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Agni V Discussions

I don't know whether any one has observed it, that A-5 can hit Mecca and Medina. Even though Mecca was just on the very edge of Agni-III's range, Agni-V can easily cover the entire middle-east.
There are many Islamists in Pakistan who keep advocating nuclear annihilation of 'Hindu India', who are unconcerned about the retaliatory destruction of their own country. Their contention is that Indian civilization will be finished, even if it means Pakistan is destroyed, Islam will survive. I wonder how they will react if they knew that couple of nuclear MIRV'ed A-5's will be pointing at Mecca and Medina.
This kind of response has been advocated by a few ultra-conservative American's and Israeli's too before, to any jihadi terrorist attacks involving nuclear weapons, in future.

I wonder how most Muslims would think if India announce that it is targets Mecca and Medina. Does India regard any war with Pakistan as a holy war that require it to wipe out major religious shrines of another faith?
I don't know whether any one has observed it, that A-5 can hit Mecca and Medina. Even though Mecca was just on the very edge of Agni-III's range, Agni-V can easily cover the entire middle-east.
There are many Islamists in Pakistan who keep advocating nuclear annihilation of 'Hindu India', who are unconcerned about the retaliatory destruction of their own country. Their contention is that Indian civilization will be finished, even if it means Pakistan is destroyed, Islam will survive. I wonder how they will react if they knew that couple of nuclear MIRV'ed A-5's will be pointing at Mecca and Medina.
This kind of response has been advocated by a few ultra-conservative American's and Israeli's too before, to any jihadi terrorist attacks involving nuclear weapons, in future.

Respectfully there was no need for this post...No ones talking about clash of religions/civilizations. Only lunatics and fanatics rant this BS and i hope you are not one. Plus India also proud has Islamic citizens , what about them ? Tomorrow if someone says we will take out Golden temple OR Amarnath ..what will you say ?

Further you have just invited trolls to this thread ...when finally some good discussions were going on after endless trolling !
I wonder how most Muslims would think if India announce that it is targets Mecca and Medina. Does India regard any war with Pakistan as a holy war that require it to wipe out major religious shrines of another faith?

That is as much India's policy as Sinochallenger's rants are Chinese policy.
I wonder how most Muslims would think if India announce that it is targets Mecca and Medina. Does India regard any war with Pakistan as a holy war that require it to wipe out major religious shrines of another faith?

I don't think India will make an official announcement of it, if in case it actually puts Mecca in the list of target locations.
For the second part, NO, India doesn't see any conflict/war in religious perspective. But Pakistan does. Does ghazwa-e-Hind ring a bell? There is an influential Islamist fringe in Pakistan who actively adocates nuking India. Pakistan even calls it nuclear devices as the 'Islamic Bomb'. Nuclear blackmail and talking about nukes at a drop of a hat has been Pakistan's policy since they went nuclear. Remember Kargil, when Musharrafs men had started assembling the nuclear devices, even though the conflict was a very localised one. India will need an effective counter-strategy to this kind of suicidal, religiously motivated individuals/groups and targeting their places of religious importance could be one of them. I'm not advocating that it should be done, but A-5 does open one more possibility/capability.
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Actually A5's speed is 24 Mach
I think it might be a mistake. Mach 24 is too fast...i don't think anybody has crossed Mach 20. I heard US doing some testing at Mach 20 but no missile at that speed yet. Normally the fastest missile is Mach 12 and i think i heard of Mach 15 also but thats it. (Correct me if i am wrong & don't use Agni series as example).
Looks like this is the fastest growing thread in the forum

I think it might be a mistake. Mach 24 is too fast...i don't think anybody has crossed Mach 20. I heard US doing some testing at Mach 20 but no missile at that speed yet. Normally the fastest missile is Mach 12 and i think i heard of Mach 15 also but thats it. (Correct me if i am wrong & don't use Agni series as example).

I have seen many news reports mentioning a velocity of 6000 to 7000 m/sec.

That amounts to Mach 17 to Mach 20.
Guys, canister-based launch from a road mobile vehicle early next year. L&T or Tata built the road mobile canister launcher. They will start the ejection tests from June.

