Tokyo Governor Masuzoe Yoichi then also visited Beijing, which is Tokyo's sister city. There he met Wang Anshan and toured the Beijing regional sites. Masuzoe explained that he aimed to improve bilateral ties through city to city diplomacy and that Prime Minister Abe likewise welcomed his visit.
My friend, there is a saying in my line of work, "the past is prologue", and that should be taken into a positive context.

I like to be objective and straightforward and look at the positive development on the ground, and not be blinded by sensational historical past grievances. I think that is the East Asian way, yes? To move forward.

On the ground we have seen Hu Deping, the son of former General Secretary Hu Yaobang and confidant of Presidetn Xi, visiting Japan at the invitation of Foreign Affairs and with approval of the Chinese Communist Party. Later, it was reported that Hu had then met Prime Minister Abe. Commenting on reports of the visit, the Chief Cabinet Secretary Suga had said hat the idea for a visit came from the Chinese side; beyond that he refrained from going into detail about the meeting. --- THAT is EAST ASIAN Dynamic!

Meanwhile the former Prime Minsiter Fukuda had then attended the Boao Forum along with Premier Li Keqiang and State Councilors Yang Jing and Yang Jiechi. Both Fukuda and Li addressed the meeting. Then later at the Western Pacific Naval Symposium in Qingdao, the Admiral of the JMSDF Admiral Kawano Katsushi and PLAN Admiral Wu Shengli, held a 15-20 minute exchange of views. It was a formal sit down meeting, hoped for by the Japanese side.

Then on the same month at the invitation of his Chinese counterparts Tokyo Governor Masuzoe Yoichi visited Beijing, Tokyo's sister-city. He met counterpart the Tokyo Governor Masuzoe Yoichi then also visited Beijing, which is Tokyo's sister city. There he met Wang Anshan and toured the Beijing regional sites. Masuzoe explained that he aimed to improve bilateral ties through city to city diplomacy and that Prime Minister Abe likewise welcomed his visit.

That's a very neat summary of the recent intergovernmental dialogue between the two nations. This just one aspect of the deeper inter-societal interaction in the form of education, tourism, as well as family unions.

I am always of the opinion to be "now-oriented." I am not happy about being held hostage by the past, although past is never truly dead, it just stays dormant somewhere in our psyche, perhaps.

What I am particularly happy about Japan is its non-interference in internal political affairs and a professional friendly attitude of not imposing rules and lifestyles into other's national life, which is in fact what I am most sensitive about. In the regional and (perhaps related to Japan-US relations) global geopolitical context, I notice Japan's interest in Taiwan issue, but still this is manageable by the Mainland. Above anything else, I hold dear sovereignty and non-interference as the highest political virtue, especially after witnessing the carnage in the Middle East-North Africa, as well as elsewhere previously.

This is my starting point when it comes to evaluating China-Japan relations.

On other areas, like the territorial disputes etc. it is normal we would have competition; after all, we recognize each other as nation state on equal standing. I believe, therefore, no issue is unsolvable when thought within the particular framework of China-Japan bilateral relations -- in the absence of foreign intervention.
That's a very neat summary of the recent intergovernmental dialogue between the two nations. This just one aspect of the deeper inter-societal interaction in the form of education, tourism, as well as family unions.

I am always of the opinion to be "now-oriented." I am not happy about being held hostage by the past, although past is never truly dead, it just stays dormant somewhere in our psyche, perhaps.

What I am particularly happy about Japan is its non-interference in internal political affairs and a professional friendly attitude of not imposing rules and lifestyles into other's national life, which is in fact what I am most sensitive about. In the regional and (perhaps related to Japan-US relations) global geopolitical context, I notice Japan's interest in Taiwan issue, but still this is manageable by the Mainland. Above anything else, I hold dear sovereignty and non-interference as the highest political virtue, especially after witnessing the carnage in the Middle East-North Africa, as well as elsewhere previously.

This is my starting point when it comes to evaluating China-Japan relations.

On other areas, like the territorial disputes etc. it is normal we would have competition; after all, we recognize each other as nation state on equal standing. I believe, therefore, no issue is unsolvable when thought within the particular framework of China-Japan bilateral relations -- in the absence of foreign intervention.

As a Chinese saying goes, "a wise man changes as time and circumstances change." There needs to be keeping in pace with the changing circumstances and evolving times. One cannot live in the 21st century with outdated thinking from the age of the Cold War and zero-sum game. As progressive minded folks we have to believe and work on to necessarily advocate for common, comprehensive, cooperative and sustainable security in Asia. Chinese President Xi Jinping had alluded to this by proposing the paradigm of security being universal, security being equal, security being inclusive and how comprehensive security for the region requires the upholding in both traditional and non-traditional fields of context. I believe that Xi Jinping's calls for a cooperative and inclusive security relationship for Northeast Asia can be complementary with Japan's Proactive Peace Initiative. In fact the new security legislation passed by the Japanese Government this past summer has in it a special impetus for cooperation with China in maritime security, fisheries, and in the equation the direct military-to-military communication channel that shall be used to defuse contingency-prone issues such as North Korean threat or even to misunderstood maritime ship interdiction.

On other areas, like the territorial disputes etc. it is normal we would have competition; after all, we recognize each other as nation state on equal standing. I believe, therefore, no issue is unsolvable when thought within the particular framework of China-Japan bilateral relations -- in the absence of foreign intervention.


That's a very neat summary of the recent intergovernmental dialogue between the two nations. This just one aspect of the deeper inter-societal interaction in the form of education, tourism, as well as family unions.

I am always of the opinion to be "now-oriented." I am not happy about being held hostage by the past, although past is never truly dead, it just stays dormant somewhere in our psyche, perhaps.

What I am particularly happy about Japan is its non-interference in internal political affairs and a professional friendly attitude of not imposing rules and lifestyles into other's national life, which is in fact what I am most sensitive about. In the regional and (perhaps related to Japan-US relations) global geopolitical context, I notice Japan's interest in Taiwan issue, but still this is manageable by the Mainland. Above anything else, I hold dear sovereignty and non-interference as the highest political virtue, especially after witnessing the carnage in the Middle East-North Africa, as well as elsewhere previously.

This is my starting point when it comes to evaluating China-Japan relations.

On other areas, like the territorial disputes etc. it is normal we would have competition; after all, we recognize each other as nation state on equal standing. I believe, therefore, no issue is unsolvable when thought within the particular framework of China-Japan bilateral relations -- in the absence of foreign intervention.
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