The Hindu : News / National : Agni-V trials in final configuration to begin early next year

Agni-V trials in final configuration to begin early next year

Y. Mallikarjun

The next step is to provide canister-launch capability, says DRDO

The first of the six flight trials of India' longest range ballistic missile, Agni-V, in its final quick-reaction configuration, providing a canister-launch capability, will be held in early 2013.

While in Thursday's successful maiden flight, the three-stage missile blasted off from a rail mobile launcher at Wheeler Island, the Defence Research and Development Organisation (DRDO) has already made a lot of progress to meet the Army's requirement to provide a canister-based launch from a road mobile vehicle.

With the mission validating the design of Agni-V, the next step is to provide the canister-launch capability, Avinash Chander Chief Controller, R&D, (Missiles and Strategic Systems), DRDO, told The Hindu. Pointing out that canister-launch capability was already demonstrated for 700 km range Shourya missile and BrahMos cruise missile, he said “those technologies will get up-scaled.”

“With canister, you can virtually stop and launch.” Operational flexibility would increase multi-fold, reducing the reaction time, he added.

Missile ejection tests

Mr. Chander said the DRDO had set up a facility for “missile ejection tests” at Shamirpet near Hyderabad, for carrying out a canister-launch simulation by placing a dummy missile. The first road mobile launcher being produced by the private industry would be ready next month and the missile ejections tests would begin from June.

With the Agni-V missile scheduled to be inducted into the Army in the next few years, he said, six flight tests, including three pre-induction trials, would be conducted.


V.G. Sekaran, Director, Advanced Systems Laboratory (ASL), which designed and developed the missile, said Agni-V would be the workhorse in the years to come.

Referring to the successful launch, he said this was the first time that the maiden flight took place within three years of starting the design for any missile of the DRDO.

The ASL had developed the solid propulsion system, including the composite rocket motor casings for the second and third stages and the carbon-carbon composite heat shields for the missile's re-entry vehicle.

Stating that the DRDO would develop “intelligent” and “manoeuvring” warheads for futuristic missiles, Mr. Chander said: “You have to upgrade weapons. We can't afford to relax.”

The intelligent warheads would be capable of assessing the risk while in flight and take evasive counter-measures.

“Those are warheads of tomorrow and the work has to start today.”

The Hindu : News / National : Agni-V trials in final configuration to begin early next year
As far as the accuracy of Agni-V is concerned, we have the statement of Dr Saraswat -

Saraswat said Agni-V has used a completely indigenous and high precision missile guidance system with "0.001 degrees of per hour accuracy."

India all set to develop reusable rockets: DRDO - India News - IBNLive

So the accuracy at range 5000 km with 20 min flight time is about 25 meters.

For range 10,000 km the flight time would be 12.5 minutes more (assuming a speed of about 7000 km/sec). At that range the accuracy would be somewhat better than 50 meters.
I have seen many news reports mentioning a velocity of 6000 to 7000 m/sec.

That amounts to Mach 17 to Mach 20.
Really....Russia's latest ICBM has the speed of Mach 13+ (RS-24 Yars) and because of its speed its causing global fear although it has failed few tests. Trident 2 as per some people can reach Mach 17 and people here are talking about A5 having speed of Mach 24. It looks stupid, unless its official then its fine, infact then its time for celebration. But right now the only sources are wiki and some untrustworthy newspapers.
Really....Russia's latest ICBM has the speed of Mach 13+ (RS-24 Yars) and because of its speed its causing global fear although it has failed few tests. Trident 2 as per some people can reach Mach 17 and people here are talking about A5 having speed of Mach 24. It looks stupid, unless its official then its fine, infact then its time for celebration. But right now the only sources are wiki and some untrustworthy newspapers.

As regards speed I haven't been able to find a direct quote in the media from a credible, named DRDO source.

So yes, it may be better to wait for some concrete data. But the reported 6000 - 7000 m/sec (Mach 17 to 20) is not an unfeasible mid-flight speed.
A5 is one of the world's most advance missiles. And I am sure in Asia no one possess such high degree of accuracy in missiles as of now.
But China does have technology to do so.

I was just wondering,
what would be the range and accuracy of A5 with 750kg warhead?
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